The Curious Power of Blame and the Oxymoron Behavior It Unleashes

No, not scrolling through social media for hours on end or trying to decipher the latest TikTok dance craze. I'm talking about the grand old sport of blame. Ah, blame – it’s like the glitter of emotions; once you open it up, good luck getting it out of... well, anything. But here's the kicker: blame, in its essence, is a fascinating display of oxymoron behavior.

Life in

Let's talk about the world's favorite pastime.

No, not scrolling through social media for hours on end or trying to decipher the latest TikTok dance craze. I'm talking about the grand old sport of blame. Ah, blame – it’s like the glitter of emotions; once you open it up, good luck getting it out of... well, anything. But here's the kicker: blame, in its essence, is a fascinating display of oxymoron behavior. It's the yoga class of the psyche, bending us into emotional pretzels as we navigate the hilarious irony it often presents. First off, have you ever noticed how blame is the only game where everyone's playing, but somehow, nobody wins? It's like a perpetual game of hot potato, but instead of a potato, it's a flaming ball of "Not It!" The rules are simple: pass the blame as quickly as possible, and whatever you do, don’t get caught holding it when the music stops.

Why? Because accountability, my friends, is apparently lava.

The “It’s Not Me, It’s You” Phenomenon

Blame is the ultimate relationship tester, bringing out the oxymoron behavior in all of us. Picture this: two people arguing, each convinced of their righteousness, in a dazzling display of "It's not me, it's you." It’s the adult version of pointing fingers, but with more sophisticated vocabulary and, sometimes, passive aggression so thick you could cut it with a knife. And let's not forget the irony. Oh, the irony of shouting, “I’m not yelling!” at the top of your lungs, or the classic, “I’m calm! Can’t you see how calm I am?!” while resembling a teakettle about to whistle. It's the emotional equivalent of saying you're on a diet as you inhale the third slice of cake – delightful in its contradiction.

The Superpower of selective amnesia

Blame has this miraculous ability to grant us selective amnesia, particularly when it comes to our own faults. It’s a bit like those diet ads that promise you can eat anything you want and still lose weight. In the heat of a blame battle, our memories become as selective as a toddler choosing vegetables. “I never said that!” we proclaim, with the confidence of someone who has forgotten the existence of screenshots. It’s a superpower, really, the ability to edit our memories in real time to suit our narrative. Take note, Superhero flicks.

The big deep Moral of the Story

But here's the beauty of it all: in the absurdity of blame and the oxymoron behavior it inspires, there's a lesson to be learned. It's about taking a step back, laughing at ourselves, and realizing that maybe, just maybe, we're not always the hero of our own story. Sometimes, we're the comic relief, and that's perfectly okay. So, next time you find yourself in the blame game energy loop, take a moment. Laugh at the absurdity of it all. Because at the end of the day, life's too short to spend it in a game where the only prize is a bitter taste of self-righteousness. Let's choose joy, accountability, and a bit of self-deprecation instead. After all, a good laugh at our own expense is the best way to keep our egos in check and our hearts light. In the grand comedy of life, blame is just another scene. Play it well, play it with humor, and when in doubt, remember the wise words of the age-old saying: "If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to be a hilarious warning."

Helena and Brian Collins

Life in Synergy®

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The Inevitable Emergence of Truth: The Unwavering Path to Discovery

We may be tempted to believe that the truth is subjective, malleable, or even nonexistent. However, history has shown us time and again that the truth has a remarkable way of revealing itself, despite our best efforts to hide, manipulate, or deny it…..

In a world filled with misinformation, “fake” news, and “alternative facts”, truth energy has become an ever-elusive entity.

We may be tempted to believe that the truth is subjective, malleable, or even nonexistent. However, history has shown us time and again that the truth has a remarkable way of revealing itself, despite our best efforts to hide, manipulate, or deny it. Let’s explore the idea that the truth always finds a way, unraveling the reasons behind this phenomenon and highlighting several instances where the truth has triumphed over deceit.

The Tenacity of Truth

  1. Human curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge: Humans are innately curious beings, driven to explore and understand the world around them. This insatiable thirst for knowledge has led to countless breakthroughs in science, technology, and other fields. Our inherent desire to seek the truth allows us to see through the fog of misinformation and eventually uncover the facts.

  2. Technology as a tool for truth: The advent of the internet and social media has democratized information, making it easier than ever for the truth to be shared and disseminated. While these platforms can also propagate falsehoods, they have also provided individuals with the ability to fact-check, research, and collaborate in order to expose lies and deception.

  3. The value of transparency: Societies that value transparency and openness tend to be more resilient to misinformation and deceit. As more individuals and organizations prioritize transparency, the likelihood of the truth being suppressed diminishes. In these environments, truth has a better chance of prevailing.

Notable Examples of Truth Prevailing

  1. Watergate Scandal: In the early 1970s, the Watergate scandal shook the United States to its core, ultimately leading to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. This historic event was brought to light by the investigative work of journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who uncovered a web of lies, deceit, and corruption that reached the highest levels of government.

  2. Tobacco Industry Exposé: For decades, tobacco companies knowingly misled the public about the dangers of smoking. Through the work of whistleblowers, activists, and the Surgeon General's report in 1964, the truth about the detrimental health effects of smoking was finally exposed, leading to significant changes in public health policy.

  3. Climate Change: Despite ongoing efforts by climate change deniers and the fossil fuel industry to downplay the severity of the issue, the overwhelming scientific consensus on the reality of human-induced climate change has prevailed. As a result, nations around the world have begun to take action to mitigate the effects of climate change and transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy sources.

Truth energy has an uncanny ability to emerge, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Whether it is through human curiosity, technological advancements, the value of transparency, or the courage of whistleblowers and journalists, the truth will always find a way to reveal itself. As we continue to navigate an increasingly complex world, it is crucial that we remain vigilant in our pursuit of the energy of truth, for it is only through the illumination of facts that we can make informed decisions and drive positive change on our planet.

Helena and Brian

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Occupational Wellness: The Key to a Successful Relationship

With a focus on the balance between work and personal life, occupational wellness addresses job satisfaction, professional development, and the impact of work on our mental and emotional health…..

Occupational wellness is a significant aspect of our overall well-being, which plays a critical role in the formation and maintenance of successful relationships.

With a focus on the balance between work and personal life, occupational wellness addresses job satisfaction, professional development, and the impact of work on our mental and emotional health. This blog will delve into the concept of occupational wellness, its importance in fostering healthy relationships, and practical ways to enhance it in your daily life.

Defining Occupational Wellness:

Occupational wellness is the state of achieving a harmonious balance between your work life and personal life. It encompasses factors such as job satisfaction, professional growth, workplace culture, and the ability to manage work-related stress. When occupational wellness is in balance, it leads to increased productivity, improved mental and emotional health, and enhanced overall well-being.

The Connection Between Occupational Wellness and Successful Relationships:

Occupational wellness is crucial for building and sustaining successful relationships, both romantic and platonic. Here are some ways in which occupational wellness contributes to a healthy relationship:

  1. Reduced stress: A balanced work-life reduces stress levels, which positively impacts your relationships. High stress levels can lead to irritability, fatigue, and emotional outbursts, affecting the quality of your interactions with your partner or friends.

  2. Enhanced communication: Achieving occupational wellness allows you to develop better communication skills in the workplace, which can translate to improved communication with your partner. Open and honest communication is the backbone of any successful relationship.

  3. Personal growth: When you are content and fulfilled in your professional life, you are more likely to focus on personal growth and self-improvement, which benefits your relationships. It allows you to grow together with your partner, as you both work towards becoming better individuals.

  4. Shared values: A satisfying career often aligns with your values and passions. When you share these values with your partner, it can strengthen the bond between you, as you are more likely to support and understand each other's aspirations.

  5. Time management: Occupational wellness entails effective time management, which enables you to allocate quality time for your relationships. Spending time together is essential for building a strong connection with your partner or friends.

How to Enhance Occupational Wellness:

  1. Set boundaries: Clearly define your professional and personal life boundaries. Communicate your work schedule and availability with your partner, and stick to it as much as possible.

  2. Prioritize self-care: Make time for self-care activities, such as SFM, meditation, and hobbies, which can help you manage work-related stress and maintain a balanced mental state.

  3. Seek professional growth: Pursue opportunities for professional development to stay engaged and motivated in your career. This will contribute to your sense of fulfillment and positively impact your relationships.

  4. Cultivate a healthy workplace environment: Surround yourself with supportive and positive colleagues, and contribute to building a healthy work culture. A positive work environment leads to increased job satisfaction, which reflects in your personal life.

  5. Develop time management skills: Learn effective time management techniques to balance your work and personal life. Prioritize your tasks, set achievable goals, and allocate time for both work and relationships.

Occupational wellness is an integral component of a successful relationship.

By fostering a healthy work-life balance, you not only improve your overall well-being, but also create a strong foundation for long-lasting, fulfilling connections. So, invest time and effort in nurturing your occupational wellness, and watch your relationships thrive.

Helena and Brian

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Journey to Joy: 5 Proven Ways to Boost Your Wellbeing

As humans, we often prioritize work, relationships, and daily tasks, leaving little time to focus on our mental and emotional health. However, research has shown that investing in our wellbeing can lead to….

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to become overwhelmed and lose sight of our own wellbeing. ‘

As humans, we often prioritize work, relationships, and daily tasks, leaving little time to focus on our mental and emotional health. However, research has shown that investing in our wellbeing can lead to a happier, healthier, and more productive life. In this blog, we will explore five proven ways to boost your wellbeing, which are backed by scientific evidence.

Connect with others

A strong support system is essential to maintaining a healthy emotional state. Building and nurturing relationships can improve our sense of belonging and help us cope with stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Ways to connect with others:

Regular physical activity is not only essential for maintaining good physical health but also plays a significant role in mental wellbeing. Exercise releases endorphins, which help improve mood, reduce stress, and enhance self-esteem.

Ways to stay active:

Continuing to learn throughout life can enhance self-esteem and foster a sense of accomplishment. Challenging your brain can help keep your mind sharp and contribute to overall mental wellbeing.

Ways to keep learning:

Helping others and expressing gratitude can have a positive impact on our own emotional wellbeing. Acts of kindness can help foster a sense of purpose and contribute to increased happiness and life satisfaction.

Ways to give to others:

  • Volunteer your time or skills to a local charity or community project

  • Offer support or encouragement to friends and family

  • Express gratitude and appreciation regularly

  • Perform small acts of kindness, such as complimenting someone or helping a neighbor

    Be mindful

Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment, allowing us to become more aware of our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. Practicing mindfulness can help reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and increase self-awareness.

Ways to be mindful:

By incorporating these five ways to wellbeing into your daily life, you can significantly improve your mental and emotional health.

While it may take time and effort to create new habits, the long-term benefits are well worth the investment. Remember that everyone's journey to wellbeing is unique, so experiment with these strategies and find what works best for you. Embrace the journey, and enjoy a happier, healthier life.

Helena and Brian

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The Road to Social Wellness: Navigating Connections in a Complex World

Social wellness refers to the ability to develop and maintain meaningful, positive relationships with others while effectively navigating various social situations….

In a fast-paced world where technology, globalization, and shifting social norms are continually shaping our interactions, social wellness has become an increasingly important aspect of overall well-being.

Social wellness refers to the ability to develop and maintain meaningful, positive relationships with others while effectively navigating various social situations. It is a critical component of personal growth, mental health, and happiness. In this blog post, we will explore the different dimensions of social wellness, discuss the importance of fostering strong connections, and provide practical tips on how to improve your social well-being.

Dimensions of Social Wellness

  1. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the capacity to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions and those of others. People with high EQ can empathize, communicate effectively, and build strong relationships.

  2. Communication Skills The ability to express oneself clearly and assertively while also listening actively and openly to others is an essential element of social wellness. Good communication fosters understanding, trust, and mutual respect.

  3. Social Support A robust social support network is a vital component of social wellness. Having a circle of friends, family, and acquaintances who provide emotional, informational, and practical support can significantly impact our overall well-being.

  4. Conflict Resolution Learning how to manage conflicts constructively and find mutually beneficial solutions is an important aspect of social wellness. It enables us to maintain harmony in our relationships and fosters a sense of belonging.

The Importance of Social Wellness

  1. Physical Health Benefits Research has shown that strong social connections can lead to a healthier lifestyle, lower stress levels, and even increase longevity. Socially well individuals are more likely to engage in regular exercise, eat healthily, and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

  2. Mental Health Benefits Socially connected individuals are less likely to experience depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Social support can help buffer against stress and provide a sense of belonging and purpose.

  3. Personal Growth Being socially well allows for personal growth and development. Engaging with others exposes us to new perspectives, ideas, and experiences, fostering a greater sense of self-awareness and understanding.

Tips for Improving Social Wellness

  1. Cultivate Emotional Intelligence To improve your EQ, practice self-awareness, empathy, and active listening. Reflect on your emotions and reactions to various situations and work on understanding others' perspectives and feelings.

  2. Develop Communication Skills Learn how to express your thoughts and feelings assertively without being aggressive. Practice active listening by giving others your full attention, asking open-ended questions, and reflecting on what they have said.

  3. Build a Support Network Invest time in developing meaningful relationships with friends, family, and colleagues. Attend social events, join clubs or organizations, and participate in community activities to expand your social circle.

  4. Learn Conflict Resolution Techniques Develop skills for managing conflicts in a healthy way, such as using "I" statements, identifying common goals, and finding win-win solutions. Practicing these techniques can help reduce tension in your relationships and create a more positive social environment.

  5. Set Boundaries Establishing healthy boundaries with others is crucial for maintaining social wellness. Communicate your limits, be assertive when needed, and learn to say no when necessary.

Social wellness is a multifaceted concept that encompasses our ability to create and maintain meaningful relationships, communicate effectively, and navigate the complexities of social interactions. By cultivating emotional intelligence through deep introspection and constant improvement through developing intuitive communication skills, building a strong internal voice, and learning to resolve past patterned conflicts, we can enhance our social well-being and ultimately lead a more balanced, fulfilling life.

Helena and Brian

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Women's Wellness Programs: The Key to Focus and Enlightenment

Women, in particular, face unique challenges as they juggle career, family, and personal life. With increasing demands on their time, it is more important than ever to promote wellness programs specifically tailored to…..

It's no secret that our fast-paced modern lives often come at the expense of our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Women, in particular, face unique challenges as they juggle career, family, and personal life. With increasing demands on their time, it is more important than ever to promote wellness programs specifically tailored to women's needs. In this blog post, we will explore the need for women's wellness programs to aid with focus and enlightenment, highlighting the benefits they offer and sharing tips on how to find the right program.

Why Focus on Women's Wellness Programs?

  1. Unique Challenges: Women's lives are characterized by multiple roles and responsibilities, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and a lack of focus. Wellness programs designed specifically for women can address these challenges, helping them regain balance and find inner peace.

  2. Hormonal Balance: Hormonal fluctuations are a natural part of a woman's life, which can affect mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. Tailored wellness programs like Helena Collins Apex Life in Synergy can help women learn how to manage these fluctuations and maintain a sense of equilibrium.

  3. Empowerment: Women's wellness programs often focus on empowerment and self-discovery. These programs can help women reconnect with their inner selves, building confidence and resilience in the face of adversity.

  4. Support and Community: By participating in a women's wellness program, women can find a sense of belonging and support from like-minded individuals who understand their unique struggles and challenges.

Benefits of Life in Synergy’s Women's Wellness Programs

  1. Improved Focus: Through mindfulness practices, SFM, and meditation, women's wellness programs help to cultivate focus and clarity, allowing participants to better manage their daily tasks and responsibilities.

  2. Enhanced Mental Well-being: Wellness programs can help women cope with stress, anxiety, and depression by teaching them various relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, and other coping mechanisms.

  3. Physical Health: By incorporating physical activities such as SFM, women's wellness programs can help improve overall physical health, boosting energy levels and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

  4. Emotional Balance: Through workshops on emotional intelligence, self-compassion, and communication, wellness programs can help women navigate their emotions and maintain emotional balance.

  5. Spiritual Growth: Many women's wellness programs incorporate spiritual practices and teachings, helping participants to connect with their inner selves and experience a sense of enlightenment and spiritual growth.

Finding the Right Women's Wellness Program

  1. Assess Your Needs: Before embarking on a wellness program, consider your personal goals and needs. Are you looking to improve your physical health, enhance your mental well-being, or explore your spirituality?

  2. Research: Explore various wellness programs, paying attention to their focus, methodology, and instructors. Look for reviews and testimonials to get a sense of what to expect.

  3. Try Before You Commit: Many wellness programs offer introductory classes or workshops. Use these opportunities to gauge whether a particular program aligns with your needs and goals.

  4. Community and Support: Seek out programs that offer a supportive community, as this can significantly enhance your overall experience and help you stay committed to your wellness journey.

The need for women's wellness programs to aid with focus and enlightenment is more relevant now than ever before.

By addressing the unique challenges faced by women and providing a supportive environment to foster personal growth, these programs can help women achieve greater balance, clarity, and inner peace. Do your research, find a program that resonates with you, and begin your journey towards a healthier, more focused, and enlightened life.


Come learn from Boston’s multi award winning wellness master ( with over 40 years of experience) Helena Collins.

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Emotional Wellbeing in a Post-COVID World: Why It Matters More Than Ever

From isolation and lockdowns to the loss of jobs and loved ones, the pandemic has tested our emotional resilience in unprecedented ways…..

The COVID-19 pandemic has left a profound impact on the lives of people worldwide.

From isolation and lockdowns to the loss of jobs and loved ones, the pandemic has tested our emotional resilience in unprecedented ways. As we emerge from the crisis and adapt to the new normal, prioritizing emotional wellbeing is more important than ever. This blog will discuss the need for emotional wellbeing in a post-COVID world and offer insights into the steps we can take to foster a healthier, more resilient society.

The Emotional Impact of COVID-19

1.1: Grief and Loss The loss of loved ones due to the pandemic has left millions grieving. Grieving is a natural response to loss, but the scale and intensity of grief experienced during the pandemic have been extraordinary. For many, the grieving process has been complicated by the inability to partake in traditional rituals, such as funerals, and the support of friends and family.

1.2: Anxiety and Depression The pandemic has heightened feelings of anxiety and depression. Fear of contracting the virus, uncertainty about the future, and financial instability have all contributed to increased mental health challenges. Moreover, social isolation has deprived many people of the human connections and support networks that typically buffer against anxiety and depression.

1.3: Trauma and PTSD For frontline workers and those directly affected by the pandemic, the threat of exposure to the virus, witnessing suffering and death, and the pressure to make life-altering decisions have resulted in trauma and, in some cases, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The Importance of Emotional Wellbeing Post-COVID

2.1: Emotional Resilience In the aftermath of the pandemic, emotional resilience is crucial for individuals and communities to rebuild and thrive. Emotional wellbeing helps us cope with stress, adapt to change, and bounce back from adversity. By fostering emotional wellbeing, we can cultivate the resilience needed to navigate the challenges of a post-COVID world.

2.2: Physical Health Emotional wellbeing is closely linked to physical health. Chronic stress, anxiety, and depression can weaken the immune system, making us more susceptible to illness. In a post-COVID world, prioritizing emotional wellbeing can help protect against future health challenges and contribute to overall wellness.

2.3: Social Cohesion The pandemic has highlighted the importance of social connections and support networks. Emotional wellbeing strengthens these connections, fostering empathy, understanding, and trust. By nurturing emotional wellbeing, we can help mend the social fabric torn apart by the pandemic and promote a more cohesive and supportive society.

Strategies to Promote Emotional Wellbeing

3.1: Encourage Open Conversations Breaking the stigma surrounding mental health is essential for promoting emotional wellbeing. Encourage open conversations about feelings, experiences, and challenges faced during the pandemic. This can help create a supportive environment where individuals feel comfortable seeking help and discussing their emotions.

3.2: Foster Connection Strengthening social connections is vital for emotional wellbeing. Encourage community-building activities, reconnect with friends and family, and engage in social activities that foster a sense of belonging.

3.3: Prioritize Self-Care Emotional wellbeing starts with self-care. Develop a self-care routine that includes exercise, sleep, nutrition, and relaxation techniques such as mindfulness or meditation. Encourage others to prioritize their own self-care, as well.

3.4: Access Professional Help For those struggling with emotional wellbeing, professional help can be invaluable. Encourage individuals to seek therapy or counseling when needed, and support organizations that provide mental health services.

As we navigate the post-COVID world, it's evident that our collective global experience of the Covid 19 pandemic has much more lasting internal imbalances that continue to unfold daily. Stress is a killer and isolation combined with stress? well, that is recipe for long term emotional side effects. The time is now to exhale the last few years out……learn some amazing multi award winning methods how to do so.

Helena and Brian

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Boosting Business Success: The Benefits of Life in Synergy Employee Wellness Programs

In this blog, we will delve into the various benefits of implementing employee wellness programs and how they can positively impact your company……

The modern workplace has experienced a paradigm shift post Covid , as employers increasingly recognize the importance of employee wellness.

The focus is no longer solely on productivity and profits, but also on fostering a supportive and healthy work environment.

Employee wellness programs have emerged as an essential tool for companies looking to improve employee engagement, reduce healthcare costs, and enhance overall business success. In this blog, we will delve into the various benefits of implementing employee wellness programs and how they can positively impact your company.

Improved Employee Health and Well-being

At the core of employee wellness programs is the promotion of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By offering resources such as health assessments, fitness classes, and mental health support, these programs encourage employees to adopt healthier lifestyles. As a result, employees experience reduced stress levels, better sleep, and increased energy, which directly contribute to improved productivity, job satisfaction, and overall well-being.

Reduced Healthcare Costs

As employees adopt healthier lifestyles through wellness initiatives, they are less likely to suffer from chronic health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. This translates to fewer doctor visits, lower healthcare costs, and reduced absenteeism due to illness. Moreover, a healthier workforce reduces the likelihood of costly long-term disability claims. According to a 2020 study, companies can save an average of $3.27 for every dollar spent on wellness programs, demonstrating a significant return on investment.

Increased Employee Engagement and Morale

Wellness programs foster a sense of camaraderie and connection among employees by providing opportunities for them to participate in group activities like fitness challenges, lunch and learns, and team-building events. When employees feel supported and valued by their company, their engagement levels increase, leading to improved job satisfaction and a stronger sense of loyalty. A highly engaged workforce is more likely to be productive, innovative, and committed to the organization's goals.

Enhanced Company Culture and Reputation

Implementing employee wellness programs signals a commitment to fostering a positive work environment and prioritizes the well-being of employees. This, in turn, strengthens company culture and attracts top talent who value a healthy work-life balance. Moreover, a strong wellness program can significantly enhance your company's reputation as an employer of choice, giving you a competitive edge in the job market.

Reduced Turnover and Enhanced Retention

The costs associated with high employee turnover can be substantial, including recruitment, training, and loss of productivity. Wellness programs can help reduce turnover by promoting employee well-being, engagement, and satisfaction. Employees who feel cared for and supported by their company are more likely to remain loyal and committed, resulting in increased retention rates and reduced turnover costs.

Increased Productivity and Performance

Healthy employees are more likely to be productive and perform at their best. Wellness programs that encourage physical activity, proper nutrition, and stress management can significantly improve employees' mental clarity, focus, and stamina. Consequently, a healthier workforce is more efficient, innovative, and better equipped to tackle the challenges of the modern workplace.

Promotes Work-Life Balance

Employee wellness programs often extend beyond the workplace, promoting a holistic approach to well-being that includes family life, personal interests, and hobbies. By emphasizing the importance of work-life balance, these programs help employees develop healthy habits and coping strategies that positively impact their personal and professional lives. This ultimately leads to happier, more well-rounded employees who are better equipped to handle stress and maintain a high level of job satisfaction.

Life in Synergy employee wellness programs offer a wide array of benefits that can significantly improve the overall success and health of your company.

By investing in the well-being of your employees, you foster a positive work environment that promotes engagement, productivity, and loyalty. The implementation of a robust Life in Synergy wellness program can lead to higher functioning individuals that can be trusted to achieve maximum success and which is not only a long term benefits for themselves, but for your bottom line as well.

Find out how a 2x Best of Boston winner we can help your company prosper during these trying times.

Helena and Brian

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The Importance of Wellness: How to Lead a Healthier and Happier Life

It encompasses various factors, such as physical health, mental health, social connections, and sleep. Achieving and maintaining wellness can help improve physical and mental performance……

Wellness is a term that refers to the overall well-being of a person, including their physical, mental, and emotional health.

It encompasses a wide range of factors, such as healthy eating habits, regular exercise, quality sleep, stress management, social connections, and mental health care. Achieving and maintaining wellness is essential for leading a healthy and happy life.

Physical Health

Physical health is the foundation of overall wellness. It involves maintaining a healthy weight, consuming a balanced and nutritious diet, and engaging in regular physical activity. A healthy diet should include a variety of foods from all major food groups, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. Physical activity can help improve cardiovascular health, build muscle strength, increase endurance, and improve overall physical performance. Regular exercise can also reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

Mental Health

Mental health is just as important as physical health. It involves the ability to manage stress, anxiety, and depression, and maintain healthy relationships with others. One way to maintain good mental health is to engage in stress-reducing activities, such as Apex Life in Synergy meditations, SFM, Life in Synergy Stretching & deep breathing exercises. It is also important to seek professional help if you are experiencing mental health issues, as a qualified therapist or counselor can provide support and guidance to help you navigate difficult emotions and situations.

Social Connections

Social connections are also important for overall wellness. Humans are social creatures and need social interaction to maintain good mental health. Spending time with friends and family, volunteering, or participating in group activities can help you feel connected and supported. This sense of belonging and social support can help improve mood and reduce stress levels.


Quality sleep is essential for overall wellness. Adequate sleep helps restore the body and mind, and can improve physical and mental performance. Most adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep per night, and creating a sleep-friendly environment can help ensure quality sleep. This can include keeping the bedroom cool, quiet, and dark, avoiding electronics in the bedroom, and establishing a consistent sleep routine.


In conclusion, wellness is a holistic concept that involves the overall well-being of a person. It encompasses various factors, such as physical health, mental health, social connections, and sleep. Achieving and maintaining wellness can help improve physical and mental performance, increase life satisfaction, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

By adopting healthy habits and prioritizing self-care, you can lead a happier and healthier life.

Helena and Brian

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Straight ahead

Life is full of challenges, setbacks, and obstacles, and it can be easy to get discouraged or give up when things don't go as planned…..

We want to talk to you today about the power of perseverance.

Life is full of challenges, setbacks, and obstacles, and it can be easy to get discouraged or give up when things don't go as planned. But it's important to remember that every obstacle is an opportunity for growth, and every setback is a chance to learn and improve.

Perseverance means staying committed to your goals, even when the going gets tough. It means believing in yourself and your abilities, and trusting that you have the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacle. It means taking action, even when it feels uncomfortable or scary, and refusing to let fear or self-doubt hold you back.

I know that it's not always easy to stay motivated and focused in the face of adversity. But I want you to know that you are capable of achieving great things, and that every step you take towards your goals is a step in the right direction. So don't give up, don't lose hope, and don't let anyone else define your limits or your potential.

Remember that success is not just about achieving your goals, but also about the journey you take to get there. It's about the lessons you learn, the people you meet, and the experiences you have along the way. So embrace the challenges, stay committed to your dreams, and never stop striving to be the best version of yourself. In the words of the great philosopher Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." So make perseverance a habit, and watch as you transform your dreams into reality.

Helena and Brian

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Breaking Free from Negative Patterns:

Negative patterns are behaviors or thought processes that can cause harm or distress to individuals or those around them.

These patterns can be difficult to break, as they are often deeply ingrained habits that have been reinforced over time. In this article, we will explore what negative patterns are, why they matter, and how they can be addressed…….

Understanding the Power of Habit

Negative patterns are behaviors or thought processes that can cause harm or distress to individuals or those around them.

These patterns can be difficult to break, as they are often deeply ingrained habits that have been reinforced over time. In this article, we will explore what negative patterns are, why they matter, and how they can be addressed.

What are negative patterns?

Negative patterns can take many forms, such as compulsive behaviors, negative self-talk, or destructive relationships. They can be caused by a variety of factors, such as trauma, stress, or negative self-image, and can lead to a range of negative outcomes, such as anxiety, depression, or substance abuse.

One of the key characteristics of negative patterns is that they tend to be repetitive and self-reinforcing. Once a pattern has been established, it can be difficult to break out of, as it can become a habit that is reinforced by a sense of familiarity or comfort.

Why do negative patterns matter?

Negative patterns can have a significant impact on an individual's life and can lead to a range of negative outcomes, such as mental health issues, relationship problems, or substance abuse. In addition, negative patterns can be self-perpetuating, leading to a cycle of negative thoughts and behaviors that can be difficult to break.

Moreover, negative patterns can have a ripple effect on those around us, affecting our relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. They can also have an impact on the wider community, as negative patterns can contribute to issues such as crime and social isolation.

How can negative patterns be addressed?

Breaking negative patterns can be a challenging process, but it is possible with the right approach. The first step is to identify the negative pattern and the underlying factors that contribute to it. This may involve seeking support from a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counselor, or engaging in self-reflection and journaling.

Once the pattern and underlying factors have been identified, the next step is to develop a plan for breaking the pattern. This may involve developing new habits or coping strategies that can help to counteract the negative pattern. For example, if the negative pattern involves substance abuse, a plan may involve seeking support from a substance abuse treatment program, developing healthy coping strategies, and building a strong support network.

Finally, breaking negative patterns requires persistence and patience. It can take time to break a deeply ingrained habit, and setbacks may occur along the way. However, with a strong support network and a commitment to change, it is possible to break negative patterns and move towards a more positive and fulfilling life.


Negative patterns can be difficult to break, but they are not insurmountable. By understanding the power of habit and the impact of negative patterns, individuals can develop strategies for breaking free from these patterns and moving towards a more positive and fulfilling life. Whether seeking support from a mental health professional, engaging in self-reflection, or developing healthy coping strategies, breaking negative patterns is a journey that can lead to growth, healing, and a better quality of life.

Let me show you how to break your patterns..


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You add or subtract

So what exactly is all this “inner peace” shit all about?…..

So , what exactly is all this “inner peace” shit all about and how can the world be changed by someone who decides to look within with Life in Synergy® wellness programs you say?

Well, lets start off with the concept of waking up to see that all this mumbo jumbo spiritual stuff is indeed real and not the bill of goods that has been tainted by countless years of abuse by religion, false gurus, online “spiritual teacher” marketers, cult like practices and for some reason, anyone who wears yoga pants 24/7and calls themselves “ a spiritual teacher” because they are flexible.

Now if I sound like a bitter old bastard, I am not.

What I am saying is from a lifetime of professional experience and co owning 2 highly successful wellness studios in Boston for decades. If you have cured the blind, changed the energy of infertile women to allow them to have children, ended lifelong migraines in a single session, cured life long chronic back pain in a single setting, altered the course of countless lives by only using my connection to the cosmic mind and energy field, then you can tell me to clam up, if not, then clam up and read on because I am speaking the absolute frigging truth to you.

You are a broadcast tower that sends out the signal of who you are and affects the zone you are in. To coin a phrase I said to a very well know musician client that I helped years ago with a variety of issues, whom later used my teachings in a song that he wrote “ You are one with everything, theres no where to run”.

My wife and I live in Massachusetts and as I write this blog , a story was just released saying that Massachusetts is the best place to live. In fact, Massachusetts was named the best state in the U.S. to raise a family, read here. The town we live in was also voted the safest town to live in the entire country 2x. Now is this because of us and our practices? Ab-so-friggin-lutely.

Imagine states ( or countries) where there is ongoing turmoil like earthquakes, destruction, violence, racism, deception, sexism, jealousy, greed, lies, theft, etc? Well that is because the vibe needs to be ascended in areas like that and that in many ways they are stuck in a vortex of timeless repetition by the blind leading the blind. We are energy contained in a human form and leave an imprint wherever we go and if a person is full of shit, a liar, thief, etc…then that energy will stack up upon the layers of the like and well, turmoil will be the outcome. If however, you work on yourself and your deeper understanding of “it” all, then your vibe alters ALL that is around you and yup, you then live in the best state in the country and the safest town in the country. But if you are a liar you have a liar vibe, thief? thief vibe, good person? good vibe, truth bringer? truth vibe….get it ?

Do I sound pompous?


Because I am telling you the truth?

Should I deny all that my wife and I have done as a team to change lives and the world? Fuck that!…we are awesome and you should be learning from us vs being led off a universal cliff. Remember: “You are one with everything, theres no where to run” So study with us and discover secrets NOW….as life is short.

Brian Collins THE one and only Rabid Monk

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Helena Collins Helena Collins

Well, ain’t that a bitch! (Says residents of Atlantis)

Imagine if then we are watching history repeat itself while saying “Wow it looks like history is repeating itself!” …..

Imagine if all the old legends were true?

Imagine if then we are watching history repeat itself while saying “Wow it looks like history is repeating itself!”

A global flood that changes the topography of the entire planet? Meteors that crash down and reset the world ( Hmmm, see recent NASA probe mission)…now mind you I am not even touching on all the famine, disease, starvation, etc….all “old” energies constantly get updated in each century if left unchecked. The problems that we have now couldn’t have happened 100 years ago, 300 years ago, or 1000 years ago….they are tailored to fit this current vibration.

People make the mistake of getting confused thinking “old “ energies will never come back…you know that whole usage of the “never again” mentality that says our current world could never allow past horrors to replay again… they are replaying right now. Humans can’t even treat each other with kindness and yet they want the complexity of the totality of energy ( past, present, future) workings. Nope, you have to do the work to ascend, it cant and won’t just be handed out.

How about this secret then?

1st….KNOW that negative energy WILL replay unless it is addressed through action….not through bullshitting. To admit this is to begin to accept a bigger picture and begin a special connection within the self. The rest? Well, you have wonderful resources on this website to begin to become responsible for the fucked up world. We all act like tiny broadcasting units…and the more that can broadcast specific vibrations and frequencies the better.

Negativity has had its grasp on our world for a very long time, so which direction do you want it to go now?…a replay of old shit again or the purity of experience known as release?


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Helena Collins Helena Collins

4 Tips to Destress

I wanted to repost my tips that I was interviewed by Boston Magazine a few years ago…..with so much stress in the world, I wanted to give a few tips to help with body energy and ascension from life-sucking levels of anxiety and doom…..


I wanted to repost my tips that I was interviewed by Boston Magazine a few years ago…..with so much stress in the world, I wanted to give a few tips to help with body energy and ascension from life-sucking levels of anxiety and doom.

Scenario One: Yet Another T Breakdown or Mass Pike Traffic Jam

Instead of stewing about how late you’ll be, use your stationary time to think of something positive, Collins says.

“If you are frustrated, then create the energy of pleasure in your head. Replay a positive scenario that you have had in the past over and over for three minutes in your mind,” he recommends. “This personal life experience mantra will help to change your overall vibe and make a crappy situation more tolerable.”

Scenario Two: Work Stress

Whether it’s a tight deadline, a demanding boss, or an always-annoying co-worker, the office is rife with stressful situations. When dealing with the irritating desk-mate, Collins suggests looking inward.

“You have to realize that you can never change the other person,” he says. “If they are annoying, could you be producing annoyance energy in any way?” Take a minute to take stock of your own internal state and the vibes you’re putting off.

Scenario Three: Dealing with Rudeness

Next time your barista snaps at you or a stranger jostles you out of the way on the T, Collins says to analyze where in your body you hold that stress—maybe you make a fist or hunch your shoulders—and let it go.

“Everyone has a specific storage bank in the body that stress makes deposits to when you encounter people that pull your ‘rude trigger,'” he says. “Next time you encounter a rude person, simply adjust this area by taking a long breath, hold it for a moment, exhale, and focus in on your storage bank and relax this affected zone.”

Scenario Four: The Seat-Kicker

It’s a rule of the universe that a child will kick the back of your seat on every long flight, ever. Collins insists the annoyance can be spun into a positive.

“What I do is envision the kicks as a release mechanism,” Collins says, adding that this mindset may take a while to adopt. “With each kick, I see my tension subsiding versus increasing. I use the child’s actions to bypass a normal emotional response.”

Enjoy the above and check out our amazing mindfulness programs available to you.,,,they contain some really really good shit.


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hope Helena Collins hope Helena Collins

So here we once again resetting and restarting.

With this awesome change comes a new blog and well, found out that the old blogs cant be imported and brought into the new site…guess what? That is cool and the actual basis of our collective ( Brian and I) understanding of the forward progression of life.

Our new website is a return to the fun of “us” and the vibrant spirit of possibility and hope.

With this awesome change comes a new blog and well, found out that the old blogs cant be imported and brought into the new site…guess what?

That is cool and the actual basis of our collective ( Brian and I) understanding of the forward progression of life. It is the small stuff that stacks up and turns an emotional speed bump into a rampart that blocks your way. Dismissing any energy that pops up as “nothing” is something that should be looked at. All energies deserved to be looked at and studied…after all that is what a spiritual person really does, it isn’t simply to obtain a better life or magical experiences, it is about living in the totality of the moment and being open to all and being willing to release all.

So if you desire a new view and are ready to break the mold, shake the tree, and to be frank, dump all the old shit away with some kick-ass info….then you have landed on the correct blog. Start with us today and begin to see the world differently tomorrow.


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