Patterns: the Building Blocks of the World Around Us

By understanding patterns, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and appreciate the beauty and complexity of the universe……

Patterns are everywhere in the world around us, from the stripes on a zebra to the stars in the sky.

They are an essential aspect of human perception and understanding, providing a way to organize and make sense of the complexity of the world. In this article, we will explore what patterns are, why they matter, and how they can be used in various fields.

What are patterns?

A pattern can be defined as a repeated design or sequence that is recognizable or predictable. Patterns can be found in many forms, such as visual patterns, sound patterns, behavioral patterns, or mathematical patterns. They are often used in art, design, mathematics, science, and many other fields to create order and meaning.

One of the most common forms of patterns is visual patterns, which can be found in nature, art, and many other aspects of human life. For example, the spirals in a seashell or the veins in a leaf are visual patterns that occur in the natural world. In art, patterns are often used to create visual interest and can be found in a wide range of media, such as textiles, ceramics, and painting.

Why do patterns matter?

Patterns are important because they help us make sense of the world around us. They allow us to organize and categorize information, which can help us identify and understand complex relationships. For example, patterns in mathematical sequences or equations can help scientists and mathematicians understand and predict the behavior of physical phenomena.

In addition, patterns can be used as a powerful tool for communication. Visual patterns, for example, can convey information and meaning without the use of words. In some cultures, patterns are used to represent ideas, beliefs, or cultural traditions. For example, traditional patterns in African textiles often have specific meanings and represent important cultural values.

How are patterns used in various fields?

Patterns are used in many different fields, from mathematics and science to art and design. In mathematics, patterns are used to identify and understand relationships between numbers or other mathematical concepts. In science, patterns are often used to identify trends in data or to predict the behavior of complex systems.

In art and design, patterns are often used as a way to create visual interest and to convey meaning. Patterns can be found in many different media, from textiles and ceramics to painting and graphic design. In architecture, patterns are used to create visual interest and to enhance the aesthetic appeal of buildings.


Patterns are an essential aspect of human perception and understanding, providing a way to organize and make sense of the complexity of the world. They can be found in many forms, such as visual patterns, sound patterns, behavioral patterns, or mathematical patterns, and are used in various fields, such as mathematics, science, art, and design. By understanding patterns, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and appreciate the beauty and complexity of the universe.

Helena and Brian

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consciousness, wellness, online learning, online fitness Helena and Brian Collins consciousness, wellness, online learning, online fitness Helena and Brian Collins

Straight ahead

Life is full of challenges, setbacks, and obstacles, and it can be easy to get discouraged or give up when things don't go as planned…..

We want to talk to you today about the power of perseverance.

Life is full of challenges, setbacks, and obstacles, and it can be easy to get discouraged or give up when things don't go as planned. But it's important to remember that every obstacle is an opportunity for growth, and every setback is a chance to learn and improve.

Perseverance means staying committed to your goals, even when the going gets tough. It means believing in yourself and your abilities, and trusting that you have the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacle. It means taking action, even when it feels uncomfortable or scary, and refusing to let fear or self-doubt hold you back.

I know that it's not always easy to stay motivated and focused in the face of adversity. But I want you to know that you are capable of achieving great things, and that every step you take towards your goals is a step in the right direction. So don't give up, don't lose hope, and don't let anyone else define your limits or your potential.

Remember that success is not just about achieving your goals, but also about the journey you take to get there. It's about the lessons you learn, the people you meet, and the experiences you have along the way. So embrace the challenges, stay committed to your dreams, and never stop striving to be the best version of yourself. In the words of the great philosopher Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." So make perseverance a habit, and watch as you transform your dreams into reality.

Helena and Brian

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wellness, best of boston, online fitness, online learning, habit Helena and Brian Collins wellness, best of boston, online fitness, online learning, habit Helena and Brian Collins

Breaking Free from Negative Patterns:

Negative patterns are behaviors or thought processes that can cause harm or distress to individuals or those around them.

These patterns can be difficult to break, as they are often deeply ingrained habits that have been reinforced over time. In this article, we will explore what negative patterns are, why they matter, and how they can be addressed…….

Understanding the Power of Habit

Negative patterns are behaviors or thought processes that can cause harm or distress to individuals or those around them.

These patterns can be difficult to break, as they are often deeply ingrained habits that have been reinforced over time. In this article, we will explore what negative patterns are, why they matter, and how they can be addressed.

What are negative patterns?

Negative patterns can take many forms, such as compulsive behaviors, negative self-talk, or destructive relationships. They can be caused by a variety of factors, such as trauma, stress, or negative self-image, and can lead to a range of negative outcomes, such as anxiety, depression, or substance abuse.

One of the key characteristics of negative patterns is that they tend to be repetitive and self-reinforcing. Once a pattern has been established, it can be difficult to break out of, as it can become a habit that is reinforced by a sense of familiarity or comfort.

Why do negative patterns matter?

Negative patterns can have a significant impact on an individual's life and can lead to a range of negative outcomes, such as mental health issues, relationship problems, or substance abuse. In addition, negative patterns can be self-perpetuating, leading to a cycle of negative thoughts and behaviors that can be difficult to break.

Moreover, negative patterns can have a ripple effect on those around us, affecting our relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. They can also have an impact on the wider community, as negative patterns can contribute to issues such as crime and social isolation.

How can negative patterns be addressed?

Breaking negative patterns can be a challenging process, but it is possible with the right approach. The first step is to identify the negative pattern and the underlying factors that contribute to it. This may involve seeking support from a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counselor, or engaging in self-reflection and journaling.

Once the pattern and underlying factors have been identified, the next step is to develop a plan for breaking the pattern. This may involve developing new habits or coping strategies that can help to counteract the negative pattern. For example, if the negative pattern involves substance abuse, a plan may involve seeking support from a substance abuse treatment program, developing healthy coping strategies, and building a strong support network.

Finally, breaking negative patterns requires persistence and patience. It can take time to break a deeply ingrained habit, and setbacks may occur along the way. However, with a strong support network and a commitment to change, it is possible to break negative patterns and move towards a more positive and fulfilling life.


Negative patterns can be difficult to break, but they are not insurmountable. By understanding the power of habit and the impact of negative patterns, individuals can develop strategies for breaking free from these patterns and moving towards a more positive and fulfilling life. Whether seeking support from a mental health professional, engaging in self-reflection, or developing healthy coping strategies, breaking negative patterns is a journey that can lead to growth, healing, and a better quality of life.

Let me show you how to break your patterns..


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Helena and Brian Collins Helena and Brian Collins

Evil energy is real and very sticky

When we speak of evil, we do so in the form…..

1st…take all “ bibley” ideas out of this post

When we speak of evil, we do so in the form of etheric energy manifesting as tangible events of evil on earth.

Now if you want to call it the devil, bad chi, negative karma, etc…it doesn’t matter, as you as the reader know what evil is in all forms however you see fit to describe it. But you also have to acknowledge that it does in fact exist on Earth and that in many ways it is like a virus that spreads to each new host, though, unlike a virus that invades indiscriminately, evil picks hosts that are willing to spread dysfunction through “peripheral” aspects of itself that are a beacon to the energy.

If that is somewhat confusing, let us phrase it this way…..

Evil will be pulled towards diluted versions of itself to multiply: Greed, deceit, unresolved insecurities, energies that can be exploited, as well as fears, and more. Now, this doesn’t mean that people who have any of these issues are evil, it means that evil is hungry for this type of energy to feed off. It is a slippery slope between someone being affected by evil then in turn causing problems for another person( virus) vs taking the time to dissolve the connection within So many instances over the years in our profession have we come across clients that had issues as far back as childhood that caused them to act out in later life when they became highly successful and able to cause pain and suffering for others.

Lack of control as a child? Then control others as an adult with deceit

Fear of providing for the family? Then tap the subconscious and lie to cause fear in someone else

Evil is seductive and will provide a person with a rush of stability and confidence, but just like any other drug, it will also decay the user and bring them to a state of internal rebellious denial screaming that “they” don’t have a problem and in many ways, they might even bullshit themselves to think that they are the most beautiful person on the planet. This happens when a person is encased in a vibration that is then a part of the persons being and they are so embedded in evil that they think that their actions ( despite any obvious contrary outcomes) are perfect. It is also what we called “The Elvis Syndrome” where people are around successful people but never speak out when actions go astray thus feeding the evil and allowing ego to spread unchecked.

Evil is an energy and can be addressed.

Right here, right now…care to aid the planet?


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Helena and Brian Collins Helena and Brian Collins

Knowing thyself

Are you a person others consider “even”…..

Who are you inside?

Are you a person others consider “even”?

Yet you broadcast a reality that is built on pillars of sand?

Do you hold old energies within that replay year after year and then ask “Why does this always happen to me”?

Have you read countless self-help books? Gone to the imposing figure at a seminar that screams at you to MANIFEST WHAT YOU WANT!

Do you simply want to know more about the true you?

Well if bullshit was a commodity then boy oh boy there would be a ton of extremely rich people. At Life in Synergy, we spent our decades in service of the ascension of both body and mind consciousness at our multi-award-winning studios in Boston’s Back Bay. We aided countless clients and changed the course of their entire lives.

Was it easy?

Nope….and anyone that says looking at the self will be is yup, bullshitting you. Now, does that mean that it will be hard? Nope. For us, well we took on TONS of energies from TONS of people…some good, some not so good. But even the not-so-good deserved a chance to be free and we gave it our all to aid them. With our online programs, all you have to address is you…focus on you with our amazing programs.

Life is a huge crested wave and the shore awaits us all at the end, whether you just hopped up on the surfboard and began the journey, or you see the surf break coming, you owe it to yourself to end the ride at peace.

Discover who you can become, and come study with true mentors of consciousness,

Helena and Brian

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Helena and Brian Collins Helena and Brian Collins

Each day can crush or ascend

Did you know this woo woo stuff isnt woo wooey after all?

Did you know that all this “woo woo” stuff isn’t “woo woo-ey” at all?

I mean look at the world and step back for a moment.

What causes all this bullshit that we are experiencing on Earth?

What is the source of all the hate? war? deceit? greed, envy? Now before you think I am going to get all bible thumpy, I am not…what I am going to say is something much greater than the concept of any religion, any understanding of deities, icons, etc.

I am going to show you the 1st and most important “God” that ever existed in your life and when you read about it, you will either say “Bullshit” and click away or accept the knowledge and desire to learn more. The funny thing about either of those actions? they directly correspond to the truth I am about to say.


Your thoughts are your God.

How did that sit with you?

Well, if you are still reading then you probably want to learn more.

My thoughts are my God? What the hell does that mean?

Well, if you have thoughts of money all the time….yup, that’s the God you worship in your heart. You will do anything to acquire a deeper connection to that God despite any negative realities that come with it. You will close down factories and put people out of work, you will cheat and steal from a co-worker, lie to acquire more of it, or work yourself to death your whole life to try and survive because your reality begins and will end with coveting this earthly concept of “wealth” and security.

You will pray for more of it, feel good when you have it, and bad when you don’t have “enough” of it. Money is something that should indeed have a surgeon general warning on each bill, credit card, Venmo, etc. The warning should read something like :

“ Warning: money will never make you feel satisfied, use and acquire with great caution”.

Your thoughts ( Your God) are focused on money ( in this instance) 1st, then all else.

Hate, violence, fear, homelessness, rape, religious wars, racism, saving the planet, sexism, etc…all come 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th if at all. The assignment of money to God thought is only made as a tool to show you dominant energies within yourself, you may or may not share this trait, but that is your duty to see where your dominant “God” is.

Regardless of which energy pops up, the only way you can identify it, is by being HONEST…..and we all know over the past x amount of years, that vibe is not the dominating force for humans on this planet. Also, if you say you pray to God, the big God….well, have you asked that one for money? relationship? etc…….hmmmm>

This is your chance to really discover yourself….study with us and find your true you.


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Helena and Brian Collins Helena and Brian Collins

4 Tips to Destress

I wanted to repost my tips that I was interviewed by Boston Magazine a few years ago…..with so much stress in the world, I wanted to give a few tips to help with body energy and ascension from life-sucking levels of anxiety and doom…..


I wanted to repost my tips that I was interviewed by Boston Magazine a few years ago…..with so much stress in the world, I wanted to give a few tips to help with body energy and ascension from life-sucking levels of anxiety and doom.

Scenario One: Yet Another T Breakdown or Mass Pike Traffic Jam

Instead of stewing about how late you’ll be, use your stationary time to think of something positive, Collins says.

“If you are frustrated, then create the energy of pleasure in your head. Replay a positive scenario that you have had in the past over and over for three minutes in your mind,” he recommends. “This personal life experience mantra will help to change your overall vibe and make a crappy situation more tolerable.”

Scenario Two: Work Stress

Whether it’s a tight deadline, a demanding boss, or an always-annoying co-worker, the office is rife with stressful situations. When dealing with the irritating desk-mate, Collins suggests looking inward.

“You have to realize that you can never change the other person,” he says. “If they are annoying, could you be producing annoyance energy in any way?” Take a minute to take stock of your own internal state and the vibes you’re putting off.

Scenario Three: Dealing with Rudeness

Next time your barista snaps at you or a stranger jostles you out of the way on the T, Collins says to analyze where in your body you hold that stress—maybe you make a fist or hunch your shoulders—and let it go.

“Everyone has a specific storage bank in the body that stress makes deposits to when you encounter people that pull your ‘rude trigger,'” he says. “Next time you encounter a rude person, simply adjust this area by taking a long breath, hold it for a moment, exhale, and focus in on your storage bank and relax this affected zone.”

Scenario Four: The Seat-Kicker

It’s a rule of the universe that a child will kick the back of your seat on every long flight, ever. Collins insists the annoyance can be spun into a positive.

“What I do is envision the kicks as a release mechanism,” Collins says, adding that this mindset may take a while to adopt. “With each kick, I see my tension subsiding versus increasing. I use the child’s actions to bypass a normal emotional response.”

Enjoy the above and check out our amazing mindfulness programs available to you.,,,they contain some really really good shit.


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hope Helena and Brian Collins hope Helena and Brian Collins

So here we once again resetting and restarting.

With this awesome change comes a new blog and well, found out that the old blogs cant be imported and brought into the new site…guess what? That is cool and the actual basis of our collective ( Brian and I) understanding of the forward progression of life.

Our new website is a return to the fun of “us” and the vibrant spirit of possibility and hope.

With this awesome change comes a new blog and well, found out that the old blogs cant be imported and brought into the new site…guess what?

That is cool and the actual basis of our collective ( Brian and I) understanding of the forward progression of life. It is the small stuff that stacks up and turns an emotional speed bump into a rampart that blocks your way. Dismissing any energy that pops up as “nothing” is something that should be looked at. All energies deserved to be looked at and studied…after all that is what a spiritual person really does, it isn’t simply to obtain a better life or magical experiences, it is about living in the totality of the moment and being open to all and being willing to release all.

So if you desire a new view and are ready to break the mold, shake the tree, and to be frank, dump all the old shit away with some kick-ass info….then you have landed on the correct blog. Start with us today and begin to see the world differently tomorrow.


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