Tranquil inner-city sanctuary reflecting mindfulness and balance

Hey there seeker!

Feeling like the world’s spiraling a bit out of control? Yup...You're not alone. With all the chaos buzzing around, it's essential to clear out that heavy, negative energy and bring in some peace and clarity. Here’s your no-nonsense guide to cleansing your space and spirit, the Life in Synergy way, so you can stay balanced even when the world seems to be tipping off the edge.

1. Acknowledge the Chaos around:

First up, let’s not pretend everything is fine.

Recognizing that things feel off is the first step to addressing the turmoil. Whether it’s world news, personal drama, or that overwhelming to-do list—acknowledge it. By facing what's disturbing your peace, you can begin to cleanse it effectively.

2. Create Your Sacred Space:

Find a spot where you can be undisturbed. This doesn’t have to be an entire room; a small corner can work just as well. Fill it with objects that uplift you: maybe some positive memory inducing mementos, a few plants, comfortable cushions, or inspiring images. This space is your retreat, your mini-sanctuary from the world’s craziness.

3. Incorporate Natural Elements:

Incorporating elements like fire, water, earth, and air can dramatically enhance your energy cleansing. Light a natural candle or some incense to introduce fire and air. A small bowl of salt can represent earth, and a glass of water adds the water element. These elements help to balance the energy around you and within you. It doesn’t need to be “All tree huggy”, step out your dominant energies for a brief moment and simply give new things a try.

4. Practice Grounding :

When things feel too hectic, grounding is crucial. Simple techniques can make a big difference. Try walking barefoot on the grass, meditating for a few minutes outside on the earth, or practicing deep breathing exercises in nature. Visualize yourself drawing energy up from the earth and let it stabilize and refresh your spirit.

5. Use Sound to Dispel Negativity:

Sounds can literally shake up and clear out negative energy. Vibrations help reset the atmosphere and bring in a lighter, clearer vibe. Try your favorite ambient music for a session ( Don’t put on lyric based music, as words will lead to an emotional connection to the suggested lyric structure vs simply having a neutral background pallet of sound).

6. Declutter Physically and Emotionally:

Clearing out physical clutter can significantly impact your mental clarity and emotional stability. Start by decluttering your living space—donate what you don’t need, organize your surroundings, and feel the freshness it brings. Similarly, let go of old grudges and toxic thoughts that might be cluttering your mind as you do so. When you clean up, clean up not just external but internal clutter.

7. Affirmations and Intentions Catch 22 :

Words have power. Affirmations to reinforce the positivity you wish to cultivate can work, but you need to have clarity before simply going after what you desire. Why? Because there are so many levels to reality and you don’t want base surface desires to lead you into situations where you wish for money, get it through your affirmations, then go on a super fancy trip on a private plane with hand fulls of your new money and yup, then crash into the sea. You want to obtain a LIFE in Synergy which works on all aspects of energies, so that when you are in the flow, you are actually in the Divine flow, not the flow of ego or greed that may lead you down roads you don’t want to travel on.

8. Reflect and Journal with The Apex Life in Synergy online program:

Spend some time reflecting on your day and jotting down your thoughts in a journal. This practice can help you process what's happening around and within you, offering insights into how to maintain your balance. It’s also a great way to track your progress and growth on your Apex Life in Synergy online journey through these challenging times.

Remember, maintaining a balanced and cleansed energy field is an ongoing process.

It’s about making small adjustments every day, staying true to your path, and allowing yourself space to breathe and be. The world might indeed feel like it’s heading off a cliff, but with these practices, you can keep your energy aligned and clear.

You’ve got this—step by step, day by day one more step towards a Life in Synergy®.

xo Helena Collins- Best of Boston winner

Life in Synergy®


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