Why Life in Synergy is the Gold Standard for Personal Energy Transformation

Through Helena Collins Apex Life in Synergy Program, thousands of individuals have been helped—both at her brick-and-mortar wellness studios in Boston’s Back Bay and now through her online energy mastery programs—break free from cycles of stagnation and unresolved energy patterns. The belief that "This program won’t help me" is not just resistance—it is the clearest sign of internal stagnation and repetitive unresolved energies….don’t let them win (again).

For 3 decades, Life in Synergy® has been at the forefront of spiritual energy transformation, subconscious healing, and realignment of ki, mana, prana, chi, and cosmic forces.

Through our Apex Life in Synergy Program, we have helped thousands of individuals—both in our brick-and-mortar wellness studios in Boston’s Back Bay and now through our online energy mastery programs —break free from cycles of stagnation and unresolved energy patterns. The thought belief that "this program won’t help me" is not just resistance—it is the clearest sign of internal stagnation and repetitive unresolved energies.

This thought is not a reflection of reality, but rather of the subconscious mind holding onto old limitations. If you’ve had this thought, it is the strongest indicator that you are ready for transformation. In this blog, we’ll explore the scientific, historical, and spiritual evidence that proves the effectiveness of Life in Synergy’s approach, and why our programs are the top in the field of energy alignment and transformation.

The Proven Benefits of Energy Work: What Science and History Say:

1. Breathwork & Energy Flow for Stress Reduction

Scientific studies confirm that breathwork and movement techniques—foundational practices in the Apex Life in Synergy Program—have measurable effects on nervous system regulation and stress reduction.

🔗 Harvard Health Publishing reports that controlled breathing stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to decreased stress, improved focus, and a strengthened immune system.

2. The Science of Subconscious Reprogramming

Our program helps individuals rewire their thought patterns, shifting self-doubt into empowerment.

🔗 Research from The National Institutes of Health (NIH) confirms that neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to rewire itself—is directly influenced by mindfulness, breathwork, and intentional mental shifts, proving that the Apex Life in Synergy Program works on both an energetic and scientific level.

3. The Ancient Wisdom of Ki, Mana, Prana & Chi Energy Flow

Throughout history, civilizations across the globe have recognized the power of life force energy:

Traditional Chinese Medicine (Chi/Qi) – Emphasizes that blocked chi leads to illness, fatigue, and stagnation (Mayo Clinic).

Ayurveda (Prana) – Describes prana as the vital force of life, governing health and consciousness (NIH).

Hawaiian Mana – Recognizes energy as an interactive force that fuels spiritual and physical vitality.

The Apex Life in Synergy® Program harnesses these proven ancient principles, combining them with modern science and practical application to create the most advanced energy transformation system available today.

Why Life in Synergy is the Leader in Energy Transformation

Like the way the world is headed?

Then look at what hasn’t worked and try something new.

For 3 decades, we have helped individuals clear stagnant energy, reset subconscious blocks, and step into full energetic alignment.

Here’s why we are at the top of our field:

1. We Address the Root Cause—Not Just the Symptoms

🌟 Unlike traditional wellness approaches that focus only on managing stress, we clear the subconscious and

energetic root of stagnation, creating lasting change.

2. Decades of Success in Energy Mastery

🌟 With a long-standing presence in Boston’s Back Bay and now worldwide, we have successfully

guided thousands of individuals through profound energetic shifts.

3. We Break the Cycle of Resistance

🌟 The thought that “this won’t work for me” is the proof of unresolved, repetitive energies.

We specialize in helping individuals break through this exact mental and energetic resistance—a key

reason why our clients often experience rapid transformation.

4. Our Program is Backed by Both Science & Spiritual Tradition

🌟 From Harvard-backed stress reduction techniques to ancient energy healing wisdom,

we offer a complete, proven system of transformation.

5. Our Methods Work for Everyone—Skeptics Included

🌟 Many who have stepped into our program were once skeptical. After experiencing the

real-world results of energy realignment, they now describe it as the most powerful transformation of their lives.

Turn that energy frown upside down with Life in Synergy®

3 Steps to Begin Your Transformation Today

Even before you join the Apex Life in Synergy Program, you can start shifting your energy today with these techniques

1. Awareness Exercise: Identify Your Resistance

💫 Ask yourself: What is holding me back? What thought patterns keep me in the same place? Write them down. Awareness is the first step to breaking the cycle.

2. Breathwork to Clear Stagnation

💫 Try this: Inhale deeply for four counts, hold for four, and exhale for six.

This breath pattern helps release blocked chi and restore spiritual balance.

3. Reframe Doubt Into Possibility

💫 If you find yourself thinking, “This won’t work for me,” shift it to: “What if this is exactly what I need?” This simple mental shift begins the energy reset process.

Why RIGHT NOW is the Time to Step Up

Global Energetic stagnation will not disappear on its own.

The longer it remains trapped within ourselves and our innermost thoughts, the deeper it becomes embedded in the global subconscious and the vast spiritual energy field. However, the moment you choose to take action and make a change, everything begins to shift and transform. At Life in Synergy, we are passionately here to guide you through a proven, transformative process of energetic realignment, subconscious connection, and profound spiritual empowerment. If you’ve ever felt stuck, exhausted, or resistant to the idea of change, this is undeniably your moment of opportunity.

The very thought that you have of “This won’t work for me” serves as compelling proof that you need this transformative work the most.

Are You Ready to Break Free?

🌟 Join the Apex Life in Synergy Program today and experience the highest level of energy transformation.

🌟 Explore our science-backed and spiritually proven methods—developed over decades of success.

🌟 Visit www.lifeinsynergy.com to take your first step toward energetic mastery.

Your ki, mana, prana, chi, and subconscious power are waiting to be fully activated.

Are you ready to take back YOUR energy?

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A whirled world

Feeling disconnected post-election? Dive into the interconnected nature of our judgments and biases. Explore how unresolved generational patterns shape how we see ourselves and others, and why understanding this is key to personal and collective healing.

the world is a reflection of the inner you….www.lifeinsynergy.com

Navigating Disconnection: Understanding Our Interconnected Reality

If recent Political events have left you feeling detached or disillusioned, or even if you're in high spirits, there’s value in exploring perspectives beyond our own as “different,” rather than “wrong.” This shift isn’t about invalidating our emotions but rather expanding our understanding.

Let’s begin with an essential truth: we all share this single, fragile planet. Regardless of where we stand, we all navigate a tangled web of personal emotions, biochemical processes, and internal energies that fuel our actions and reactions. No one—not even the most ambitious among us—has the luxury of relocating to a different world simply because they find their fellow inhabitants difficult. Even hypothetically, what chance would a new society have if it carried unresolved legacies like ego, racism, sexism, and the persistent urge for control?

Likely, the cycle of conflict would follow us wherever we go.

As it stands, we’re a species governed by millennia of repetitive patterns, cycling through the same historical themes. We see global divides in 2024 that resonate with those of 1900, 1800, or 500. Despite immense advances in technology and society, these underlying currents of division remain hauntingly unchanged.

In many ways, the human mind—our most potent tool, capable of inventing everything from electric lights to digital marvels—still relies on a primitive “filter.” This mental filter, which automatically categorizes people by characteristics such as race, gender, wealth, and social status, was our first attempt at making sense of the world. It acts like a camera filter on our phones, coloring every interaction before we even engage. With this filter, we slot people into boxes, drawing on preconceptions we’ve absorbed from countless external influences.

The paradox? The “other” we resist or judge is often a reflection of our own unresolved aspects.

When we feel triggered by someone else’s behavior or identity, it’s often because they mirror parts of ourselves we haven’t fully accepted or understood. This realization is jarring: the person we project our judgments onto is, in many ways, an extension of our own experience.

Human consciousness is thus a vessel carrying layers of history—emotional imprints from generations past that we unconsciously replay. The 21st century is simply the context; our bodies are processing the same fundamental impulses that may have driven us thousands of years ago. When we judge others, we reinforce the very divisions within ourselves.

So, the age-old principle remains: what we do to others, we ultimately do to ourselves. This isn’t a curse—it’s a chance to recognize that healing ourselves may be the most effective way to heal the divisions we see around us. In learning to honor this shared humanity, we allow for a kind of progress that can’t be measured in inventions or societal advancements alone.

Spirituality isn’t a 4 letter word or some bullshit…….it doesn’t have to be religious or cult like. It could be as basic as looking at someone you despise in your mind and taking a moment to see if any of what “they” are doing can also be a part of your very being and if so, how can you change it within yourself and join the whole cosmic quantum entanglement fun in the process?

Helena and Brian

Life in Synergy Inc.

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Who let the air out of the tires?

Discover how to identify and overcome energy hounds, subconscious sabotage, and old patterns that block your spiritual growth. Explore insights on achieving personal ascension through self-awareness and energy protection with Boston's award winning wellness dynamic duo, Brian and Helena Collins

Did you ever have a moment when you felt that the world was your oyster?

Life itself was a supernova and the world was exactly on track?

You could see your role and it’s infinite possibilities on how you could contribute to the bigger picture of life itself and by doing so, you yourself would also ascend to new levels of consciousness? You may have had a specific song play in your head as a soundtrack and a special pep in your step as each step forward was indeed a step forward into a new world of your creation?

Then the fan that cosmically spun, suddenly had massive shit thrown directly at it and clogged its mechanisms. Suddenly you felt devastated, weakened and off track. Your very being was wiped and the pep in the step was replaced with the doom in your gloom. How can this be? How can a cosmic battery be drained so quickly?

Energy hounds and old patterns are Ninjas that’s why.

Both can knock a person off center at any time if a person loses sight of the unfortunate truth of our dimension: if there is good, there is evil.

A good person who is blind to this reality is subject to the double whammy of self attack and of the negative will of others. A self attack consists of subconscious thoughts and actions often sabotaging a persons forward progress. Why would a person do that to themselves you might think? They wouldn’t, the subconscious mind is simply a hard drive that stores information throughout a persons present ( and past) life and when challenged with new energy patterns, thoughts, deeds and actions may rebel against what it considers its “only”cemented reality.

This challenge may lead to self destructive actions, arguments, disillusionment as the subconscious tries its best to hold a firm grasp on “What is” and unknowingly a person will fall prey to the subtle aspects of old ways surfacing and causing slow downs in ones progress. I personally went through periods of this as I studied deeply in Chi Gong and Hawaiian spiritual aspects throughout the years. I was challenged daily by my older mindset of being “just” an inner city kid who couldn’t possibly ever be like the Masters I idolized, after all, they had the secrets and me? I was just a guy from the projects in the lower end of South Boston.

All old bullshit in my subconscious.

As my training continued over the decades and I began to wake to the acknowledge that I was the person people came to see from all over the world to create change for them at my office on Newbury street in Boston’s Back Bay and I was rewriting my life story daily by fully dedicating myself to the new energies I was creating. I will pat myself on the back and say I also never forgot that there is a ton of negative bullshit out there and stayed true to my inner city side (keeping a spiritual head on a swivel) so I guess in many ways I accepted that the yin yang as just not an Asian symbol, but an absolute fact on the ever shifting levels of invisible influential duplicity and prepared myself for any and all “Ninjas” that may pop up.

If there is light, there is indeed dark and a seeker has to be prepared and learn how to feel the subtle changes of these intertwining flows moment by moment. As you unlock new levels of self , you can and will identify the “What was energy” and “What is” and be more aware to old energies trying to regain frequency control and influence your thoughts and actions. This is the key to not allowing subconscious influence to creep in as you ascend into new heights.

Energy hounds?

Now they are on a whole different predatory level.

They are ones that when you say things like “What a wonderful sunny day” they will say to you “ No, Not really, “blank” is currently in war and people are dying or tell you a story about how a relative of theirs can’t be out in the sun and cries in a window when the sun comes out. You know the type, we have all met someone like this be it at work, social life or encounter with a stranger on the street. These people will say white is black, up is down, day is night and so on, all to just cause a rift in your peace so they can feed on your positive field reaction and use it for themselves. They in turn will make you feel as if you are one that has all the facts wrong and then add onto the energy draining by gaslighting you into thinking that you may be wrong for being so positive in an often negative world.

We all know the feeling after being near a person like this: tired, confused, and completely off center.

These people are very easy to diffuse, you simply do not engage and if you have engaged…walk away. There is no being rude to a person who is trying to drain energy off you, it is simply aura self defense. You owe nothing to an energy hound, if you work with one, if you are friends with one, if you just met one…..when you feel the shift in your vibration begin and feel a “pull” into this persons world…walk away. Preservation is better than being reduced to their level. Who cares if they say “You are rude” as they are simply sending out feelers to pull you back in to them by seeking another reaction from you by doing so, see the endless tendrils?

You owe it to yourself to read this blog and then study what thoughts YOU then have….are they telling you “This is bullshit” perhaps?

Mine thought was just that many decades ago when I met the Kahuna I would study with for the very 1st time, he quickly altered that thought of mine and well, off I went into the land of renew and haven’t stopped yet. He has since passed away and in many ways I feel as if I have picked up the staff and gone off into the desert of the world continuing my “job” of being the man behind the curtain of change. I remember when he came to Boston 2 decades ago after I did something VERY large for the city and pulled me aside and told me that All ( including him) in his organization should be studying with me, he was so proud of what I had become and said that saying that fact to people in his organization would cause many wonderful “opportunities” to grow and advance. I asked him why would people reject that fact if they were indeed so ascended? He said in his great old Hawaiian accent ( sort of like a Hawaiian Jerry Seinfeld) “ Ohhhh, no matter who people think they are, they always have ego tapping them on their shoulders to remind them they are not”.

So I ask you at YOUR crossroads, see that blue button below?

That is now your chance to ascend, a chance to begin to study new ways or let old outdated energies run your life ( and thus all life on Earth based on Quantum Entanglement). By simply clicking off and taking some morsels of knowledge to regurgitate that you read on this blog and not telling your clients, friends or co workers about www.lifeinsynergy.com, you continue the rule of old energies on the planet and add onto the “take take take” imbalances on Earth or you can purchase one of our programs and help shift the planet.

Brian Collins- Retired Healer and Current Old Man behind the curtain

Life in Synergy® Inc.

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Holding Onto Letting Go: The Path to True Enlightenment

Discover the paradox of holding onto letting go and embark on a transformative journey towards true enlightenment with 2x Best of Boston winner Helena Collins. Learn how to embrace new spiritual practices and the gift of presence to achieve inner peace and growth.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the concept of "letting go" can seem like a paradox.

How can we hold onto the idea of releasing our grip on what binds us by holding onto what WE want?

This journey isn't about abandoning everything we know but rather about embracing the essence of transformation and allowing new energies to guide us toward true enlightenment. Enlightenment is not a marketplace where we selectively pick and choose what suits our current state of mind. It's an invitation to awaken our senses to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond our comfort zones. Enlightenment beckons us to open our eyes and ears to the profound wisdom that a teacher has to offer, urging us to evolve continually.

Letting go is often misconstrued as giving up or losing something valuable. In reality, it's about releasing the stagnant energies that no longer serve our higher purpose. By holding onto the intent of letting go, we create space for new practices, methods, and experiences to flow into our lives. This is not a passive act but a conscious decision to evolve and grow. True enlightenment requires us to step beyond our preconceived notions and embrace new methods and practices. This might involve exploring different spiritual practices, engaging in mindful meditation, or simply allowing ourselves to be present in the moment. Each new practice is a step towards expanding our consciousness and tapping into the universal energy that connects us all.

As we embark on this journey, it's essential to approach it with humility.

The great quote we used frequently at our former multi award winning brick and mortar studio in Boston’s Back Bay, "I know nothing about what you do, but I know more than you," served as a powerful reminder of the dangers of arrogance when we were confronted by people who knew nothing about our global training, our history of success or philosophy. True wisdom comes from acknowledging limitations and being open to learning from every person and experience we encounter. One of the most profound aspects of letting go is the gift of presence. By releasing our attachment to past regrets and future anxieties, we can fully immerse ourselves in the present moment. This presence allows us to experience life with clarity and purpose, awakening us to the beauty and interconnectedness of all things.

As you reflect on the concept of holding onto letting go, consider how you can incorporate this practice into your daily life.

What energies and practices can you embrace to enhance your journey toward enlightenment?

How can you remain open and humble, allowing the universe to guide you towards your highest potential?

Enlightenment is not a destination but a continuous journey of growth and self-discovery. By holding onto the intention of letting go, we create a pathway to true transformation, allowing us to live with greater awareness, acceptance, and inner peace. Embrace this journey with an open heart and mind, and watch as the universe unfolds its infinite wisdom before you.In our quest for spiritual growth, it's vital to remember that enlightenment is not about selectively choosing what feels comfortable.

It's about FULLY embracing the unknown, allowing new energies to guide us, and remaining humble in our pursuit of wisdom.

Don't be the person who claims to know more without understanding. Instead, be open to learning, evolving, and holding onto the beautiful paradox of letting go.

Helena Collins-2x Best of Boston Winner


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Entitlement and Ego: The Self-Destructive Duo

Explore the impact of entitlement and ego on personal growth. Learn how to recognize and overcome full of self syndrome for a more fulfilling life.

Entitlement and Ego Energy 101

In our journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, we often encounter various challenges that test our resilience and character. One of the most dangerous obstacles we face is when peace and honesty meet entitlement and ego. These two forces (entitlement and ego), when left unchecked, can lead to a life dominated by the full of self syndrome—a condition where one's perception of self-worth becomes distorted, leading to harmful energies that can echo out and infect to the entire world.

What is Entitlement?

Entitlement is the belief that one deserves certain privileges or special treatment without necessarily earning them. It's a mindset that prioritizes personal desires over the needs and rights of others. This attitude can be particularly destructive in relationships ( personal and business), leading to a lack of empathy and respect for others.

The Role of Ego and the creation of reality

Ego is the part of our psyche that deals with our self-identity and self-esteem. While a healthy ego helps us navigate the world with confidence, an inflated ego can create a false sense of superiority. When combined with entitlement, it can become a toxic mix that blinds individuals to their faults and makes them justify their harmful actions.

A Personal Encounter with Full of Self Syndrome

Some time ago, I had a client/business partner who embodied the very essence of entitlement and ego. This person, whom I trusted and valued, ended up using and lying to me in ways that left deep emotional scars. They took advantage of my kindness and generosity, exploiting my goodwill for their benefit. When the consequences of their (lack of) actions caught up with them and the world in 2019, they then disappeared from my life without a trace, leaving me to pick up the pieces. Years later, out of nowhere, this person reappeared, asking for my help again as if nothing had happened. They seemed oblivious to the global pain they had caused, their sense of entitlement and ego still fully intact. This encounter was a stark reminder of the dangers of full of self syndrome.

The Impact of Full of Self Syndrome

Full of self syndrome manifests in various ways, all detrimental to personal growth and healthy relationships. Individuals afflicted by this syndrome often:

  1. Lack Accountability: They refuse to acknowledge their mistakes and blame others for their problems.

  2. Show Disregard for Others: They prioritize their needs and desires over the well-being of others.

  3. Exhibit Manipulative Behavior: They use others as tools to achieve their personal goals (desires), often through deceit and exploitation.

  4. Experience Superficial Relationships: Their relationships are built on self-interest rather than genuine 1 on 1 connection and mutual respect and care for all.

Healing and Moving Forward. 👍

Encountering someone with full of self syndrome can be a deeply painful experience, but it also offers valuable lessons in self-awareness and boundary-setting. Here are 5 steps to heal and protect yourself:

  1. Acknowledge the Pain: Allow yourself to feel and process the hurt caused by the other person's actions.

  2. Set Boundaries: Clearly define and communicate your limits to protect yourself from further harm.

  3. Practice Forgiveness: Forgiveness is not about excusing the behavior but releasing the glue like thought hold it has on your emotional well-being. If you gave it your all and were screwed over for it by someone, forgive yourself. The negative Karma that comes out of a situation like that it is NOT yours…Simply address a letter in your mind, place the energy of your frustration ( whatever the situation was) into the letter, seal it, put a mental stamp on it and place it into a cosmic return to sender mailbox and mail that sucker!

  4. Focus on Self-Growth: Use the experience as a catalyst for your personal and spiritual growth.

  5. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Seek out relationships and environments that foster mutual respect and understanding.

Wrapping it up already

Entitlement and ego, when left unchecked, can lead to a life FOREVER dominated by self-destructive behaviors and damaged relationships. Recognizing and addressing full of self syndrome within ourselves and others is crucial for fostering a life of empathy, respect, and genuine connection. By setting healthy boundaries and focusing on personal growth, we can navigate these challenges and continue our journey towards a more enlightened and fulfilling existence.

Brian Collins

Life in Synergy Inc.

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The Pitfalls of Never Feeling Loved and Uncertainty's Power to Freeze

Explore the pitfalls of never feeling loved and the power of uncertainty to freeze internal guidance. Learn how to cultivate self-love, seek support, and practice mindfulness to overcome these challenges and foster personal growth.

The feelings of never being loved and the uncertainty it brings can paralyze our inner guidance.

These experiences can significantly impact our emotional and spiritual well-being. This Life in Synergy® blog explores these pitfalls and offers insights on how to navigate them. The impact of Never feeling loved can echo on and be passed on from generation to generation and thus continue the pattern like a virus seeking a new host. Feeling unloved by parents, in relationships, with friends, etc., can have deep and lasting effects on our self-esteem and emotional health. This pattern of neglect can alter a persons perception of not only themselves but the energy of the external world as well throughout a entire lifetime. Self-Worth: Constantly feeling unloved can erode our sense of self-worth and lead to negative self-perceptions and the unchecked desire to spread our internal discontent outwards to others. Emotional Isolation: This feeling can isolate us emotionally, making it difficult to form meaningful, truthful connections with others.

It's important to recognize and address these feelings to foster healing and growth. 🌳

Self-Love: Cultivating self-love and compassion is crucial in overcoming feelings of being unloved. Engaging in self-care can help rebuild our self-worth, but acknowledgement of the answer when it arrives is crucial to release and repair. Seeking Support: Reaching out to supportive friends, family, spiritual guides or a therapist can provide the emotional support needed to overcome these feelings.

Uncertainty can be a powerful force that freezes our internal guidance, preventing us from making decisions and moving forward.

  • Paralysis by over Analysis: Overthinking and worrying about the unknown can lead to inaction and stagnation ( repetitition).

  • Fear of the Unknown: The fear of what lies ahead can paralyze our decision-making process and hinder our progress.

Learning to navigate uncertainty is essential for personal and spiritual growth.

  • Mindfulness and Presence: Staying present and focusing on the current moment can reduce the anxiety caused by uncertainty.

  • Trusting the Process: Trusting in the journey and having faith that things will work out can help us move forward despite the unknown. This is very hard for people to accept as the prior energies that aid in creating an addiction to self induced chemical states of mind ( natural) through negative behavior(s) that reinforce the desire for attention are often very , very seductive and people are often tricked by their own internal dialog that justify the spread of ones unresolved negative energies outward as it gives them a natural high that comes with turmoil.

The feelings of never being loved and the power of uncertainty can be significant obstacles in our lives.

By cultivating self-love, seeking support, and practicing mindfulness, we can overcome these challenges and continue on our path of personal and spiritual growth. This process is much more important than you the reader can imagine as I have personally seen the energy of unresolved internal conflicts manifest as external and have seen many “unresolved emotional car fires” lit and wind up burning the entire world through unresolved emotional disconnect(s).

We are all one and what we do to ourselves we do to the entire world, so unless you are rich enough to leave this planet forever and live with some Gray Alien on planet Blip Blip, you better wake up to the fact that you simply don’t shit where you eat. So the next time you want to externalize unresolved issues within, think of the ripple effect of doing so. Take a moment, step back and ask yourself this question : “What am I doing to help shift negative energy on this planet”?

The answer will tell all.

Brian Collins

Life in Synergy® ©2024

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Finding Your Energetic Purpose and Legacy in Your 50s

Discover how to craft a meaningful legacy in your 50s with expert guidance from Boston’s Wellness Wunderkind Duo, Helena and Brian Collins at Life in Synergy. Learn how to align your life with your deepest values and leave a lasting impact.

As we enter our 50s, life often prompts us to reflect on our purpose and the legacy energy we wish to leave behind.

This decade is a powerful time for introspection and alignment with our deepest values.

Helena and Brian Collins at Life in Synergy in Boston have dedicated decades of thier lives helping individuals navigate these profound transitions through their holistic programs. Many in their 50s begin to question the impact they've made and the significance of their contributions in life. It's a time to reassess priorities and focus on what truly matters. The Life in Synergy programs, such as their Apex Life in Synergy or E.F.V Keys programs, offer personalized guidance to help you identify and pursue your true energy. Helena and Brian’s approach combines spiritual insight with real world practical strategies, ensuring a balanced, expansive path to fulfillment.

Legacy: your ultimate planted seed.

Legacy is not just about what we leave behind materially, but also the values, memories, and positive influence we impart to others and the world. Our actions as we age become our true financial wealth that we deposit in our Karmic Bank Account and through the passage of time and experience, people often do daily life reviews of past experiences and deeds. Some of these reviews bring up actions that may be far from those that create(d) peace and need a deeper dive that can only be aided by someone who has walked the peaceful, truthful walk for what is seems lifetimes. Through her comprehensive coaching sessions, Boston’s multi award winning fitness and wellness Guru Helena Collins help clients cultivate a legacy that resonates with their core beliefs. These sessions often involve deep dives into historical identification of repetitive energetic patterns, strengths, and passions, ensuring that your legacy is both authentic and impactful.

Your 50s can be a transformative period of growth and fulfillment.

The decade of your 50s is often characterized by significant personal and spiritual transformation. It is a time when many individuals reassess their lives, seeking deeper meaning and alignment with their true selves. This period can be one of remarkable growth and fulfillment, as it presents opportunities to embrace new perspectives, cultivate inner peace, and create a legacy that resonates with your core values. With the guidance of Helena and Brian Collins at Life in Synergy, you can navigate this transformative journey with clarity and purpose. Their programs are designed to help you connect with your inner wisdom and discover what truly matters to you. Whether you are seeking to enhance your health, deepen your spiritual practice, or strengthen your relationships, Helena and Brian offer the tools and support you need to thrive.

Decades of Experience in Holistic Wellness

Helena and Brian Collins bring decades of brick and mortar experience in holistic wellness to their online practice. Their comprehensive approach integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, ensuring that you receive balanced and effective guidance. They have helped countless individuals in their award winning wellness studios in Boston since the 1990’s to achieve their personal, physical and spiritual goals, making them valuable guides on your journey. At Life in Synergy, the focus is not only on enlightenment ascension, but also general well-being and crafting a life and legacy that reflect your true self. Helena and Brian understand that your legacy is built through everyday actions and long-term commitments. Their Apex Life in Synergy Program and E.F.V Keys Programs are tailored to help you understand yourself, and create a lasting impact on those around you.

The programs offered at Life in Synergy are created to meet your unique needs and aspirations based upon your current level of growth.

Helena and Brian’s expertise ensures that you receive the guidance and encouragement needed to embrace this pivotal decade with confidence at the current stage you are in. Your 50s can indeed be a transformative period of growth and fulfillment. With the support of Helena and Brian Collins at Life in Synergy, you can navigate this journey with clarity and purpose, crafting a life and legacy that truly reflects who you are. Their decades of experience in holistic wellness make them invaluable life guides, helping you create balanced and meaningful life experience ( at 50 and beyond or 20 and beyond).

Embrace this opportunity to grow, transform, and leave a lasting impact. 🌳❤️

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How Unresolved Subconscious Memories Impact Your Energy Field: Breaking the Cycle

Learn how unresolved subconscious memories impact your energy field, causing repetitive life patterns. Discover healing techniques and transformation programs offered by Life in Synergy's Helena and Brian Collins

Have you ever wondered why certain patterns seem to repeat in your life, despite your best efforts to change?

It's as if the same situations, people, and challenges keep cropping up, no matter what you do. This phenomenon isn't just a coincidence; it has deep roots in the relationship between our unresolved subconscious memories and the human energy field. Our subconscious mind is like a vast reservoir, storing every experience, emotion, and memory we've ever encountered. Many of these memories are unresolved, often because they were too painful or confusing to process fully at the time they occurred. These unresolved memories don't just fade away; they linger, imprinting their energy onto our subconscious.

The human energy field, also known as the aura, chi, ki, mana or prana body is a complex and dynamic blueprint of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states. It is constantly in flux, influenced by our thoughts, feelings, and interactions with the world around us. Unresolved subconscious memories act like hidden programs within this energy field, subtly influencing our (all) behaviors, reactions, and overall energetic state.

When unresolved memories linger in our subconscious, they leave energetic imprints. These imprints act as filters through which we perceive and interact with the world. For example, if someone experienced rejection in the past and hasn't fully resolved the associated emotions, this unresolved energy might imprint on their energy field, leading them to subconsciously anticipate or even attract similar experiences of rejection in the future.

Repetition of Past Events to tell us to WAKE UP!!!!!

This imprinting of past energies can cause a repetition of past events. The unresolved energy shapes our thoughts, beliefs, and actions, creating a feedback loop where similar experiences are drawn into our lives. It's as if the universe is giving us repeated opportunities to address and heal these unresolved aspects of ourselves. Until we bring these subconscious memories to light and resolve their energy, we remain caught in these repetitive cycles.

The key to breaking these cycles lies in healing and transforming the unresolved energies within our subconscious. This process involves:

  1. Awareness: Recognizing the patterns in our lives and the possibility that they are rooted in unresolved subconscious memories.

  2. Reflection: Exploring and understanding the source of these memories and the emotions tied to them.

  3. Release: Using techniques such as The Apex Life in Synergy program, EFV Keys, or one on one video sessions with Helena Collins help to transmute trapped energies and transform our responses to these memories.

At Life in Synergy, we understand the profound impact that unresolved subconscious memories can have on your energy field and your life. Helena and Brian Collins offer specialized enlightenment programs designed to help you identify and release these hidden imprints, freeing you from the cycles of the past. Through their award winning expert guidance and transformative practices, you can achieve a balanced energy field and a harmonious, empowered life. If you're ready to break free from the past and step into your true potential, explore the enlightenment programs at Life in Synergy. Together, we can create a future that aligns with your highest self, free from the shadows of unresolved memories.

By understanding and addressing the deep connections between our subconscious memories and our energy field, we can transform our lives and stop the repetition of past events. Embrace the journey of healing and enlightenment with Life in Synergy, and discover the power of living in harmony with your true self.

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Exploring the Multiverse of Spirituality: How to Navigate Belief Systems Across Space-Time

Dive into the complexities of multiverse spirituality with Life in Synergy. Discover how Helena and Brian Collins help align your beliefs across dimensions, reducing cosmic confusion and fostering inter-dimensional harmony. Explore courses that balance your spiritual selves and embrace the cosmic joke with humor and insight

Welcome to another mind-bending exploration at Life in Synergy!

Today, we're diving into the complex cosmos of multiverse spirituality—a theory that could stretch your soul's yoga mat across dimensions! Imagine a reality where every choice you make splits your path into a new universe, each with its own spiritual Netflix subscription filled with endless genres of belief systems. It’s not just about choosing between tea or coffee anymore; it’s about selecting which cosmic narrative your spiritual self subscribes to in that universe!

The Cosmic Soup of Utter Confusion

In the vast cafeteria of the multiverse, every tray carries dishes flavored with different cultural and spiritual beliefs. But here’s the catch: sometimes the flavors mix, and we end up with a crappy tasting confusion casserole. This happens when the beliefs from parallel realities seep into each other, creating ripples of confusion across space-time. Suddenly, you’re a vegan in one universe and a meat-lover in another—talk about a dietary dilemma!

These ripples can cause a cosmic conundrum, making it challenging for our multiverse selves to find a consistent spiritual grounding. One version of you might be meditating under a Bodhi tree, while another is busy worshiping the old Norse gods. You could be getting spiritual signals crossed, leading to some hilarious existential mix-ups. Imagine trying to use Buddha’s teachings at a Viking raid or applying the Art of War in a peaceful ashram!

Tying it All Together with Life in Synergy

This is where Helena and Brian Collins come in this lifetime on good ol’ Earth, your trusty navigators through the spiritual multiverse. At Life in Synergy, they don't just help you balance your body or your diet—they help you balance your multiversal selves. Their courses are designed not just to address the spiritual needs of this universe but to harmonize your essence across the entire cosmos.

In the end though, multiverse spirituality isn't just about exploring different spiritual paths; it’s about understanding that each path could be right in its own universe. It teaches us tolerance and expands our perspectives, showing us that in the grand scheme of things, we’re all just trying to find our way through the spiritual cosmos—no matter which universe we’re in.

So, why not understand the chaos? Sign up for a course at Life in Synergy and start synergizing your spiritual selves. Remember, in the grand cosmic joke, you’re allowed to laugh—just make sure all versions of you get the joke!

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The Cleansing Spiritual Effects of Rain on the Human Psyche

Explore the captivating moment when we all regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation, unite under a light rain to look up towards the heavens with multi award winning wellness Mentor from Boston Helena Collins. This blog delves into themes of unity and spiritual reflection.

In the quiet that follows the initial rumble of a thunderstorm, there exists a profound spiritual resonance that rain imparts to the human spirit.

The soft patter of raindrops on rooftops and leaves serves as a soothing symphony, orchestrating a moment of deep introspection and emotional cleansing. Rain, with its purifying essence, symbolizes the washing away of life's clutter and chaos. As it nourishes the earth, so too does it cleanse our thoughts, providing a slate as fresh as the washed streets. This natural purifier encourages us to release our pent-up worries and stale energies, fostering a space where new intentions can flourish. The reflective sheen of rain-soaked surfaces mirrors our capacity for introspection. Enclosed indoors, the sound of raindrops beckons us to delve into deeper contemplation of our lives and our paths. This enforced pause in our daily routines is an invitation to reflect on what truly nourishes our souls and to reconsider the paths we choose to walk.

Contrary to the often negative connotation of melancholy, rain invites us to find comfort in this gentle sadness. There's a soothing, almost healing quality to acknowledging the soft blues within us, allowing the rain's gentle rhythm to guide us through our emotional landscapes. It's in these moments that many experience profound epiphanies and spiritual awakenings. Rain's impact extends beyond our inner worlds, deepening our connection with nature and the cycle of life. The fresh scent of rain on soil, known as petrichor, has a grounding effect, reminding us of our place within the natural world. This connection can enhance our spiritual awareness, reinforcing our sense of belonging to a larger, intricate ecosystem.

Wrapping it up, simply put, rain epitomizes rebirth and regeneration.

Just as landscapes burst with life after a rainfall, our spirits too can experience a rebirth, filled with renewed energy and a refreshed perspective. This cycle of renewal is vital in our spiritual journey, each rainfall providing an opportunity to grow, adapt, and evolve. In every drop of rain, there is a potential for emotional and spiritual rejuvenation. It offers a moment to pause, reflect, and reconnect, not only with ourselves but with the world around us. So the next time the skies darken and the clouds weep, embrace the rain's lesson: to wash away the old and nourish the new within each of us.

So take a moment to listen to the rainfall ( when you have a chance).

Helena and Brian Collins

Life in Synergy.com

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