The Spiritual Cost of Human Rights Inequalities: Breaking Free from Energetic Stagnation
Explore how transcending physical and societal barriers can lead to spiritual growth and unity. Discover the profound impact of equality across all races and genders on our collective consciousness and spiritual journeys with consciousness educators Helena and Brian Collins of Life in Synergy®
In the vast, interwoven tapestry of human existence, every thought, action, and belief pulses through the collective consciousness, leaving energetic imprints that transcend time and space.
Yet, amid this intricate dance of energies, certain patterns of thought have solidified into rigid structures, creating stagnation that affects us on both a personal and a global scale. One of the most pervasive and energetically taxing patterns is the belief in inequality—based on socioeconomic status, race, gender, and religion. This belief not only undermines human rights but also binds us to a cycle of spiritual lethargy and karmic debt.
At its core, the belief that one person is inherently superior to another based on external differences is a manifestation of fear and ignorance. Historically, these beliefs have been used to justify and maintain power structures, with those at the top benefitting from the suppression and control of others. This has created an energetic imbalance, where the oppression and suffering of some feeds the illusion of superiority and entitlement in others. The energetics of inequality are deeply entrenched in the collective human psyche, repeating through generations like a broken record. This cycle is not just a reflection of individual biases but a systemic issue, woven into the very fabric of our societies through laws, cultural norms, and institutional practices.
Every time we engage in or tolerate discrimination, we deposit more of these dense, stagnant energies into our collective field. This not only perpetuates physical and social injustices but also hampers our spiritual growth. Like clouds blocking the sun, these heavy energies obscure our true nature, which is divine, interconnected, and free from earthly hierarchies. The belief in superiority based on race, wealth, gender, or creed acts like chains that weigh down our spirits, preventing us from rising to higher states of consciousness. It fosters division rather than unity, conflict instead of compassion, and materialism over spiritual enrichment.
The Ultimate Currency: Spiritual Wealth 😇
In the grand journey of the soul, material achievements, and external validations fade away, leaving only the essence of our experiences and the purity of our consciousness. The only "bank account" that transcends physical existence is our spiritual one, filled through acts of love, kindness, understanding, and the pursuit of truth. When we depart from this physical plane, we carry nothing of our earthly accumulations. No wealth, accolades, or physical structures accompany us; only the vibrations of our deeds and thoughts resonate through eternity. If you find within yourself any residues of prejudice based on race, sex, religion, or social status, consider this an invitation to delve deeper into your spiritual practice. Reflect on these prejudices as mere illusions, shadows cast by outdated beliefs that no longer serve us. Each acknowledgment and release of these limiting beliefs is a deposit into your spiritual bank account, an investment in your eternal journey toward enlightenment.
As spiritual beings having a human experience, our challenge and opportunity is to dissolve these old patterns and replace them with vibrations of unconditional love and equality. Engage in dialogues that bridge differences, educate yourself and others about injustices, and embody the change you wish to see. Every step taken in awareness and love not only heals the individual but also reverberates throughout the cosmos, easing the energetic stagnation and brightening the collective consciousness.
So that is it in a nutshell( whatever that means) , the journey toward healing our world's energetic imbalances begins with each of us. By addressing the root spiritual causes of inequality and discrimination, we pave the way for a more harmonious and spiritually prosperous existence. Remember, the richest account you can hold is measured not in currency, but in the boundless realms of spiritual growth and enlightenment. Let us make deposits of compassion and unity into our eternal bank account, ensuring a legacy of love that echoes through eternity.
Helena and Brian Collins
Life in Synergy® Inc.
Breaking Free and Rediscovering Yourself: The Journey of Transformation
Explore the true story of “Lily”, who transformed her life by losing weight but struggled with her new identity due to family pressure. Discover insights on balancing personal change with social acceptance and how to truly embrace a new version of yourself with Boston’s Multi Award winning wellness Mentor Helena Collins.
In the quest for personal transformation, we often dream of shedding our past selves like an old skin, hoping to emerge refreshed, renewed, and vibrant.
Yet, the journey towards this renewal is seldom a straight path. It is fraught with challenges that test our resolve, our self-esteem, and our deepest beliefs about who we are and who we can be.
The following story of one of our old clients, whom we'll call "Lily," at Life in Synergy perfectly illustrates this complex dance of transformation. In the late 1990s, Lily came to us at our former brick and mortar studio on Newbury Street in Boston with a goal that resonates with many: she wanted to lose weight. But beneath her initial goal was a deeper, more profound aspiration—to rediscover herself and break free from the clutches of her accepted old habits and self-perceptions. With determination and endless support , Lily embarked on her journey with us. Months of dedication and hard work paid off. Lily not only met her weight loss goal at Life in Synergy but exceeded it. With My multi award winning Synergistics Fitness Method®, she sculpted a new amazing version of herself that she had only imagined in her dreams.
However, this new reflection in the mirror, though celebrated by many, felt alien to Lily’s family.
The transformation was so significant that she found herself struggling to reconcile her new physical state with her old internal identity. As Lily adapted to her new self, the positive reactions from those around her began to pour in. Her family, accustomed to the old Lily ( and her feelings of insecurity) however expressed their concerns. They suggested she was "too skinny," echoing their discomfort with the unfamiliar change. Despite her achievements, the pressure to revert to her former self intensified, feeding into Lily's insecurities and fears. The tug-of-war between her new self and the comforting familiarity of her old identity became too much to bear. Eventually, Lily succumbed to these pressures began to miss many of her appointments, and gradually returned to her old patterns that her family desired and she quit coming to the studio and regained the weight she had fought so hard to lose.
Lily’s story is a powerful parable about the human struggle with change.
It underscores a profound truth: letting go of who we were is terrifying, even when we desire nothing more than to evolve. Our past selves, with all their flaws and comforts, often provide a confusing sense of identity and belonging. The challenge, then, is not merely in shedding the physical or behavioral traits but in redefining who we are in the eyes of our communities (family, friends, co-workers, etc) and, most importantly, in our own hearts. The parable of Lily teaches us that the journey to self-transformation is as much about building resilience against external pressures as it is about changing ourselves, for ourselves. It highlights the necessity of a supportive environment that nurtures our new selves without alienating us from our roots. True transformation requires a synergy of self-belief, community support, and a deep, unwavering faith in our ability to change the course of our lives.
For those of us on a path of personal transformation, let Lily's story be a reminder: hold onto your vision with compassion for your past selves, and step forward with courage, even when the road of your life twists unexpectedly and may be influenced by the poor driving instructions of outside sources. Remember, every version of you has contributed to who you are today and will become tomorrow. Lily’s case of “family override” made me go deeper into discovery of pattern energies back in 2001 and for the past 23 years, I have been perfecting the facets of ascension power and levels of release and now have them all available in my online program Apex Life in Synergy.
Embrace your journey, knowing that each step, forward or backward, is a part of your unique path to discovering your truest self and discover how to unlock and trust your your voice to create your reality.
Helena Collins-2x Best of Boston Winner
Creator Multi Award Winning Synergistics Fitness Method®
Author of the 5 Star rated Nutritional Alignment Book
The Power of "No"-ing: Embracing Your No- Energy field.
Discover the empowering importance of saying no and how setting personal boundaries can significantly improve your mental health and well-being. Learn tips from Helena Collins on how to politely refuse and embrace the benefits of selective engagement.
In a world that constantly pushes us towards the "yes" – yes to more work, yes to social expectations, and yes to endless commitments – discovering the power of "no" can be a transformative journey.
"No" is not just a word; it's a complete sentence, a declaration of sovereignty over your own life. It's about stepping into a state of "no-state" energy, where you give yourself permission to honor your limits, listen deeply to your intuition, and choose paths that align with your highest good.
Understanding No-State Energy
No-state energy is about being in alignment with your true self. It's a state where you're not swayed by the external pressures to conform or please. Instead, you're guided by an inner knowing, a compass that directs you towards choices that resonate with your soul's purpose. When you embody no-state energy, you're in a space of clarity and discernment. You can see beyond the immediate allure of opportunities and invitations, sensing deeply whether they serve your highest interests and spiritual growth.
The Benefits of Being in a No-State
Clearer Boundaries: Learning to use "no" power helps you establish healthy energetic boundaries, safeguarding your energy and emotional well-being. It's about respecting yourself enough to decline what doesn't serve you.
Deeper Self-Knowledge: Each "no" is an opportunity to understand your desires, fears, and values more deeply. It's a practice in self-reflection and honesty.
Increased Presence and Mindfulness: Being selective about your commitments allows you to be more present and engaged with the activities and relationships that truly matter to you.
Empowerment: Saying "no" is an act of empowerment. It reaffirms your ability to make choices and take control of your life's direction.
How to Stay in a State of "No-ing"
Listen to Your Intuition: Your intuition is a powerful guide. If something feels off, it probably is. Trust that inner voice.
Practice Mindfulness with the Apex Life in Synergy program: Stay connected with your feelings and emotions. Mindfulness helps you recognize when you're overextending yourself.
Communicate Clearly and Kindly: You can say "no" with kindness and respect, leaving no room for guilt or misunderstanding.
Reflect on Your Values: Regularly revisit your values and priorities. They will help you discern which opportunities align with your path.
Embrace Discomfort: Saying "no" can be uncomfortable, especially at first. Recognize that discomfort is part of growth.
Living in a state of "no" is not about negativity or closing yourself off to the world. It's about making intentional choices, honoring your energy, and aligning with your spiritual journey. In the power of "no", there's profound freedom and authenticity. By embracing your no-state energy, you create space for what truly enriches and advances your soul's evolution.
Helena Collins
Life in Synergy®
Boston Ma
Embracing Clarity and Responsibility: A Path to real world transformation
…Taking responsibility for our past actions is equally crucial. It's about owning our stories, the good, the bad, and everything in between. This act of ownership is not about dwelling in the past or getting entangled in a web of guilt. Rather, it's about learning, evolving, and making peace with our journey. It's a step towards freeing ourselves from the chains of past mistakes and embracing the potential for a brighter, more aligned future.
In the journey of life, we often find ourselves at crossroads, faced with decisions that not only shape our future but also reflect our past.
Each step taken, every decision made, carries the weight of our history, our actions, and their consequences. It's a dance of cause and effect, where the past is a mirror to our present, and the present a foundation for our future. Yet, amidst the whirlwind of life's challenges, how often do we pause to seek clarity and take responsibility for our past actions? The quest for personal growth and spiritual enlightenment is not for the faint of heart. It demands courage, honesty, and the willingness to confront the eons of karmic challenges head-on. It's about acknowledging that our actions, words, and thoughts have power—power to heal, to harm, to transform. This is where clarity becomes our compass, guiding us through the murky waters of past decisions, illuminating the path towards healing and growth.
Taking responsibility for our past actions is equally crucial. It's about owning our stories, the good, the bad, and everything in between. This act of ownership is not about dwelling in the past or getting entangled in a web of guilt. Rather, it's about learning, evolving, and making peace with our journey. It's a step towards freeing ourselves from the chains of past mistakes and embracing the potential for a brighter, more aligned future. Yet, how does one embark on this journey of clarity and responsibility? How do we sift through the layers of our actions and their repercussions to find the core of our true selves? The answer lies in seeking guidance, knowledge, and a supportive community that shares our quest for spiritual and personal betterment.
This is where the Apex Life in Synergy Online Program steps in as a beacon of hope and transformation. Designed with the understanding that every individual is on a unique journey, this program offers a comprehensive approach to self-discovery, healing, and growth. It's not just a course; it's an invitation to embark on a life-changing journey towards clarity, responsibility, and ultimately, a higher self.
The Apex Life in Synergy program is a meticulously crafted experience, offering tools, techniques, and teachings that empower participants to:
Gain Clarity: Through guided meditations, reflective exercises, and soulful dialogues, participants are encouraged to explore their past actions and current state of being with a lens of compassion and understanding.
Take Responsibility: With a focus on actionable steps, the program offers strategies to not only acknowledge past actions but also to make amends and set intentions for positive change.
Transform: Beyond clarity and responsibility, the program is designed to facilitate personal and spiritual growth, helping individuals to align more closely with their true purpose and potential.
In a world that often prioritizes external success over inner peace, the Apex Life in Synergy program stands out as a sanctuary for those seeking deeper meaning and fulfillment. It's an opportunity to join a community of like-minded souls, all on a journey towards a life of harmony, balance, and synergy.
As we navigate the complexities of life, let us remember that the path to enlightenment is paved with the stones of clarity and responsibility. The Apex Life in Synergy Online Program is more than just a course; it's your partner in the transformative journey of becoming the best version of yourself. Let's embrace this journey together, with open hearts and minds, ready to face the challenges and reap the rewards of a life in synergy.
Your Journey Can Begin Today
Are you ready to take the first step towards a life of clarity, responsibility, and profound transformation? Join us at the Apex Life in Synergy Online Program. Together, we can turn the pages of the past with wisdom, craft a present filled with purpose, and step into a future brimming with possibilities.
Welcome to your new beginning, Welcome to a life in synergy ®.
Helena and Brian
“I have known Helena for over a decade! She has consistently provided me with a compassionate and judgment-free space to tap into my inner strength and enhance my mind and body connection. Her approach, kindness, and honesty is rare and noteworthy. I truly prosper with her in my life. With her guidance, I have been able to achieve all my goals, strengthen my faith, and have the confidence to tackle any challenges that come my way. She is truly a gem of a person, and I cannot recommend her enough.”