The Martian Chronicles: Why My Neighbor's Rocket is Bigger than Mine

…We're tiny specks on a tiny speck, floating in a vast cosmic ocean. We've got the tech to start anew, but we're stuck in the old ways. Maybe instead of building higher walls or bigger cock rockets, we should work on expanding our consciousness. On understanding that no one here is worse, none are better... we're all equal to. Because, dear readers, at the end of the day, what's the point of conquering new worlds if we can't conquer our own need to be 'better' than someone else?

Life on Mars illustration apex life in synergy

The Martian Ego.

Hello Earthlings and Martians alike!

Today, we bring you a tale from the Red Planet, where the dust is redder, the sky is stranger, but the people... oh, they're just the same.

So, here I am, a new Martian. I left Earth thinking I'd escape the rat race, but guess what? The rats have spaceships now! And they're racing on Mars. You see, I thought technology would be our savior. We've got AI that can cook, clean, and practically do a backflip. But can it teach Mr. Zog from the next crater how to not flaunt his new anti-gravity boots? Nope.Then there's me, trying to meditate under the two suns (yes, Mars has two suns now, didn't you get the memo?). But how can one find inner peace when every five minutes there's a commercial rocket zooming past telling me to purchase the latest mind thought download via the amaz-mars-tesl-probe droids, greatly disturbing my chakras!

We've got it all here – Martian malls, zero-gravity exercise, interplanetary internet. But guess what's also tagging along from Earth? Egos. Big, giant, space-helmet-sized egos.

I overheard a conversation the other day. One ego filled “Martian” was bragging about his new solar-powered mansion that's apparently visible from Earth. I mean, why stop at the Joneses when you can make the whole Earth jealous, right? And that's when it hit me. We're out here, millions of miles from home, trying to be 'better' than the next person or even wayyyyy better than those “Earthlings” back on home planet 1.0.

But why?

We're tiny specks on a tiny speck, floating in a vast cosmic ocean. We've got the tech to start anew, but we're stuck in the old ways. Maybe instead of building higher walls or bigger cock rockets, we should work on expanding our consciousness. On understanding that no one here is worse, none are better... we're all equal to. Because, dear readers, at the end of the day, what's the point of conquering new worlds if we can't conquer our own need to be 'better' than someone else?

So, let's put aside those age-old agendas. Instead of looking at the next big thing, let's see each other. Because if we don't, we might just end up being a bunch of technologically advanced, spiritually bankrupt heading towards extinction Martians. And that certainly isn’t “new” or “cutting edge” tech and who wants that? So maybe the big tech is the tech you have inside you right now WAITING to be updated…..and imagine not updating that software for 10-20-30-40-50-60 years? Talk about a security hazard!!!

Want to get to know the greatest tech ever….the tech inside of you?

Then start your Apex Life in Synergy Journey NOW. Maybe the more “Earthlings” we get to understand themselves on Earth, the less vacant, lost and repetitive destructive subconscious energies will be “imported” to our future homes out in space.

Helena and Brian

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Macro and Micro Consciousness: The Collective Mindsets

Cultural and Societal Influence: Macro consciousness is shaped by cultural, societal, and historical contexts. For instance, the collective consciousness of a nation is influenced by its history, traditions, and shared experiences, like a national tragedy or a period of significant prosperity……

Macro consciousness can be likened to a vast, interconnected web of thoughts, emotions, and experiences shared among larger groups – be it communities, societies, or even humanity as a whole.

This concept is not just about shared beliefs and values; it’s an exploration of collective experiences and the communal psyche.

Cultural and Societal Influence: Macro consciousness is shaped by cultural, societal, and historical contexts. For instance, the collective consciousness of a nation is influenced by its history, traditions, and shared experiences, like a national tragedy or a period of significant prosperity.

Global Consciousness: In a broader sense, macro consciousness can extend to a global scale, reflecting the shared experiences and challenges of humanity, such as climate change awareness or global pandemics.

Technological Impact: The advent of the internet and social media has significantly amplified and altered macro consciousness, creating a more interconnected global community.

Micro Consciousness: The Individual Experience

Micro consciousness, in contrast, is the individual's internal experience – their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and perceptions. It’s the personal lens through which one views the world, shaped by personal experiences, upbringing, and individual traits.

Personal Perception and Reality: Micro consciousness is deeply personal, often subjective, and can vary greatly from one individual to another. It's how we interpret and react to our immediate environment and personal experiences.

Influence of Environment: While unique, micro consciousness is also influenced by the external world – including the macro consciousness of one's community or society.

Spiritual and Psychological Dimensions: Micro consciousness also encompasses the spiritual and psychological journey of an individual, reflecting their inner growth, challenges, and realizations.

Intersection and Interplay

The most fascinating aspect is the interaction between these two forms of consciousness. They are not isolated but deeply interconnected.

  • Influence of Macro on Micro: Societal norms, cultural beliefs, and collective experiences significantly shape an individual's perspective and life choices.

  • Contribution of Micro to Macro: Conversely, the collective consciousness is a tapestry woven from individual threads. Each personal experience, idea, and belief contributes to the larger picture.

  • Evolution and Change: Both forms of consciousness are dynamic and evolve over time. Changes in macro consciousness can lead to significant shifts in individual perspectives, and vice versa.

  • Spiritual Perspective: From a spiritual standpoint, this interplay can be seen as a dance between the individual soul and the universal spirit. Both are essential to understanding the complete picture of human existence and experience.

Hmmmmm, macro and micro consciousness are two sides of the same coin, each reflecting and influencing the other.

The study of these concepts not only offers insights into human behavior and societal dynamics but also provides a deeper understanding of the individual's place within the larger scheme of existence. This interplay is crucial for personal growth and collective evolution, embodying the essence of both individual uniqueness and universal interconnectedness. Apex Life in Synergy online study of the self addresses a vast array of knowledge from a person who simply is reguritating information, no repackaging… owe it to yourself in your lifetime to discover who you can become.

You may think that Life in Synergy® offers just another “self help” program, but think for one second that when you pass away and you meet ascended beings. These masters of energy ask “ Did you HELP shape reality on earth or did you replay the past?” We have walked the walk for the past 30 years and NEVER deviated from the tasks at hand despite headwinds of Cyclonic proportions…so we are not bullshitting at all, we know that there is MUCH to all of this.

The time is NOW to shift the future, or sit on a tack and complain for the rest of your life…

Helena and Brian

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Women's Wellness Programs: The Key to Focus and Enlightenment

Women, in particular, face unique challenges as they juggle career, family, and personal life. With increasing demands on their time, it is more important than ever to promote wellness programs specifically tailored to…..

It's no secret that our fast-paced modern lives often come at the expense of our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Women, in particular, face unique challenges as they juggle career, family, and personal life. With increasing demands on their time, it is more important than ever to promote wellness programs specifically tailored to women's needs. In this blog post, we will explore the need for women's wellness programs to aid with focus and enlightenment, highlighting the benefits they offer and sharing tips on how to find the right program.

Why Focus on Women's Wellness Programs?

  1. Unique Challenges: Women's lives are characterized by multiple roles and responsibilities, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and a lack of focus. Wellness programs designed specifically for women can address these challenges, helping them regain balance and find inner peace.

  2. Hormonal Balance: Hormonal fluctuations are a natural part of a woman's life, which can affect mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. Tailored wellness programs like Helena Collins Apex Life in Synergy can help women learn how to manage these fluctuations and maintain a sense of equilibrium.

  3. Empowerment: Women's wellness programs often focus on empowerment and self-discovery. These programs can help women reconnect with their inner selves, building confidence and resilience in the face of adversity.

  4. Support and Community: By participating in a women's wellness program, women can find a sense of belonging and support from like-minded individuals who understand their unique struggles and challenges.

Benefits of Life in Synergy’s Women's Wellness Programs

  1. Improved Focus: Through mindfulness practices, SFM, and meditation, women's wellness programs help to cultivate focus and clarity, allowing participants to better manage their daily tasks and responsibilities.

  2. Enhanced Mental Well-being: Wellness programs can help women cope with stress, anxiety, and depression by teaching them various relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, and other coping mechanisms.

  3. Physical Health: By incorporating physical activities such as SFM, women's wellness programs can help improve overall physical health, boosting energy levels and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

  4. Emotional Balance: Through workshops on emotional intelligence, self-compassion, and communication, wellness programs can help women navigate their emotions and maintain emotional balance.

  5. Spiritual Growth: Many women's wellness programs incorporate spiritual practices and teachings, helping participants to connect with their inner selves and experience a sense of enlightenment and spiritual growth.

Finding the Right Women's Wellness Program

  1. Assess Your Needs: Before embarking on a wellness program, consider your personal goals and needs. Are you looking to improve your physical health, enhance your mental well-being, or explore your spirituality?

  2. Research: Explore various wellness programs, paying attention to their focus, methodology, and instructors. Look for reviews and testimonials to get a sense of what to expect.

  3. Try Before You Commit: Many wellness programs offer introductory classes or workshops. Use these opportunities to gauge whether a particular program aligns with your needs and goals.

  4. Community and Support: Seek out programs that offer a supportive community, as this can significantly enhance your overall experience and help you stay committed to your wellness journey.

The need for women's wellness programs to aid with focus and enlightenment is more relevant now than ever before.

By addressing the unique challenges faced by women and providing a supportive environment to foster personal growth, these programs can help women achieve greater balance, clarity, and inner peace. Do your research, find a program that resonates with you, and begin your journey towards a healthier, more focused, and enlightened life.


Come learn from Boston’s multi award winning wellness master ( with over 40 years of experience) Helena Collins.

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