Welcome once again, seekers of ascension!

Today, we delve into a oh so light hearted/profound topic that reflects both our inner landscapes and the global scene: international migration. Just as people cross many geographical borders in search of new beginnings, our minds, too, have the potential to welcome new thoughts and inspirations. Yet, often, we construct mental barriers as formidable as any wall built to divide lands and it’s people.

International migration is a powerful, visible manifestation of the fundamental human desire for change and betterment. It is driven by individuals' quests for safety, prosperity, and happiness—universal aspirations that know no borders. Yet, the reception migrants receive is often colored by the invisible borders we erect around our own minds: prejudices, fears, and unwelcoming attitudes. These are the mental barriers that say "keep out" to new ideas/experiences just as effectively as any physical wall deters movement. In our global village, every act of exclusion and every wall built is a mirror reflecting our own deep set internal fears and resistances. The barriers we see and place in the world are but external representations of the internal blocks against the ever-flowing energy of cosmic change. Understanding our universal connection deepens our comprehension of not just migration, but also the nature of all human thoughts and interactions.

Helena Collins' Apex Life in Synergy: A Doorway to Cosmic Consciousness

Helena Collins, the multi award winning visionary behind Apex Life in Synergy, teaches us that to truly engage with the world in a meaningful way, we must first dismantle the internal walls that limit our understanding. Her program is designed not just to scrape the surface of our consciousness, but to penetrate the deep layers of the 'subconscious basement', where many of our unexamined beliefs and prejudices lie. Helena’s approach encourages participants to view reality not as a single layer of existence but as a multifaceted, dynamic interaction of multiple layers. This perspective is akin to achieving a cosmic consciousness that sees and appreciates the complex layers of human experience and thought and takes actions to “get out of the way”.In the spirit of interconnectedness that is central to Apex Life in Synergy, we come to see that personal transformation is inextricably linked to global changes. By opening our minds to new thoughts and dismantling the internal barriers/walls to change, we facilitate a smoother passage not only for new ideas but also for people moving across physical human-made borders. Embracing the fluidity of thought and the transience of states, whether they be mental or geographical, aligns us more closely with the ever-changing universe. In doing so, we not only enhance our own lives but also contribute to a more understanding, accepting, and interconnected world. We begin to see that walls and borders are merely illusions of separation that hinder the universal flow of energies and ideas.

Join the Life in Synergy Movement: Become Part of a Greater Whole

If you're ready to challenge your internal borders and expand your horizons, consider embarking on a journey with Helena Collins’ Apex Life in Synergy program. It's more than a personal development course; it's an invitation to become part of a cosmic consciousness that works on multiple layers to create a more integrated, peaceful, and understanding world. Together, let's break down the walls within and without, fostering a culture of acceptance and interconnectedness that transcends all perceived barriers.

Join us, and let's transform our internal and external worlds one thought, one border, at a time.

Life in Synergy Inc.

Boston Ma.


Flowing Through Us: The Our Collective Consciousness Water Crisis


Unpack the Subconscious Basement: How Inner Peace Can Help Tackle Global Poverty with Helena Collins