As we journey through life, each phase brings its own challenges and opportunities for growth.

The concept of ascension, or spiritual evolution, suggests that we are continually offered chances to elevate our consciousness and align more closely with our highest selves. However, this path is not without obstacles, primarily our own ego and judgment-based thoughts. In the spirit of growth and enlightenment, let's explore the stages of life with an emphasis on staying open to ascension and minimizing the barriers our egos often construct.

Youth: The Awakening Beginnings 🔥

In our youth, the world seems vast and full of possibilities. This stage is marked by an awakening, where we first encounter the concepts of more profound realities beyond the physical world. Young minds are naturally curious, making this a critical time for planting seeds of spirituality and openness. However, this is also a phase where ego begins to form, influenced by social conditioning and early life experiences. The key here is to foster awareness and compassion, helping young individuals understand the interconnectedness of all things, which can diminish the growth of ego-centric perspectives.

Adulthood: The Challenge of Integration 🥸

Adulthood brings with it the challenge of integration. This is where we often strive to make our mark in the world, balancing personal ambitions with intrinsic values. It's easy to become ensnared by material pursuits and societal expectations, which can amplify ego-based thoughts. The danger here lies in becoming overly critical of oneself and others, leading to judgment that blocks our path to ascension. To counter this, it is essential to cultivate a practice of mindfulness and self-reflection. Regular meditation, journaling, and spiritual study can serve as tools to remind us of our true purpose and the transient nature of physical world achievements. By recognizing the ego's voice and consciously choosing to act from a place of love and unity, we pave the way for spiritual growth amidst the complexities of adult life.

Midlife: The Deepening Journey 👴

Midlife is often a transformative period marked by introspection and re-evaluation of priorities. It's a time when many begin to question the meaning of their pursuits and the validity of their long-held beliefs. This stage is ripe for a deeper spiritual awakening as the awareness of life’s impermanence becomes more pronounced. Here, the challenge is to let go of past grievances and hardened judgments that have calcified within the ego. Practices such as Apex Life in Synergy online, spiritual retreat type vacations, and can be incredibly beneficial. This stage is about opening the heart and allowing old wounds to heal, clearing the way for higher spiritual realms and deeper connections with others.

Elderhood: The Role of Wisdom and Mentorship 😇

As we enter elderhood, the focus often shifts from personal ambition to mentoring others and sharing the wisdom gained through a lifetime of experiences. This stage is characterized by a sense of serenity and acceptance, but it can also bring challenges if one’s identity has been strongly tied to ego-driven roles. The elderly can play a pivotal role in the spiritual ascension of their communities by exemplifying how to live in harmony with one's higher self. By imparting lessons on the dangers of judgment and the importance of compassion, elders can guide younger generations towards a more enlightened path, free from the shackles of ego.

Staying Open to Ascension

At every stage of life, the key to spiritual ascension lies in our ability to remain open and receptive to the lessons we are meant to learn. This means actively working to dismantle the barriers erected by our egos—judgment, resentment, and fear of the unknown. Each day offers a new opportunity to choose growth over comfort, to choose understanding over judgment.

In the end, life is not just about reaching a pinnacle of enlightenment but about the continual journey of becoming—peeling away the layers of ego, embracing our vulnerabilities, and stepping into the light of our truest selves. Let us strive to be open, to be humble, and to be ever ascending, knowing that each moment is a step towards the infinite. By fostering a spirit of openness and love, we ensure that our journey through life is not just a trek through time, but a dance of ascension.

Let's keep our hearts open, our judgments at bay, and our spirits attuned to the subtle whispers of growth and enlightenment.

Helena and Brian Collins-Boston

Life in Synergy Inc.


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