In the quest for personal transformation, we often dream of shedding our past selves like an old skin, hoping to emerge refreshed, renewed, and vibrant.

Yet, the journey towards this renewal is seldom a straight path. It is fraught with challenges that test our resolve, our self-esteem, and our deepest beliefs about who we are and who we can be.

The following story of one of our old clients, whom we'll call "Lily," at Life in Synergy perfectly illustrates this complex dance of transformation. In the late 1990s, Lily came to us at our former brick and mortar studio on Newbury Street in Boston with a goal that resonates with many: she wanted to lose weight. But beneath her initial goal was a deeper, more profound aspiration—to rediscover herself and break free from the clutches of her accepted old habits and self-perceptions. With determination and endless support , Lily embarked on her journey with us. Months of dedication and hard work paid off. Lily not only met her weight loss goal at Life in Synergy but exceeded it. With My multi award winning Synergistics Fitness Method®, she sculpted a new amazing version of herself that she had only imagined in her dreams.

However, this new reflection in the mirror, though celebrated by many, felt alien to Lily’s family.

The transformation was so significant that she found herself struggling to reconcile her new physical state with her old internal identity. As Lily adapted to her new self, the positive reactions from those around her began to pour in. Her family, accustomed to the old Lily ( and her feelings of insecurity) however expressed their concerns. They suggested she was "too skinny," echoing their discomfort with the unfamiliar change. Despite her achievements, the pressure to revert to her former self intensified, feeding into Lily's insecurities and fears. The tug-of-war between her new self and the comforting familiarity of her old identity became too much to bear. Eventually, Lily succumbed to these pressures began to miss many of her appointments, and gradually returned to her old patterns that her family desired and she quit coming to the studio and regained the weight she had fought so hard to lose.

Lily’s story is a powerful parable about the human struggle with change.

It underscores a profound truth: letting go of who we were is terrifying, even when we desire nothing more than to evolve. Our past selves, with all their flaws and comforts, often provide a confusing sense of identity and belonging. The challenge, then, is not merely in shedding the physical or behavioral traits but in redefining who we are in the eyes of our communities (family, friends, co-workers, etc) and, most importantly, in our own hearts. The parable of Lily teaches us that the journey to self-transformation is as much about building resilience against external pressures as it is about changing ourselves, for ourselves. It highlights the necessity of a supportive environment that nurtures our new selves without alienating us from our roots. True transformation requires a synergy of self-belief, community support, and a deep, unwavering faith in our ability to change the course of our lives.

For those of us on a path of personal transformation, let Lily's story be a reminder: hold onto your vision with compassion for your past selves, and step forward with courage, even when the road of your life twists unexpectedly and may be influenced by the poor driving instructions of outside sources. Remember, every version of you has contributed to who you are today and will become tomorrow. Lily’s case of “family override” made me go deeper into discovery of pattern energies back in 2001 and for the past 23 years, I have been perfecting the facets of ascension power and levels of release and now have them all available in my online program Apex Life in Synergy.

Embrace your journey, knowing that each step, forward or backward, is a part of your unique path to discovering your truest self and discover how to unlock and trust your your voice to create your reality.

Helena Collins-2x Best of Boston Winner

Creator Multi Award Winning Synergistics Fitness Method®

Author of the 5 Star rated Nutritional Alignment Book

Creator Apex Life in Synergy® Wellness Program


The Tale of Terry and the Tenacious Tack


Embracing A Life in Synergy: Transmuting Guilt and Liberating Future Generations