What Happens After We Die? Rediscovering the Heaven Within

Explore what happens after we die and why most people never truly live. Learn how to create heaven on earth through mindfulness and the transformative Apex Life in Synergy program by Helena Collins.

The question of what happens after we die is one of the most profound and frequently asked questions in human history.

It taps into our deepest fears, hopes, and curiosities about the nature of existence and what lies beyond our physical lives. Many religious and spiritual traditions suggest that afterlife is a time of reward or punishment based on how we lived our lives on Earth. However, in this contemplation, we often overlook a crucial aspect: most of us never truly live in the first place.

The Ol’ Illusion of Deferred Reward aka 3 Card spiritual monty

Many people live their lives in anticipation of a heavenly reward, believing that true fulfillment and happiness are reserved for the afterlife. This mindset can lead to a life filled with deferred dreams and suppressed desires, as people endure hardship with the hope of a better existence after death. Many “spiritual teachers” use this concept as a crutch and hide behind sales techniques to keep people “coming back for more”. But what if the true essence of heaven isn't a distant promise, but something that can be experienced here and now? What if a person could bring the energy of some unseen peaceful dimension to the Earth realm through study and practice?

The Heaven Within and Living Fully in the Present

The concept of "heaven on earth" isn't just a poetic phrase; it’s a tangible reality that can be achieved if we shift our focus inward. Living a fulfilling life doesn't require waiting for an afterlife. It begins with an internal transformation, where we embrace the present moment and cultivate joy, peace, and contentment from within. This perspective aligns with many spiritual teachings that emphasize mindfulness and self-awareness as pathways to enlightenment and happiness. To truly live is to be fully present in each moment, to embrace the beauty and challenges of life without constantly yearning for something beyond our reach. This shift in mindset allows us to experience a profound sense of peace and fulfillment, regardless of external circumstances. It’s about finding joy in the journey and appreciating the present moment for what it is.

Helena Collins and the Apex Life in Synergy Program

For those seeking guidance on how to live more fully in the present, Helena CollinsApex Life in Synergy program is an invaluable resource. Recognized with the "Best of Boston" award for her transformative work, Helena offers a comprehensive approach to personal growth and enlightenment. Her program helps individuals unlock their potential and experience life with greater clarity and purpose. You can learn more about her program and its benefits here.

Why Wait for Heaven? Embrace Your Journey Today

Living in the now is about realizing that the heaven we seek is already within us. It requires effort and intentionality to cultivate this awareness, but the rewards are indeed transformative. Instead of postponing happiness for an uncertain future, we can choose to create our own paradise here on earth, enriching our lives and those around us. The journey to a more fulfilling life begins with a single step. By embracing the present moment and making conscious choices, we can transform our lives and create our own version of heaven on earth. Programs like Helena Collins’ Apex Life in Synergy can provide the tools and guidance needed to make this transformation a reality.

Wrap Up

What happens after we die remains a mystery, but what we do with our lives now is within our control. By choosing to live fully and embrace the present moment, we can create a life that feels like heaven on earth. To start your journey towards a more enlightened and fulfilling life, consider exploring the transformative resources available through Helena Collins and her acclaimed program.

Learn more about Helena Collins and her life-changing work at Life in Synergy.

©2024 Life in Synergy Inc.

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Facing spiritual struggles? Find out how Helena Collins Apex Life in Synergy can help you navigate and overcome spiritual challenges for personal growth.

Spiritual struggles are a natural part of the human experience.

They often arise as we question our beliefs, confront life’s challenges, or feel disconnected from our spiritual path. These struggles can be daunting, but they also present an opportunity for profound growth and transformation.nThe Apex Life in Synergy program, views spiritual struggles as a critical component of personal development. Helena Collins, a leading expert in wellness and consciousness, emphasizes that confronting these challenges is essential for true spiritual evolution. Through her program, you’ll learn how to navigate spiritual crises with resilience and grace.

Helena’s approach involves a synergistic blend of introspective practices that she has studied throughout her lifetime of travel and study with a variety of teachers all over the globe, and her personalized guidance through her practical experience of aiding people professionally for 40 years. By addressing the underlying energies of your struggles, the Apex Life in Synergy program can help you emerge stronger and more aligned with your spiritual goals. Helena’s extensive experience ensures that each individual receives the information they need to overcome obstacles and continue on their path with renewed clarity and purpose. Her blog is regularly visited by people from all over the world from countries like: The United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and many more.

Helena Collins Apex Life in Synergy program is the perfect frequency for a world currently out of tune.

Start today

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The Energy of Satisfaction: A Key to Spiritual Fulfillment

Discover the profound impact of the energy of satisfaction on your spiritual journey with Boston’s multi award winning wellness Guru Helena Collins Learn how cultivating inner contentment can enhance your spiritual growth and well-being.

In the whirlwind of daily life “stuff”, we often find ourselves chasing the energy of satisfaction like a mirage in the desert.

But what if satisfaction was not something to be pursued but something to be cultivated within?

The energy of satisfaction is a profound yet often overlooked aspect of our spiritual journey. It is a subtle but powerful force that can transform our lives from a state of perpetual longing to one of deep contentment and peace. Satisfaction is more than a fleeting emotion; it is a state of being. It is the quiet confidence that arises when we align our actions, thoughts, and feelings with our highest values and deepest truths. In spiritual terms, satisfaction is the resonance of our soul’s harmony with the universe.

When we speak of the energy of satisfaction, we are referring to a vibration that permeates our entire being. This energy is not contingent on external circumstances but is generated from within. It is the essence of knowing that we are exactly where we need to be, doing exactly what we need to do, at this moment in time.

Satisfaction plays a pivotal role in our spiritual pursuits. It acts as a guiding star, leading us toward our true purpose and higher self. Here are a few ways in which the energy of satisfaction influences our spiritual journey:

  1. Grounding and Centering: When we feel satisfied, we are more grounded and centered. This state of balance allows us to connect more deeply with our inner wisdom and intuition. It helps us stay present and mindful, enabling us to navigate life’s challenges with grace and equanimity.

  2. Motivation and Drive: The energy of satisfaction fuels our motivation and drive. When we are satisfied, we are more likely to engage in activities that nourish our soul and contribute to our spiritual growth. This positive reinforcement encourages us to continue on our path with enthusiasm and dedication.

  3. Inner Peace: Satisfaction brings a sense of inner peace. It calms the restless mind and soothes the anxious heart. This peace is the fertile ground in which our spiritual insights and realizations can take root and flourish.

  4. Authenticity and Integrity: Satisfaction is closely linked to living authentically and with integrity. When we honor our true selves and align our actions with our values, we experience a deep sense of satisfaction. This authenticity strengthens our spiritual connection and fosters a sense of wholeness and completeness. This is probably the most important aspect of the inner self, as if you cause suffering or pain in the world you are then seeing YOUR internal true self in action IRL.

  5. Cultivating the energy of satisfaction is a practice that requires mindfulness, intention, and self-awareness. Here are some practical steps to help you nurture this energy in your daily life:


  1. Engage in Meaningful Activities: Engage in activities that resonate with your soul and bring you joy. Whether it’s the Apex Life in Synergy online program, helping others, or spending time in nature, find what fulfills you and make it a regular part of your life.

  2. Mindful Living: Practice mindfulness in your daily activities. Being present and fully engaged in each moment enhances your experience and allows you to savor the simple pleasures of life, fostering a sense of satisfaction.

  3. Self-Compassion: Be kind and compassionate with yourself. Acknowledge your efforts and progress, and avoid self-criticism. Self-compassion nurtures a positive self-image and reinforces the energy of satisfaction.

The energy of satisfaction is a vital component of our spiritual journey. It grounds us, motivates us, and brings us inner peace and authenticity. By cultivating this energy through gratitude, realistic goal-setting, meaningful activities, mindful living, and self-compassion, we can transform our lives and elevate our spiritual pursuits. Remember, satisfaction is not a destination but a way of being. It is the quiet, steady hum of a life lived in alignment with our true self. Embrace this energy, and let it guide you on your path to spiritual fulfillment.

Helena and Brian Collins-Boston

Life in Synergy®

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The Pitfalls of Never Feeling Loved and Uncertainty's Power to Freeze

Explore the pitfalls of never feeling loved and the power of uncertainty to freeze internal guidance. Learn how to cultivate self-love, seek support, and practice mindfulness to overcome these challenges and foster personal growth.

The feelings of never being loved and the uncertainty it brings can paralyze our inner guidance.

These experiences can significantly impact our emotional and spiritual well-being. This Life in Synergy® blog explores these pitfalls and offers insights on how to navigate them. The impact of Never feeling loved can echo on and be passed on from generation to generation and thus continue the pattern like a virus seeking a new host. Feeling unloved by parents, in relationships, with friends, etc., can have deep and lasting effects on our self-esteem and emotional health. This pattern of neglect can alter a persons perception of not only themselves but the energy of the external world as well throughout a entire lifetime. Self-Worth: Constantly feeling unloved can erode our sense of self-worth and lead to negative self-perceptions and the unchecked desire to spread our internal discontent outwards to others. Emotional Isolation: This feeling can isolate us emotionally, making it difficult to form meaningful, truthful connections with others.

It's important to recognize and address these feelings to foster healing and growth. 🌳

Self-Love: Cultivating self-love and compassion is crucial in overcoming feelings of being unloved. Engaging in self-care can help rebuild our self-worth, but acknowledgement of the answer when it arrives is crucial to release and repair. Seeking Support: Reaching out to supportive friends, family, spiritual guides or a therapist can provide the emotional support needed to overcome these feelings.

Uncertainty can be a powerful force that freezes our internal guidance, preventing us from making decisions and moving forward.

  • Paralysis by over Analysis: Overthinking and worrying about the unknown can lead to inaction and stagnation ( repetitition).

  • Fear of the Unknown: The fear of what lies ahead can paralyze our decision-making process and hinder our progress.

Learning to navigate uncertainty is essential for personal and spiritual growth.

  • Mindfulness and Presence: Staying present and focusing on the current moment can reduce the anxiety caused by uncertainty.

  • Trusting the Process: Trusting in the journey and having faith that things will work out can help us move forward despite the unknown. This is very hard for people to accept as the prior energies that aid in creating an addiction to self induced chemical states of mind ( natural) through negative behavior(s) that reinforce the desire for attention are often very , very seductive and people are often tricked by their own internal dialog that justify the spread of ones unresolved negative energies outward as it gives them a natural high that comes with turmoil.

The feelings of never being loved and the power of uncertainty can be significant obstacles in our lives.

By cultivating self-love, seeking support, and practicing mindfulness, we can overcome these challenges and continue on our path of personal and spiritual growth. This process is much more important than you the reader can imagine as I have personally seen the energy of unresolved internal conflicts manifest as external and have seen many “unresolved emotional car fires” lit and wind up burning the entire world through unresolved emotional disconnect(s).

We are all one and what we do to ourselves we do to the entire world, so unless you are rich enough to leave this planet forever and live with some Gray Alien on planet Blip Blip, you better wake up to the fact that you simply don’t shit where you eat. So the next time you want to externalize unresolved issues within, think of the ripple effect of doing so. Take a moment, step back and ask yourself this question : “What am I doing to help shift negative energy on this planet”?

The answer will tell all.

Brian Collins

Life in Synergy® ©2024

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Finding Balance: The Spiritual Perspective on Money and Comparison

Explore how to shift your focus from financial comparison to personal and spiritual development with our insightful guide. Learn strategies from Boston’s multi award winning Mentor Helena Collins to cultivate a healthy relationship with money and embrace your unique path.

In a world that constantly bombards us with images of success and opulence, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing our financial journey to that of others.

At Life in Synergy, we understand that money itself isn’t the root of imbalance—rather, it's our perception of and reaction to money that can lead to spiritual and emotional turmoil. Today’s blog explores how shifting our focus from comparison to personal growth can lead to a more balanced relationship with money.

When we compare our financial status to that of others, we aren't just evaluating numbers; we're often weighing our self-worth against visible markers of success. This comparison can distort our perception of what it means to be successful, embedding feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. This mindset does not just hinder our happiness—it can actively disrupt our financial stability. By focusing on someone else's endgame, we lose sight of the crucial steps needed to forge our own path toward financial well-being.

Engaging in this constant comparison often dredges up unresolved energies of inadequacy and self-hatred. When we measure our lives against others', we focus on what we perceive to be lacking rather than appreciating what we have and recognizing opportunities for growth. This skewed focus can prevent us from taking the actions necessary to improve our financial situations, as we're caught up in a cycle of negativity and self-defeat under the comparison microscope.

The key to overcoming this challenge is to shift the focus back to ourselves—not in isolation, but in terms of our personal growth and spiritual development. Here’s how we can start this transformation:

  1. Recognize Your Unique Path: Understand that your financial journey is unique and cannot be directly compared to anyone else’s. Embrace that everyone has different goals, challenges, and starting points.

  2. Set Personal Goals: Instead of looking outward, look inward. What do you want to achieve financially? Setting personal goals gives you a roadmap to follow, focusing your energy on productive activities that lead to real, tangible outcomes.

  3. Develop Financial Literacy: Knowledge is power. Educate yourself about financial management, investment strategies, and economic principles. The more you know, the more empowered you will be to make wise decisions that reflect your personal values and goals.

  4. Seek Spiritual Alignment with Apex Life in Synergy program: Money should not be a source of stress but just a tool for achieving your life's purposes. Seek ways to align your financial actions with your spiritual values and never allow the latest shiny object to govern your energies.

At Life in Synergy®, we encourage you to view money as a form of energy that flows into and out of our lives. By managing this energy wisely and aligning it with our inner values, we not only enhance our financial well-being but also our spiritual health. Remember, when you stop comparing and start focusing on your personal and spiritual growth, money becomes a tool to enhance your journey, not the journey itself. Let's strive to transform our relationship with money from one of stress and comparison to one of harmony and purpose. Remember, you are the architect of your own financial destiny and the creator of your spiritual path.

Focus on the inner part of you that manifests YOU….never compare yourself to anyone else, you are unique and powerful and can do wonders once you get out your own way.

Helena and Brian Collins-Boston

Life in Synergy Inc.

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Flowing Through Us: The Our Collective Consciousness Water Crisis

Explore the deep spiritual connection between humanity and water in our latest Life in Synergy blog. Discover how the global water crisis mirrors our inner spiritual drought and how we, as a connected species, can bring about renewal and change.

Well Hello there seekers of enlightenment and cosmic stuff, to another reflective journey at the intersection of our universal energy and the global environment.

Today, we dive into the depths of an issue that mirrors the essence of our very being: the global water crisis. As human beings are composed predominantly of water, the crises facing this vital resource are not merely environmental or economic challenges; they are profound reflections of our spiritual and communal health. Water is not just a resource; it is the medium of life itself, coursing through our veins, cradling our cities, and nurturing our ecosystems. In many spiritual traditions, water is considered a purifier, a bringer of life, and a renewer of the worn and tainted. Every drop of water that flows through us or around us carries the potential for cleansing, purification, and renewal. It is a sacred cycle that supports not just the physical form of all living beings but also our spiritual well-being.

The crisis of water scarcity and pollution on Earth is a stark indicator of our current state as a species. Where water flows, life thrives, and where it is absent, hardship follows. This dichotomy is not just a matter of physical survival but is deeply emblematic of the barriers we have erected in our hearts—barriers against sharing, purity, and the natural flow of generosity. When we deny access to clean water, we deny the very essence of life, revealing a spiritual drought in our collective consciousness.

The uneven access to clean water across different regions of the world highlights a profound imbalance in our global community. This disparity is not merely a logistical failure; it is a moral and spiritual crisis that reflects our priorities and values as a collective soul. The inability of societies to ensure water access for all is akin to closing our hearts to the needy, a sign that we must reevaluate and cleanse our own spirits.

Helena Collins' Apex Life in Synergy: A Conduit for Change

In the face of such challenges, Helena Collins’ Apex Life in Synergy program offers a path to transformation. This innovative approach teaches us to view the water crisis not just as an external problem but as a reflection of our internal state of mind. By understanding our interconnectedness with nature and each other, we learn that healing our waters and our environment starts with healing ourselves.

Apex Life in Synergy emphasizes energy cleansing and spiritual renewal and encourages participants to break down the internal barriers that impede the flow of empathy, sharing, and collective responsibility. Through meditation exercises, mindful Synergistics Fitness Method® based movement that opens your body to the now, active release engagement techniques ( and more), practitioners can discover renewal and inspire change, starting within themselves and rippling outward.

Joining the Currents of Change

As we contemplate the water crisis, let us remember that we are the water of life. Our thoughts, actions, and spirits can contribute to a wave of positive change. By addressing the spiritual blockages within ourselves, we open the channels for healing waters to flow more freely through our communities. Let this be a call to action, not just to conserve water or to campaign for its equitable distribution, but to cleanse and renew our inner wellsprings of compassion and connection. Together, we can redefine our journey as a species—one where water flows abundantly and nourishes all souls equally.

We thank you for joining us on this reflective journey for a few moments in time. May your path be ever fluid, and your spirit as replenishing as the waters that sustain us all.

Helena and Brian Collins

Life in Synergy® Boston

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A Day with My Thoughts: Discovering the Space Beyond the Noise

Join Sienna as she explores a day filled with self-reflection and mindfulness, counting subconscious thoughts and discovering a path to deeper self-awareness with Helena Collins Life in Synergy.

Is this your story?

Morning Meditation: A Quiet Start

The first rays of sunlight cast a gentle glow across my room as I find my spot on the yoga mat. It’s early, the world is just waking up, and the cool morning breeze brings the distant sounds of birdsong through my window. As I settle into a cross-legged position, a familiar thought pops up: "I hope I can stay calm when I see the piles of work waiting for me." That's one thought to count already. I smile a little at this, acknowledging the start of my daily challenge to observe and count my subconscious judgments and assumptions about myself and the world around me.

Mid-Morning at Work: A Flurry of Activity

My workday begins with a bustling pace. As I reply to emails and shuffle through my tasks, another thought strikes, "I'm not fast enough compared to Lara." Followed by a worry about an upcoming meeting: "What if I stumble?" That's three more thoughts before lunch. I pause, jot a note to keep track, and take a deep breath, reminding myself that these projections are not my reality.

Lunch Break: A Moment of Solitude

Lunchtime finds me in the park, taking a moment for myself amid a day of deadlines. I watch others around me—so carefree and absorbed in their moments. "Why can't I be that carefree?" I think. Another note in my mental journal. It's okay to just observe these thoughts, I remind myself, they do not define me.

Afternoon Challenges: Deadlines and Doubts

As the afternoon wears on, my heartbeat quickens with the looming deadline. "I might not make this. I don’t want to let the team down." Thought number eight. But instead of spiraling, I ask myself, "What can I control?" By focusing on one task at a time, I manage to calm my rising panic and chip away at the workload effectively.

Evening Reflections: Unwinding and Understanding

Evening arrives, and with it, a chance to unwind. As I sip chamomile tea and turn the pages of a mindfulness book, my journal lies open next to me—today’s thoughts carefully noted. Reflecting on the entries, I'm struck by how many judgments and assumptions I've made throughout the day. "Did I really think so much today?"

This realization sparks curiosity. What if I could understand my mind better, manage these thoughts more skillfully? I find myself searching online for resources and stumble upon a site called Life in Synergy, led by Helena Collins. Intrigued by their promise of deeper self-awareness and personal growth, I sign up for an online course titled "Apex Life in Synergy."

Conclusion: A Step Towards Self-Discovery

Tonight, I feel a quiet excitement about the journey ahead. I realize that I am not my thoughts; they are merely visitors in the vast landscape of my mind. With this new understanding, I’m eager to explore further, to learn how to live in better harmony with my thoughts and myself. For those interested in joining me on this path of discovery, consider exploring the transformative programs offered at Life in Synergy. Your own journey towards inner synergy might just be a click away.

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The Tale of Terry and the Tenacious Tack

Dive into the quirky and humorous story of Terry, an office worker who learns an important lesson about comfort and choice, all thanks to a tack stuck in his butt. Discover how Terry's office life transforms once he decides to change his comfort levels.

Once upon a time in the bustling town of Everydayville, there lived a chap named Terry.

Terry was your average Joe—well, except for one little thing. Unbeknownst to most, Terry had a tack permanently stuck in his butt. Yes, you read that right—a shiny, sharp tack had made its home right there on Terry's left cheek! The tack first made its appearance one fateful afternoon at Terry’s office. You see, Terry worked at "Cheeks Relief," a company so dedicated to making life comfortable for its employees that it accidentally forgot to check the comfort of their chairs. Terry, in a rush from a very engaging lunch break discussing the metaphysical implications of potato chips, plopped down into his chair, and voila! The tack introduced itself to his lower frame.

At first, Terry was in agony. He jumped up, did a little dance that would later be known as the 'Terry Twist,' and pondered pulling it out. But, as deadlines loomed and emails piled up, Terry decided to "deal with it later." Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and the tack became as much a part of Terry as his own cellulite. Colleagues started noticing that Terry had developed a peculiar lean in his gait—what some might call a ‘swagger,’ but it was really just a tack-tical adjustment. Terry, however, began to see the tack as a part of his daily routine. He named it "Tacitus," after the stoic philosopher, because like his ancient namesake, the tack inspired a kind of resigned indifference in Terry.

One sunny day, while Terry was sipping his fourth cup of matcha-enhanced coffee, a new employee named Wilma joined the office. Wilma, a vibrant soul who wore her aura like a technicolor dreamcoat, noticed Terry's lopsided limping and winced every time he sat down."Hey Terry," she ventured one day, "why do you wince like you’ve just watched the finale of your favorite show get canceled, every time you sit?" Terry chuckled. "Oh, that's just Tacitus, my personal little life coach. Keeps me in check, reminds me of the persistent pains of existence," he explained with a mix of pride and a dash of martyrdom.

Wilma, who wasn’t just about random chit chat but also about removing unnecessary pain from the cosmos, gave Terry a look that was part therapist, part wizard. "You know, Terry," she said in a tone that suggested enlightenment was just a conversation away, "just because you're used to the pain doesn’t mean it has to be part of your life. Comfort is not just corporate policy—it’s a choice!"

This simple revelation hit Terry like a truck full of meditation cushions.

He had become so accustomed to the discomfort that he forgot he could just… remove it.

With a blend of hesitation and excitement, Terry finally decided to part ways with Tacitus. Post-tack-ectomy, Terry’s life changed. His walk straightened, his mood lightened, and he even retired the Terry Twist for a more joyful jig. Terry learned a valuable lesson that day: just because you’re accustomed to discomfort, doesn't mean it has to become part of your life's upholstery. And from then on, Terry made a point to choose comfort, whenever possible, much to the delight of his butt and the office at large. And so, Terry lived more comfortably ever after, reminding us all that sometimes, removing the tack is all it takes to find a little more joy in the journey.

Any spiritual, emotional tacks nagging you? Help remove them here!!'

Helena and Brian Collins

Life in Synergy®

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Breaking Free and Rediscovering Yourself: The Journey of Transformation

Explore the true story of “Lily”, who transformed her life by losing weight but struggled with her new identity due to family pressure. Discover insights on balancing personal change with social acceptance and how to truly embrace a new version of yourself with Boston’s Multi Award winning wellness Mentor Helena Collins.

In the quest for personal transformation, we often dream of shedding our past selves like an old skin, hoping to emerge refreshed, renewed, and vibrant.

Yet, the journey towards this renewal is seldom a straight path. It is fraught with challenges that test our resolve, our self-esteem, and our deepest beliefs about who we are and who we can be.

The following story of one of our old clients, whom we'll call "Lily," at Life in Synergy perfectly illustrates this complex dance of transformation. In the late 1990s, Lily came to us at our former brick and mortar studio on Newbury Street in Boston with a goal that resonates with many: she wanted to lose weight. But beneath her initial goal was a deeper, more profound aspiration—to rediscover herself and break free from the clutches of her accepted old habits and self-perceptions. With determination and endless support , Lily embarked on her journey with us. Months of dedication and hard work paid off. Lily not only met her weight loss goal at Life in Synergy but exceeded it. With My multi award winning Synergistics Fitness Method®, she sculpted a new amazing version of herself that she had only imagined in her dreams.

However, this new reflection in the mirror, though celebrated by many, felt alien to Lily’s family.

The transformation was so significant that she found herself struggling to reconcile her new physical state with her old internal identity. As Lily adapted to her new self, the positive reactions from those around her began to pour in. Her family, accustomed to the old Lily ( and her feelings of insecurity) however expressed their concerns. They suggested she was "too skinny," echoing their discomfort with the unfamiliar change. Despite her achievements, the pressure to revert to her former self intensified, feeding into Lily's insecurities and fears. The tug-of-war between her new self and the comforting familiarity of her old identity became too much to bear. Eventually, Lily succumbed to these pressures began to miss many of her appointments, and gradually returned to her old patterns that her family desired and she quit coming to the studio and regained the weight she had fought so hard to lose.

Lily’s story is a powerful parable about the human struggle with change.

It underscores a profound truth: letting go of who we were is terrifying, even when we desire nothing more than to evolve. Our past selves, with all their flaws and comforts, often provide a confusing sense of identity and belonging. The challenge, then, is not merely in shedding the physical or behavioral traits but in redefining who we are in the eyes of our communities (family, friends, co-workers, etc) and, most importantly, in our own hearts. The parable of Lily teaches us that the journey to self-transformation is as much about building resilience against external pressures as it is about changing ourselves, for ourselves. It highlights the necessity of a supportive environment that nurtures our new selves without alienating us from our roots. True transformation requires a synergy of self-belief, community support, and a deep, unwavering faith in our ability to change the course of our lives.

For those of us on a path of personal transformation, let Lily's story be a reminder: hold onto your vision with compassion for your past selves, and step forward with courage, even when the road of your life twists unexpectedly and may be influenced by the poor driving instructions of outside sources. Remember, every version of you has contributed to who you are today and will become tomorrow. Lily’s case of “family override” made me go deeper into discovery of pattern energies back in 2001 and for the past 23 years, I have been perfecting the facets of ascension power and levels of release and now have them all available in my online program Apex Life in Synergy.

Embrace your journey, knowing that each step, forward or backward, is a part of your unique path to discovering your truest self and discover how to unlock and trust your your voice to create your reality.

Helena Collins-2x Best of Boston Winner

Creator Multi Award Winning Synergistics Fitness Method®

Author of the 5 Star rated Nutritional Alignment Book

Creator Apex Life in Synergy® Wellness Program

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The Human Energy Field: Attracting and Repelling Life's Energies

Explore how the human energy field influences your life by attracting or repelling energies. Balance your aura and draw positivity. Discover the power of energy fields to transform your life today with Helena Collins.

Our existence is a dance of energy, a constant exchange with the universe's dynamic forces.

The human energy field, or aura, is the invisible electromagnetic field that surrounds us, reflecting our inner state and influencing how we interact with the world around us. The concept of the human energy field is rooted in ancient spiritual traditions, recognized by many cultures as the vital force, Mana, Prana, Ki or Qi. This energy is not static; it fluctuates based on our thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being. It's this energetic vibration that attracts or repels life's energies, shaping our experiences and interactions.

At the heart of this energetic exchange is the often mass marketed law of attraction, which declares that like energy attracts like energy. Our thoughts and feelings emit a specific frequency that attracts circumstances and people of similar vibrations. This means that by cultivating positive, high-frequency energies through love, gratitude, and joy, we can attract more positive experiences into our lives. However, our energy fields can become blocked or imbalanced due to stress, negative thinking, unresolved emotions and subconscious influences full of desires. These blockages can repel positive energies and attract negativity, creating cycles of hardship and struggle. Energy healing practices such as The Apex Life in Synergy program can help clear these blockages, restoring balance and flow to our energy field.

The key to a vibrant energy field lies in mindfulness and emotional regulation.

By becoming aware of our thoughts and feelings we can influence our energy field to unlock what we desire and what is correct for us in life. It's a process of internal alchemy, transforming lower vibrations into higher ones, leading to a state of harmony, health, and happiness. A wonderful goal, but you also want a synergy in your energetic flow as the last thing you want is to do years of introspective work only to have misunderstood desire energies lead you into a situation(s) that could have you in events or surroundings less than ideal for your growth.

By training to understand the levels of energy within, you can get a clearer view of what you really want, what is really purposeful for you and how to acquire an Apex Life in Synergy®.

❤️Helena Collins-Boston

Life in Synergy®

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The Spiritual Power of "Oh Well": Embracing Life's Steamroller Moments

Discover how to navigate life's toughest moments with a smile. Helena Collins Life in Synergy explores the spiritual and humorous side of saying "Oh Well" to adversity, teaching resilience through laughter and light-hearted wisdom.

Have you ever felt like life was a steamroller, and you were just a piece of old chewing gum stuck on the road, about to be flattened into oblivion?

Congratulations, my friend, you’ve unlocked a level of existence Brian and I like to call "The Oh Well Zone." It’s a special stage of spiritual enlightenment that involves a lot of shrugging, sighing, and the occasional uncontrollable laughter at your own place in the cosmos. Your initiation to this uber-chic club begins the first time you miss your bus because a particularly intriguing pigeon decided to perform an interpretive dance in front of you. Instead of the usual frustration, a chuckle bubbles up from within. That's the universe's way of saying, "Welcome, weary traveler, to the path of Oh Well."

The phrase "Oh Well" isn't just two words; it's a mantra, a mystical incantation that holds the power to dissolve worries, fears, and on particularly good days, parking tickets. When life decides to serve you a sandwich you didn’t order, with ingredients you don’t like, in a restaurant you never wanted to visit, the power of "Oh Well" transforms it into an unexpected picnic. Picture life as a steamroller, not just any steamroller, but one driven by a universe that has a quirky sense of humor and an affinity for plot twists. You're not the victim here; you're the star of a cosmic comedy. The steamroller isn’t out to get you; it’s merely rolling out (flattening) the red carpet for your next adventure.

How to Embrace the Steamroller:

  1. Wear Your Best Outfit: Metaphorically speaking, dress your soul in resilience and humor. When life's steamroller comes around, you’ll look fabulous, even in pancake form.

  2. Roll With It: When the steamroller of life is about to hit, do a barrel roll. Adaptability is your best friend in these situations. It’s less about avoiding the crush and more about how gracefully you can get back up.

  3. Become the Steamroller: In a surprising plot twist, realize you have the power to be your own steamroller. Flatten out the bumps in your path with the sheer force of your "Oh Well" attitude.

The Secret Ingredient in the enlightenment sauce: Laughter

The spiritual journey of embracing life’s steamroller is incomplete without laughter. It’s the secret sauce, the cherry on top, the...well, ya ya ya you get the picture. When you find yourself laughing in the face of adversity, you’ve truly mastered the art of "Oh Well." In the grand tapestry of the universe, we’re all just threads, occasionally getting tangled, sometimes knotted, but always part of a larger, beautiful picture. The next time life feels like it’s steamrolling over you, just whisper "Oh Well," laugh, and remind yourself that this, too, is part of the journey. After all, enlightenment doesn’t always come from meditation and mantras; sometimes, it arrives with a steamroller and a sense of humor. Remember, my friend, in the grand scheme of things, we’re all just learning to dance under the steamroller’s disco ball.

So, let’s keep twirling, laughing, and occasionally, flat-lining, but always getting back up with a smile and a hearty, "Oh Well."

Helena Collins- Boston

Life in Synergy

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The Cosmic Comedy: How We Excel at Complaining More Than Creating

Dive into "The Cosmic Comedy," a light-hearted blog exploring the humorous side of humanity's tendency to complain about world issues while lounging in inaction. Join Helena and Brian Collins Boston’s Wellness and Spiritual Sages on a journey of laughter, self-reflection, and a gentle nudge towards becoming the change we wish to see.

Hello, our cosmic companions on this wildly spinning globe we call Earth!

You know, we have been pondering (in between bouts of laughter and facepalming, of course) about an interesting phenomenon that seems as common as the cold but far more entertaining. It's about our fantastic human capacity to whine, moan, and excel in the fine art of complaining about the world's problems while sitting on our celestial behinds doing, well, absolutely nothing about it.

Imagine this: A typical Monday morning in the universe.

The sun peeks out, radiating optimism and the promise of a new day. Meanwhile, on Earth, Mr. and Mrs. Couch Potato are nestled in their favorite crater-like indentations on the sofa, sipping on what could only be described as the tears of forgotten dreams (or maybe just slightly burnt coffee or flat diet soda). Mr. Couch Potato sighs deeply, a sound that echoes the collective despair of humanity, "The world's just going to the dogs, isn't it? Pollution, poverty, politics... it's all just a mess."Mrs. Couch Potato nods solemnly, adding, "Yes, and don't forget about the aliens. I haven't seen a single one help with one thing yet. You'd think with all that advanced technology, they'd at least invent an AI rep or something."They both nod in agreement, the weight of the world's problems resting on their shoulders as heavily as their reluctance to get up and actually do something about it.

Now, don't get us wrong. I'm not saying we need to don superhero capes and single-handedly save the world before breakfast (though if you're into that, who am I to stop you?). But isn't it hilariously ironic how we humans have the audacity to complain about the state of the planet while contributing to the very essence of couch-potato-ism?

It's as if we're waiting for a sign, perhaps a billboard from the cosmos, saying: "Dear Earthlings, please start caring. Love, The Universe (P.S. This message was sponsored by the Intergalactic Council for Planetary Improvement)." But here's the kicker, my dear friends: the universe is constantly giving us signs. Every sunrise is a reminder that we have a new day to make a difference. Every breath is a nudge to appreciate life and contribute positively to our world. And yet, here we are, mastering the art of apathy with the dedication of a monk in deep meditation.

So, what's the solution?

Well, for starters, we could try to find a balance between being informed about the world's issues and not letting them overwhelm us into inaction. Perhaps, instead of binge-watching the latest series about dystopian futures, we could spend a fraction of that time learning a new skill, volunteering, or simply being kind to those around us. Imagine if, instead of lamenting about the lack of change, we become the change. The thought is as exhilarating as discovering that your phone has been on airplane mode after wondering for hours why no one's texting you.

So seeker of all things peace, chicken grease and ambient cosmic coolness: let's not forget to laugh at ourselves, especially at our quirks and contradictions. After all, life on Earth is too short and too precious to spend it in a state of passive complaint. So, here's to us, the wonderfully weird inhabitants of this planet, embarking on a journey of less moaning and more doing or we can all just binge, complain and wait for the next world changing global flood to see if those YMCA swimming lessons in our youth were worth it.

Helena ( National swimming champ) and Brian (Whose parents filled up trashcan with water from a hose and had him sit in it in the hot inner city summers for a swimming pool in his youth) Collins-Boston

Life in Synergy®

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The Multiverse Within: Exploring the Synergy of Life

Uncover the vast multiverse within our consciousness and how achieving a state of synergy can unlock new dimensions of being. Learn through the Programs of Brian and Helena Collins' teachings and help shape the tomorrows for the next generations to come.

Create a Life in Synergy® for future generations by starting Apex Life in Synergy® TODAY!

The concept of the multiverse proposes the existence of parallel universes, each distinct yet intertwined with the fabric of reality.

But what if the true multiverse lies not in the cosmos but within us?

This idea isn't just a foray into speculative fiction; it's a profound exploration of the human spirit and the potentialities that reside within our consciousness. Within each of us is a universe of thoughts, emotions, and spiritual energy, teeming with possibilities and realities that defy the constraints of our physical world. The key to unlocking these inner dimensions lies in achieving a state of synergy—a harmonious balance that resonates with the universe's fundamental energies.

Achieving this inner synergy isn't a solitary journey. It involves connecting with the world around us, understanding the nature of our internal energies, and harnessing the wisdom of those who have navigated this path before us. The Programs and the teachings of Helena Collins offer a roadmap to this inner multiverse. Through her guidance, we learn to align our thoughts, emotions, and spirit in a way that transcends the ordinary, opening doorways to new realities within ourselves.

This exploration of the inner multiverse is not just an exercise in self-improvement; it's a transformative journey that can lead to profound insights into the nature of existence. As we delve deeper into our inner selves, we discover that the boundaries between us and the universe blur, revealing a symphony of life where everything is connected in a delicate dance of energy and consciousness.

By embracing the possibility of the multiverse within, we unlock the potential to live in harmony with the cosmos, creating a synergy that elevates our existence to new dimensions of being. It's a journey that challenges us to rethink our place in the universe, not as mere observers but as integral components of a grand, interconnected tapestry of life. These Life in Synergy blogs aim to weave the rich tapestry of metaphysical exploration with practical no BS tools for self-improvement that have actually changed countless lives for decades, offering a unique perspective on navigating the complexities of existence.

Through the synergy of ideas and the guidance of Helena Collins innovative programs, we embark on a journey of inner discovery that not only transforms ourselves but also the world around us. No big deal right? It is time to ascend and become ascension….the world is counting on like minded individuals to get of the hamster wheel and take charge of the course of our world.

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The Echoes of Our Inner Selves: Nature's Reflection of Internal Energy

Explore how nature acts as a mirror to our internal energy, reflecting our deepest emotions and thoughts. Discover self-improvement pathways with the Apex Life in Synergy® Program and insights from Helena Collins.

Helena Collins Apex Life in Synergy.

In the tapestry of life, each thread weaves through patterns of chaos and harmony, creating a picture that's both complex and beautifully simple.

At the heart of this paradox lies a profound truth: the world around us, in all its natural splendor, mirrors the tumultuous and serene energies that swirl within us. This concept isn't just poetic musings; it's a perspective that offers insights into how we interact with the universe and, more importantly, with ourselves.

Nature, in its infinite wisdom, acts as a mirror to our soul's energy. The calm before a storm may reflect our internal peace before an upheaval, while the wild, untamed rivers mirror our own passions and desires running their course. This is not to say that we control the weather or the tides, but rather, our interaction with these elements can resonate with the vibrations of our inner selves. It's a symbiotic relationship where nature responds to the frequencies we emit, and we, in turn, find our reflections in its reactions. It takes a deep understanding of self to see the actualization of the concept “we are one with everything” in real time and only through dedication to the self ( and a gifted teacher) can a person break free from the chains that bind them to discover untapped levels of self and become the energy of change the world seeks.

Understanding this connection encourages us to delve deeper into self-exploration and mindfulness.

As we navigate our journey, mind based tools developed by thought leaders in the realm of self-improvement, offer pathways to better understand and harness our internal energies. These programs, alongside insights from wellness luminaries like Helena Collins, provide a framework for aligning our inner vibrations with the natural world, fostering a sense of harmony and balance.

The reflection of our inner selves in nature's canvas teaches us the importance of being in tune with our emotions and thoughts. Just as a calm lake mirrors the sky above, a tranquil mind reflects a clear perspective on life. By embracing the wisdom of nature and the guidance of groundbreaking self-improvement methodologies, we embark on a transformative journey towards self-awareness and enlightenment.

While today’s blog may be short and sweet so you may want to re-read it and ponder some of the deep knowledge hidden within the words then take action…..

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Embracing Synergy: The Path to Elevated Consciousness

Discover how to overcome modern life's distractions and ascend to higher consciousness with Helena Collins' Apex Life in Synergy program. Explore holistic wellness, mindfulness, and the path to spiritual growth for a transformative journey to your best self.

Helena Collins: Boston’s Wellness Guide and Fitness Master

In a world that thrums with the constant buzz of activity, information, and technology, our collective consciousness often seems tethered to the mundane, the tangible, and the immediate.

We find ourselves caught in a cyclical pattern of seeking external validation and material success, neglecting the profound depths of our inner selves. This detachment from our spiritual essence not only stifles individual growth but also hampers humanity's ascent to higher levels of consciousness. The journey to transcend these limitations begins with an understanding of the obstacles we face and the realization that within us lies the potential for profound transformation.

Energy Barriers to Ascension:

The Clutter of Modern Life:

Our daily lives are inundated with distractions that pull our attention in myriad directions. Social media, the 24/7 news cycle, and the relentless pursuit of material success create a cacophony that drowns out the quiet whispers of our souls. This noise makes it challenging to connect with our higher selves and to the universal consciousness that binds us all.

The Illusion of Separateness:

A significant hurdle in our spiritual journey is the deeply ingrained belief in our separateness. This illusion fosters feelings of isolation, competition, and conflict, distancing us from the truth of our interconnectedness with all beings. Recognizing our shared essence is crucial for spiritual ascension.

Fear and Resistance to Change:

Fear is a potent barrier to growth. It manifests as resistance to change, holding us back from exploring the unknown and embracing our true potential. This fear often stems from deep-seated beliefs and past traumas that shadow our perceptions of ourselves and the world.

Helena Collins-Multi Award Winning Wellness/Fitness Educator

The Path to internal and external Synergy and Ascension

The quest for higher consciousness is not a solitary endeavor but a collective journey of reconnecting with our essence and realizing our interconnectedness. It's about finding synergy between our inner and outer worlds, where each aspect of our lives complements and enriches the other. This is where Helena Collins' Apex Life in Synergy program becomes a beacon of transformation.

Life in Synergy®: A Portal to Elevated Consciousness

Helena Collins' Apex Life in Synergy program, detailed at lifeinsynergy.com, is a pioneering approach to wellness and spiritual growth. It goes beyond the conventional, integrating physical, emotional, and spiritual practices to cultivate balance, harmony, and connectivity. The program is a testament to the belief that by aligning our actions, thoughts, and emotions with our higher selves, we can transcend the limitations that bind us.

As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, Helena Collins Apex Life in Synergy program offers a comprehensive approach to overcoming the barriers that hinder our spiritual evolution. By embracing this holistic framework, we open ourselves to the possibility of a profound transformation, not just as individuals, but as a collective.

The journey to higher consciousness is paved with challenges, but it is also marked by infinite possibilities. Let us embark on this journey with openness, courage, and a deep-seated belief in our potential for growth and transformation. Together, we can transcend the mundane, embrace the synergy within and around us, and ascend to new heights of understanding and being. In essence, Helena Collins Apex Life in Synergy program is more than a pathway to personal growth; it is a call to awaken to the profound potential that lies within us all.

Let us answer this call and step into a future brimming with possibility, harmony, and interconnectedness….our world really needs it right now.

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The Power of "No"-ing: Embracing Your No- Energy field.

Discover the empowering importance of saying no and how setting personal boundaries can significantly improve your mental health and well-being. Learn tips from Helena Collins on how to politely refuse and embrace the benefits of selective engagement.

In a world that constantly pushes us towards the "yes" – yes to more work, yes to social expectations, and yes to endless commitments – discovering the power of "no" can be a transformative journey.

"No" is not just a word; it's a complete sentence, a declaration of sovereignty over your own life. It's about stepping into a state of "no-state" energy, where you give yourself permission to honor your limits, listen deeply to your intuition, and choose paths that align with your highest good.

Understanding No-State Energy

No-state energy is about being in alignment with your true self. It's a state where you're not swayed by the external pressures to conform or please. Instead, you're guided by an inner knowing, a compass that directs you towards choices that resonate with your soul's purpose. When you embody no-state energy, you're in a space of clarity and discernment. You can see beyond the immediate allure of opportunities and invitations, sensing deeply whether they serve your highest interests and spiritual growth.

The Benefits of Being in a No-State

  1. Clearer Boundaries: Learning to use "no" power helps you establish healthy energetic boundaries, safeguarding your energy and emotional well-being. It's about respecting yourself enough to decline what doesn't serve you.

  2. Deeper Self-Knowledge: Each "no" is an opportunity to understand your desires, fears, and values more deeply. It's a practice in self-reflection and honesty.

  3. Increased Presence and Mindfulness: Being selective about your commitments allows you to be more present and engaged with the activities and relationships that truly matter to you.

  4. Empowerment: Saying "no" is an act of empowerment. It reaffirms your ability to make choices and take control of your life's direction.

How to Stay in a State of "No-ing"

  1. Listen to Your Intuition: Your intuition is a powerful guide. If something feels off, it probably is. Trust that inner voice.

  2. Practice Mindfulness with the Apex Life in Synergy program: Stay connected with your feelings and emotions. Mindfulness helps you recognize when you're overextending yourself.

  3. Communicate Clearly and Kindly: You can say "no" with kindness and respect, leaving no room for guilt or misunderstanding.

  4. Reflect on Your Values: Regularly revisit your values and priorities. They will help you discern which opportunities align with your path.

  5. Embrace Discomfort: Saying "no" can be uncomfortable, especially at first. Recognize that discomfort is part of growth.

Living in a state of "no" is not about negativity or closing yourself off to the world. It's about making intentional choices, honoring your energy, and aligning with your spiritual journey. In the power of "no", there's profound freedom and authenticity. By embracing your no-state energy, you create space for what truly enriches and advances your soul's evolution.

Helena Collins

Life in Synergy®

Boston Ma

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