Each day can crush or ascend

Did you know that all this “woo woo” stuff isn’t “woo woo-ey” at all?

I mean look at the world and step back for a moment.

What causes all this bullshit that we are experiencing on Earth?

What is the source of all the hate? war? deceit? greed, envy? Now before you think I am going to get all bible thumpy, I am not…what I am going to say is something much greater than the concept of any religion, any understanding of deities, icons, etc.

I am going to show you the 1st and most important “God” that ever existed in your life and when you read about it, you will either say “Bullshit” and click away or accept the knowledge and desire to learn more. The funny thing about either of those actions? they directly correspond to the truth I am about to say.


Your thoughts are your God.

How did that sit with you?

Well, if you are still reading then you probably want to learn more.

My thoughts are my God? What the hell does that mean?

Well, if you have thoughts of money all the time….yup, that’s the God you worship in your heart. You will do anything to acquire a deeper connection to that God despite any negative realities that come with it. You will close down factories and put people out of work, you will cheat and steal from a co-worker, lie to acquire more of it, or work yourself to death your whole life to try and survive because your reality begins and will end with coveting this earthly concept of “wealth” and security.

You will pray for more of it, feel good when you have it, and bad when you don’t have “enough” of it. Money is something that should indeed have a surgeon general warning on each bill, credit card, Venmo, etc. The warning should read something like :

“ Warning: money will never make you feel satisfied, use and acquire with great caution”.

Your thoughts ( Your God) are focused on money ( in this instance) 1st, then all else.

Hate, violence, fear, homelessness, rape, religious wars, racism, saving the planet, sexism, etc…all come 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th if at all. The assignment of money to God thought is only made as a tool to show you dominant energies within yourself, you may or may not share this trait, but that is your duty to see where your dominant “God” is.

Regardless of which energy pops up, the only way you can identify it, is by being HONEST…..and we all know over the past x amount of years, that vibe is not the dominating force for humans on this planet. Also, if you say you pray to God, the big God….well, have you asked that one for money? relationship? etc…….hmmmm>

This is your chance to really discover yourself….study with us and find your true you.



Well, ain’t that a bitch! (Says residents of Atlantis)


4 Tips to Destress