The Martian Chronicles: Why My Neighbor's Rocket is Bigger than Mine
…We're tiny specks on a tiny speck, floating in a vast cosmic ocean. We've got the tech to start anew, but we're stuck in the old ways. Maybe instead of building higher walls or bigger cock rockets, we should work on expanding our consciousness. On understanding that no one here is worse, none are better... we're all equal to. Because, dear readers, at the end of the day, what's the point of conquering new worlds if we can't conquer our own need to be 'better' than someone else?
The Martian Ego.
Hello Earthlings and Martians alike!
Today, we bring you a tale from the Red Planet, where the dust is redder, the sky is stranger, but the people... oh, they're just the same.
So, here I am, a new Martian. I left Earth thinking I'd escape the rat race, but guess what? The rats have spaceships now! And they're racing on Mars. You see, I thought technology would be our savior. We've got AI that can cook, clean, and practically do a backflip. But can it teach Mr. Zog from the next crater how to not flaunt his new anti-gravity boots? Nope.Then there's me, trying to meditate under the two suns (yes, Mars has two suns now, didn't you get the memo?). But how can one find inner peace when every five minutes there's a commercial rocket zooming past telling me to purchase the latest mind thought download via the amaz-mars-tesl-probe droids, greatly disturbing my chakras!
We've got it all here – Martian malls, zero-gravity exercise, interplanetary internet. But guess what's also tagging along from Earth? Egos. Big, giant, space-helmet-sized egos.
I overheard a conversation the other day. One ego filled “Martian” was bragging about his new solar-powered mansion that's apparently visible from Earth. I mean, why stop at the Joneses when you can make the whole Earth jealous, right? And that's when it hit me. We're out here, millions of miles from home, trying to be 'better' than the next person or even wayyyyy better than those “Earthlings” back on home planet 1.0.
But why?
We're tiny specks on a tiny speck, floating in a vast cosmic ocean. We've got the tech to start anew, but we're stuck in the old ways. Maybe instead of building higher walls or bigger cock rockets, we should work on expanding our consciousness. On understanding that no one here is worse, none are better... we're all equal to. Because, dear readers, at the end of the day, what's the point of conquering new worlds if we can't conquer our own need to be 'better' than someone else?
So, let's put aside those age-old agendas. Instead of looking at the next big thing, let's see each other. Because if we don't, we might just end up being a bunch of technologically advanced, spiritually bankrupt heading towards extinction Martians. And that certainly isn’t “new” or “cutting edge” tech and who wants that? So maybe the big tech is the tech you have inside you right now WAITING to be updated…..and imagine not updating that software for 10-20-30-40-50-60 years? Talk about a security hazard!!!
Want to get to know the greatest tech ever….the tech inside of you?
Then start your Apex Life in Synergy Journey NOW. Maybe the more “Earthlings” we get to understand themselves on Earth, the less vacant, lost and repetitive destructive subconscious energies will be “imported” to our future homes out in space.
Helena and Brian
2024 New Year, New You: Embracing Your Unique Path with Apex Life in Synergy
As the New Year unfolds, it's a time for reflection, for setting goals, and, most importantly, for embracing our true selves. You've been labeled as 'different,' 'weird,' or 'odd.' You've felt the sting of being ostracized…..But here's the thing: it's your unique path that makes you extra-ordinary. In a world that often tries to fit us into boxes, standing out can be a superpower. Your perspectives, your dreams, and your journey are yours alone. This year, let's turn these so-called 'weaknesses' into our greatest strengths.
Finding Strength in Your Uniqueness
As the New Year unfolds, it's a time for reflection, for setting goals, and, most importantly, for embracing our true selves. You've been labeled as 'different,' 'weird,' or 'odd.' You've felt the sting of being ostracized. But here's the thing: it's your unique path that makes you extra-ordinary. In a world that often tries to fit us into boxes, standing out can be a superpower. Your perspectives, your dreams, and your journey are yours alone. This year, let's turn these so-called 'weaknesses' into our greatest strengths.
Apex Life in Synergy: A Companion for the Unconventional
In this spirit of embracing our uniqueness, Helena Collins Apex Life in Synergy emerges as more than just a wellness product. It's a companion for those who walk the road less traveled. Designed for the outliers, the dreamers, and the rebels, Apex Life in Synergy aligns with your distinct lifestyle. This product isn't just about physical well-being; it's about a holistic approach to life itself. It's for those who understand that true wellness is a blend of all minds, bodies, and souls. Apex Life in Synergy is crafted to resonate with your innermost being, enhancing your journey towards self-improvement and spiritual growth. Whether you're setting resolutions to improve your health, seeking mental clarity, or pursuing spiritual depth, Apex Life in Synergy adapts to your pace. It's not about conforming; it's about growing in the way that's right for you. As you embark on this journey with Apex Life in Synergy, you're not alone. You're part of a community that values individuality and personal growth. Together, we celebrate our differences and encourage each other to shine in our unique ways.
Make This Year Yours
So, to you — the one who's felt like an outsider, the one who's been misunderstood — this is your time. Make this year about embracing who you are, about thriving in your uniqueness. With Apex Life in Synergy by your side, step boldly into a year of transformation and fulfillment.
Helena and Brian ( also outsiders)
The Illusion of 'Being First': Embracing a More Enlightened Approach to Success
.. The desire to be first, to have the most, and to stand above others, is frequently seen as a symbol of strength and success. However, this pursuit can be a sign of underlying weakness, a lack of inner balance, and a disconnection from a more enlightened state of being.
Stepping on others to be first, shows the world that you are truly last.
In today's fast-paced world, where the race to be first often eclipses the journey itself, we need to pause and reflect on what truly matters.
The desire to be first, to have the most, and to stand above others, is frequently seen as a symbol of strength and success. However, this pursuit can be a sign of underlying weakness, a lack of inner balance, and a disconnection from a more enlightened state of being.
The race to be first is deeply rooted in material success - the most money, the biggest house, the latest gadgets. It's a race that never ends, as there is always something newer, bigger, or better. But is this a true measure of success? Material possessions are fleeting. They bring temporary happiness, but they cannot fill the void of spiritual emptiness. In this context, the need to be first is not a strength but a reflection of inner insecurity and a craving for external validation.
True strength lies in contentment and inner peace. It's not about having all the toys but finding joy and fulfillment in what we have. This doesn't mean abandoning ambition or not striving for improvement. Instead, it's about recognizing that our worth isn't defined by our possessions or our position in a societal race. When we detach from the need to be first, we open ourselves to a more profound sense of happiness. We start valuing experiences over possessions, relationships over rankings, and personal growth over public recognition.
The pursuit of being first often leads to a solitary journey, where the focus is on individual achievement at the expense of collective well-being. But what if we shifted this perspective? What if success was measured by how much we contribute to the happiness and growth of others? Imagine a world where our goals are not about having more than our neighbors but ensuring that everyone has enough. This shift in mindset fosters a sense of community, empathy, and mutual support. It's not about diminishing personal success but about redefining it in a way that benefits all.
Enlightenment is about transcending the material race and finding a deeper, more meaningful connection with the universe. It's about understanding that our true essence is not defined by what we have but by who we are and how we impact the world. To be enlightened is to see beyond the superficial markers of success. It's to recognize that our true strength lies in our ability to uplift others, to share our blessings, and to live in harmony with the world around us.
In conclusion, the need to be first and have the most is a sign of weakness, not strength. True strength comes from inner balance, contentment, and a desire for collective well-being. As we strive for personal growth and enlightenment, let's redefine success in a way that nurtures not just ourselves but the world around us. Let's celebrate not what we have individually, but what we can achieve and share together.
A big heaping of word food for mind hunger, dont ya’ think?
Helena and Brian
The Road Not Seen: Learning from Our Ego's Missteps
Have you ever approached a teacher or a mentor, seeking guidance, only to let your ego convince you that you knew better?
It's a peculiar twist, isn't it? We seek out someone for their wisdom, and then, at the pivotal moment, our pride blinds us. This is a story not just about a wrong turn but about the humbling lessons that follow. Picture this: you're standing at a crossroads in your life. You know you need guidance, so you seek out a teacher……
The wild buffalo of balance ©2023 Life in Synergy®
Hello there, friends.
Have you ever approached a teacher or a mentor, seeking guidance, only to let your ego convince you that you knew better?
It's a peculiar twist, isn't it? We seek out someone for their wisdom, and then, at the pivotal moment, our pride blinds us. This is a story not just about a wrong turn but about the humbling lessons that follow. Picture this: you're standing at a crossroads in your life. You know you need guidance, so you seek out a teacher. But as they begin to share their wisdom, a voice inside you whispers, “You know better.” This is where the journey takes an unexpected turn. The moment we tell our teacher, "I know more," we embark on a path led by ego. It seems right, fueled by a sense of self-assuredness. But soon, this path reveals its true nature – a labyrinth of repetitive patterns and missed wisdom. The wrong turn wasn't just a stray path; it was a mirror showing us the complexities of our own pride. Realizing the folly, we often then retreat to seek answers alone, jumping from book to book, philosophy to philosophy. Each book, each idea, feels like a step towards redemption, a way to fill the gaps we created. But the real answer isn't in the pages; it's in the unspoken dialogue between our ego and humility.
Revisiting the Teacher
There's profound power in revisiting that moment of prideful assertion.
What if admitting "I thought I knew more" is the first step towards truly understanding the bigger picture? This humbling return to the teacher – be it a person, a moment, or an experience – is where true learning resumes. The integration of this lesson is a dance of humility and wisdom. It's recognizing that our journey is enriched not just by the knowledge we seek from a mentor but also by understanding the limits of what we know. It's a delicate balance between seeking guidance and valuing the wisdom we already possess. Armed with this new understanding, our journey takes a more open-hearted turn. We still seek knowledge, but with an awareness of our own fallibility. Each step, each 'mistake', becomes a valuable chapter in our book of life, teaching us about humility, wisdom, and the beauty of lifelong learning.
In the end, our wrong turn – telling a teacher we knew more – becomes a critical point of growth. It's a chance for a lesson in humility, in the value of guidance, and in the power of admitting our missteps. Our paths are not just about the knowledge we gain but also about the wisdom we discover in our own vulnerabilities.
Today, think back to a moment when your ego led the way.
What did this experience teach you? Remember, the most profound lessons often come from acknowledging our misjudgments and embracing the journey back to humility and learning that leads back to the teacher that we thought we knew more. We always would joke at our multi award winning wellness studio on Boston’s Newbury street with this statement when clients entered the “ I know”….” I have no idea what you are talking about, but I know more about it than you”.
Helena and Brian Collins Best of Boston Winners and lifelong spiritual teachers to countless individuals and businesses
The endless March of time: Cultivating Positive Energies with Apex Life in Synergy and EFV Keys
In the relentless march of time, we witness the resurgence of tumultuous unresolved energies from the past, manifesting as global unrest and calamities ( once again).
It’s a phenomenon that reveals the critical need for a vigilant collective consciousness—one that is attuned to the rhythms of the universe and the inner call for balance.
In the relentless march of time, we witness the resurgence of tumultuous unresolved energies from the past, manifesting as global unrest and calamities ( once again).
It’s a phenomenon that reveals the critical need for a vigilant collective consciousness—one that is attuned to the rhythms of the universe and the inner call for balance.
This is where the transformative power of multi award winning wellness and fitness Master Helena Collins Apex Life in Synergy Wellness Program and retired healer Brian Collins EFV (Energy, Frequency, Vibration) Keys come into play.
Helena Collins 2x Best of Boston Winner
The Apex Life in Synergy Wellness Program stands as a bastion against the cyclical nature of negative energies. This innovative program created by multi award winning Fitness/Wellness Master Helena Collins is designed to synchronize the individual's journey towards self-improvement with the collective need for a higher vibration. Apex Life in Synergy is a holistic approach that addresses the 3 unique energies/aspects of the mind, body, and spirit, recognizing that true wellness is the product of their harmonious interactions with life itself. Through Helena Collins Apex Life in Synergy program, individuals are encouraged to delve into practices that foster inner peace and external harmony. It is a guide to transcending the bounds of the ego and connecting with the greater tapestry of life. The program emphasizes and instucts in depth lessons on the importance of emotional, physical and spiritual health by utilizing Helena Collins best of Boston winning knowledge, which then directly contributes to the collective vibration that we radiate into the world as a student progresses in the Apex Life in Synergy program.
Brian Collins Best of Boston winner Training in Hong Kong (1996)
On the other hand, Brian Collins EFV Keys offer an exploration into the quintessential elements of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration that make up the very fabric of existence. These keys unlock the understanding of how our individual energies impact the greater whole. By studying these principles, one learns to master the art of energy manipulation—not in the sense of control, but rather in the artful dance of creation and positivity. These EFV Keys provide practical knowledge and tools ( Etheric energy production, thought assignment, inner sight, etc)that enable individuals to elevate their vibrational frequency. By doing so, they contribute to a buffer of positivity that can effectively counterbalance the remnants of old, disruptive energies that threaten global harmony.
Incorporating the insights and practices from both the Apex Life in Synergy Program and EFV Keys into daily life has profound implications.
They act as catalysts for the enhancement of collective conscious power, guiding us to place the darker energies in check and letting the light of ascension shine forth. As these programs foster a collective awakening, they plant the seeds of hope, nurturing a fertile ground from which future generations can harvest peace and enlightenment.
Thus, in the face of time's relentless flow, it becomes a shared mission to adopt such empowering programs and make them a part of our universal quest for growth. Helena Collins Apex Life in Synergy and EFV Keys are more than just online programs—they are blueprints for building a resilient, spiritually synergistic world where every thought, word, and action shapes the destiny of all sentient beings towards ascension and harmony.
The clock is ticking, care to become part of the solution?
Helena and Brian
Embracing a New Horizon: A Personal Declaration of Compassionate Detachment
a familiar serenity washes over me. It's the calm before the storm of revelation, a moment that always prefaces the pivotal decisions in my life. My love Helena, the only one who has walked with me through countless musings and has stood by my side as I've grappled with the weight of the world, will understand the gravity of what I'm about to share.
A Life in Synergy® starts within.
As I sit to transpose the whirlwind of thoughts into structured sentences,
a familiar serenity washes over me. It's the calm before the storm of revelation, a moment that always prefaces the pivotal decisions in my life. My love Helena, the only one who has walked with me through countless musings and has stood by my side as I've grappled with the weight of the world, will understand the gravity of what I'm about to share.
The truth is, I've arrived at an understanding, a pivotal shift in my journey.
There comes a time when the mantle we choose to carry becomes too heavy, not for the lack of strength, but for the enlightenment of the soul. The mantle I speak of is the unspoken vow I took upon myself to step into the arena of every battle, to take on all issues that the Earth presents with open arms and a willing heart. For years, I’ve let the global consciousness guide my actions, feeling the pain of every tree felled, the sorrow in every act of unkindness, the despair in each story of injustice. My days have been a reflection of the world’s chaos, a microcosm of the larger tapestry of human experience. I endeavored to be a healer, a beacon of light, to take on the suffering and transform it within the crucible of my spirit.
But here's the unvarnished truth – one soul cannot and should not bear the brunt of all worldly woes.
This is not an epiphany born out of exhaustion or despair, but out of profound love and respect for the collective journey of humanity and the individual path I walk. I am stepping back, not out of the fight, but into a different stance. I am not abdicating my role as a participant in this global village, nor am I suggesting that I will turn a blind eye to the suffering and challenges that permeate our existence. Instead, I am choosing to engage with these challenges with a renewed perspective — one of compassionate detachment.
Compassionate detachment is not about indifference or passivity; it’s about engaging with the world judiciously, acknowledging that I am but one thread in the intricate tapestry of existence. It's about realizing that I can be of greater service by uplifting my own spirit and in turn, creating ripples of positive energy that have the potential to inspire change in others.
I will continue to stand for what I believe in, to extend a hand where I can make a difference, and to lend my voice to causes that resonate with the truth of my heart. But I will do so with the understanding that I am part of a greater whole, that every individual has their part to play, and that the evolution of our collective consciousness requires each one of us to be whole within ourselves first. In this new chapter, I will focus on empowering myself and others to become agents of change within their own realms. By doing so, I can contribute to a world where the burdens are shared, and the responsibilities are shouldered not by a single individual, but by a community of souls working in synergy.
To my dear companions on this journey, let’s not see this as stepping back, but rather as stepping up — into greater self-awareness, into a more sustainable form of engagement, and into a deeper trust in the flow of life and the collective power we hold when each of us stands strong in our own light. Until next time, let's walk each other home with gentle steps and open hearts, ever committed to the good that we can do, not just the good that we wish we could do.
With a heart full of love and a soul re-ignited by purpose,
Brian Collins
The Futility of Passive Consumption: Why Just Reading a Blog Isn't Enough
Discover why just reading a blog doesnt amount to shit if you want real change on Earth.
In the age of information, blogs have become a ubiquitous source of knowledge, inspiration, and entertainment.
They offer insights on everything from cooking and travel to spirituality and self-improvement. However, the act of merely reading a blog and doing nothing else is akin to window shopping at a bookstore—you admire the covers but never delve into the content. This passive consumption may feel fulfilling in the moment, but it does little to contribute to the blog's mission or your own personal growth.
The Illusion of Productivity
Reading a blog can give you the illusion of productivity. You may feel like you're gaining new insights or becoming more informed. However, this is a passive form of engagement that doesn't require you to apply what you've learned or contribute to a larger cause. It's like reading a self-help book and never implementing its advice—you gain theoretical knowledge but make no practical changes.
The Dunning-Kruger Effect
The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias where people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. When you read a blog and feel like an expert without putting any of the knowledge into practice, you're falling into this trap. You think you know more than you actually do, and this false sense of competence can be detrimental.
The Importance of Active Engagement
Active engagement means not just consuming the content but also interacting with it and applying it in real life. This could be as simple as sharing the blog post on social media to spread its message, or as complex as starting a community project based on the insights gained. Active engagement benefits both the reader and the blog's mission, creating a synergistic relationship that enriches the community as a whole.
The Karmic Perspective or the repeat of “Why should I help them?”
From a spiritual standpoint, the act of merely reading without contributing is a missed opportunity to generate positive karma. By actively engaging, you're putting positive energy into the universe, which not only benefits you but also helps to fulfill the blog's mission of spreading knowledge or awareness to ALL on Earth.
While blogs are a valuable resource for information and inspiration, passive consumption of their content is a futile exercise. To truly benefit from a blog and contribute to its mission, active engagement is crucial. Whether it's by applying the knowledge gained, sharing the content, or starting a dialogue, taking that extra step can make all the difference.
After all, knowledge is power, but only when it's put into action, again and again and again…..
Helena and Brian
Climate Change & The New Roommates: Why Humans Have To Stop The Feud & Cuddle Up
….And when I say "hot," I mean, come on, we're talking about the Earth running a fever here. But here's a twist: How is this planetary fever affecting the size of our "living room," and why might you end up bunking with someone you can't stand? 🌍🔥
ALL Life in Synergy can begin with you raising your consciousness.
Hello, Earthlings! Today, we're diving into the hot topic of climate change.
And when I say "hot," I mean, come on, we're talking about the Earth running a fever here. But here's a twist: How is this planetary fever affecting the size of our "living room," and why might you end up bunking with someone you can't stand? 🌍🔥
The Great Shrinkage
Once upon a time, the Earth had lots of space. Vast deserts, sprawling forests, endless oceans—so much room for activities! But thanks to our stubbornness and love for fossil fuels, we've been cranking up the thermostat year by year, melting ice caps and raising sea levels. Essentially, we're turning Earth into a cozy (read: uncomfortably warm) studio apartment.
Sure, a studio apartment sounds cute and chic, until you realize there's no room for your extra stuff. Say goodbye to the endless rows of cornfields in the Midwest and say hello to beachfront property in, well, everywhere that used to be far away from the beach. 🏖️
No Room for Hate: Get Over It, Or Get Wet
Alright, so now that we've got less room to move around, we've got to make some new arrangements. There’s going to be a bit of a domino effect. People from coastal regions will have to move inward. Folks from desert areas that become uninhabitable will also have to pack up. And no, calling "dibs" on a spot isn’t going to work this time.
Here's the kicker: you can't pick your new neighbors. Given how humans are historically great at bickering over differences—be it race, religion, politics—you might end up sharing your 'newly downsized Earth' with someone you disagree with. But hey, unless you’re willing to relocate to Mars with Elon Musk, you might have to drop the 'tude and learn to live in harmony.
From Social Distancing to Social... Closening?
Remember the social distancing we practiced for health safety? Well, that was fun while it lasted. Now we’re going to have to master the art of "social closening." Yes, I just coined that. You're welcome.
In this teeny tiny world of the future, privacy will be as rare as a climate change denier at a Greta Thunberg rally. It's time to put on our big-kid pants and learn some conflict resolution. If global warming is teaching us anything, it's that we really are all in this together. Yes, even with Karen from accounting who still doesn't believe in recycling. 🙄
The Karma of Climate Change: A Spiritual Wake-Up Call?
If you're into the spiritual side of things (ahem, you know who you are), think about this as the ultimate karmic challenge. The Earth is pretty much saying, "Hey, you messed up my Feng Shui, now deal with the consequences." Maybe it’s time for some collective soul-searching.
In closing, let's consider climate change as our universal roommate agreement gone awry. Earth has tolerated our loud parties, our waste, and our general lack of courtesy for far too long. Now, as we scramble for the remaining good spots, maybe—just maybe—we’ll learn to appreciate our roomie and treat her right.
So, in the spirit of keeping Earth hospitable (or at least livable), let’s put our petty differences aside and snuggle up. We don't have to love each other, but we do have to live with each other.
Until next time, Earth-mates. 🌏✌️
Helena and Brian
Ch ch ch changes
Enough said.
Choice is the key. Do you choose to live in a world of racism, hate, sexism and fear? No? Then unlock new understandings about the energy all around you today and discover how YOU CAN aid in shifting the entire planet.
Sitting on the dock of the mind, watching the tides of time flow…
So it has been a bit since our last post…
Why? Well sometimes you have to sit and watch vs add ( or subtract from it all). So we have been …yup, sitting and watching in order to allow the snow globe to settle and not tap into other cross dimensional forces. So, after doing so…here is our latest blog.
Hey there, metaphysical mavens!
Buckle up and put on your multiverse mittens; we're diving into the wild and woolly world of the multiverse and how actions ripple across all dimensions.
The Marvelous Magical Multiverse: A Not-So-Made-Up Story
Once upon a time in a universe (or two, or three, or a gazillion), there were many dimensions, all jiving and jiggling next to each other like cosmic Jell-O. In this realm of endless possibilities, something as simple as choosing oatmeal over pancakes for breakfast can lead to a ripple effect of galactic proportions. Seriously, pass the syrup, please!
What do you think of my multiverse? Multiverse? What's That?
For those who think the term 'multiverse' sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi flick, you might be onto something. But hang on! Before you dismiss it as 'woo woo,' let's get into the nitty-gritty. The multiverse concept proposes that our universe is but one of many. Picture this: Each universe is a slice of bread, and all together, they make a cosmic sandwich. Delicious, right? Well, maybe not tasty, but certainly intriguing.
Its not me its, you: Action and Reaction in All Dimensions
Okay, now let's talk about how actions in one universe can create changes across others. Remember when you were a kid, and you'd jump on one end of the bed, making your sibling bounce on the other end? The multiverse is like that, only a tad more complex (and less likely to end with someone crying).Imagine you decide to meditate instead of binge-watching that new TV series. That simple choice reverberates across the cosmos like a spiritual tsunami, possibly leading to higher consciousness in Universe B, C, and even Z.
“Out there” Metaphysical Practices: Not Just Woo Woo!
Now, I hear you skeptics out there whispering, "Metaphysical practices? Sounds like hippie mumbo-jumbo to me." But hold your horses, my doubtful friend!Metaphysical practices, from meditation to energy healing, are as real as your favorite pair of jeans. And just like those jeans might be working against you after a heavy meal, the notion that these practices are 'woo woo' is used to slow down many folks' spiritual evolution. Tricky, isn't it? Our thoughts and intentions have power; they're not just fleeting whimsies that disappear like a magician's rabbit. They shape our lives, our dimensions, and perhaps even the multiverse itself.
Wrap it up already will ya?: Multiverse Mirth and Mastery
So, whether you're new to the multiverse party or a seasoned metaphysical maestro, remember that your actions, thoughts, and choices matter. They might just cause a cosmic cha-cha across all dimensions! And for those still thinking this is all 'woo woo,' maybe consider that the universe where that's true is not the one you're in right now. Pass the oatmeal; I have some dimensions to shift.
With love, light, and a sprinkling of multiverse magic, [Your Best Cosmic Buddies…Helena and Brian]
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