You add or subtract

So what exactly is all this “inner peace” shit all about?…..

So , what exactly is all this “inner peace” shit all about and how can the world be changed by someone who decides to look within with Life in Synergy® wellness programs you say?

Well, lets start off with the concept of waking up to see that all this mumbo jumbo spiritual stuff is indeed real and not the bill of goods that has been tainted by countless years of abuse by religion, false gurus, online “spiritual teacher” marketers, cult like practices and for some reason, anyone who wears yoga pants 24/7and calls themselves “ a spiritual teacher” because they are flexible.

Now if I sound like a bitter old bastard, I am not.

What I am saying is from a lifetime of professional experience and co owning 2 highly successful wellness studios in Boston for decades. If you have cured the blind, changed the energy of infertile women to allow them to have children, ended lifelong migraines in a single session, cured life long chronic back pain in a single setting, altered the course of countless lives by only using my connection to the cosmic mind and energy field, then you can tell me to clam up, if not, then clam up and read on because I am speaking the absolute frigging truth to you.

You are a broadcast tower that sends out the signal of who you are and affects the zone you are in. To coin a phrase I said to a very well know musician client that I helped years ago with a variety of issues, whom later used my teachings in a song that he wrote “ You are one with everything, theres no where to run”.

My wife and I live in Massachusetts and as I write this blog , a story was just released saying that Massachusetts is the best place to live. In fact, Massachusetts was named the best state in the U.S. to raise a family, read here. The town we live in was also voted the safest town to live in the entire country 2x. Now is this because of us and our practices? Ab-so-friggin-lutely.

Imagine states ( or countries) where there is ongoing turmoil like earthquakes, destruction, violence, racism, deception, sexism, jealousy, greed, lies, theft, etc? Well that is because the vibe needs to be ascended in areas like that and that in many ways they are stuck in a vortex of timeless repetition by the blind leading the blind. We are energy contained in a human form and leave an imprint wherever we go and if a person is full of shit, a liar, thief, etc…then that energy will stack up upon the layers of the like and well, turmoil will be the outcome. If however, you work on yourself and your deeper understanding of “it” all, then your vibe alters ALL that is around you and yup, you then live in the best state in the country and the safest town in the country. But if you are a liar you have a liar vibe, thief? thief vibe, good person? good vibe, truth bringer? truth vibe….get it ?

Do I sound pompous?


Because I am telling you the truth?

Should I deny all that my wife and I have done as a team to change lives and the world? Fuck that!…we are awesome and you should be learning from us vs being led off a universal cliff. Remember: “You are one with everything, theres no where to run” So study with us and discover secrets NOW….as life is short.

Brian Collins THE one and only Rabid Monk

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Never again, again ( and again and again)

Never again and again and again is so easy to say…..

“Linda’s performance was unexpectedly sultry and funky, which might have been why the panel hadn’t guessed that t

his was the 63-year-old artist formerly known as Regan MacNeil.”

Now unless you are Dorian Gray,

you are aging at this very moment.

Society allows replays of old energies ( which include accepted judgments) and deems certain topics bad and others usable in conversations. Now we do not watch regularly television and haven't done so for years, but we do know of many shows that the public watches. The Masked Singer is one of them. Re-read the above critic quote from a recent episode with Linda Blair and ask yourself if it doesn’t exude agism and judgments.

Why can't a 63-year-old be sultry and funky? Is Chaka Khan either? How about Gladys Night? They seem to cover both categories quite well...

Is Cher sultry?

Angelica Huston?

Helen Mirren?

Angela Basset?

Society imprints categorical controls on the psyche and places a stamp of relevance on the said topic based on what exactly?

What group of people decides when a person is no longer a valid part of the world based on age or a younger person’s perceived attraction? Racism, sexism, ageism, baldism, heightism, fashionism....the list can go on and on and will until statements like the one above that are accepted are things of the past. You cannot have a balance on earth if the scales are tipped by "accepted" outdated schools of thought. Time ticks daily and we are all getting older despite creams, surgery, drugs ( medical or recreational), and denial.

Do you know what sultry is?

An “old person” who has lived a life of passion and discovery is one that can teach you about the triumphs of ascension and missteps of aging and how to live a long life...hopefully a sultry and funky one.

Do you want to know yourself and help diffuse collective judgments and help to diffuse collective thought stagnations?

Then take action! Study with us ( Hey we are old and getting older by the minute so we must know our stuff!)

and discover some amazing secrets, the more the merrier(world)!

Helena and Brian

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hope Helena and Brian Collins hope Helena and Brian Collins

So here we once again resetting and restarting.

With this awesome change comes a new blog and well, found out that the old blogs cant be imported and brought into the new site…guess what? That is cool and the actual basis of our collective ( Brian and I) understanding of the forward progression of life.

Our new website is a return to the fun of “us” and the vibrant spirit of possibility and hope.

With this awesome change comes a new blog and well, found out that the old blogs cant be imported and brought into the new site…guess what?

That is cool and the actual basis of our collective ( Brian and I) understanding of the forward progression of life. It is the small stuff that stacks up and turns an emotional speed bump into a rampart that blocks your way. Dismissing any energy that pops up as “nothing” is something that should be looked at. All energies deserved to be looked at and studied…after all that is what a spiritual person really does, it isn’t simply to obtain a better life or magical experiences, it is about living in the totality of the moment and being open to all and being willing to release all.

So if you desire a new view and are ready to break the mold, shake the tree, and to be frank, dump all the old shit away with some kick-ass info….then you have landed on the correct blog. Start with us today and begin to see the world differently tomorrow.


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