Helena and Brian Collins Helena and Brian Collins

Flow or Undertow?

If you are willing to take the time and remove your thoughts from “reality” for a bit then I ask you to sit by some moving water. If you do not have access to a river, shoreline, etc….then how about an aquarium? No? Then how about a faucet or toilet? ….

Water is an amazing teacher and

meditative aid.

If you are willing to take the time and remove your thoughts from “reality” for a bit then I ask you to sit by some moving water. If you do not have access to a river, shoreline, etc….then how about an aquarium? No? Then how about a faucet or toilet? Don’t allow yourself to be trapped into one concept of consciousness where all things must be perfect in order to achieve some sense of ascension.

Humans just love to hold onto releasing….

I mean if I see one more “star” talk about “It’s not about the money” and how they let go of the desire to succeed and now are “all” about the oneness of being in the moment of the self where they can let go and simply “be”….( whatever the hell that means)…I will truly shit myself. Of course, they can let go…because they have already amassed huge fortunes from the latest digital fan hero fest saga or overpriced sage-scented face creams carried over sacred mountains by a golden yack or made the riches of Solomon from a pop tune that is ear wormed into your head for time eternal.

They already have the freedom to sit on their asses and tap into the facade of many “self-help” Gurus and feed into an industry that truly sells a person a bullshit bill of goods. Don’t get me wrong, money is important in this world but it has NEVER been my personal focus throughout my entire career. Even though we had a HUGE rent at our swanky studio in Boston’s Back Bay, I would treat roughly 35% of clients for free and did so for years. Why? Because who am I to deny the gifts given to me and not “allow” someone to visit with me because they were “poor”.

Fuck that….as I will always remember where I come from ( a shitty violent South Boston inner-city Housing project). So I know deep inside what it is like for someone to feel “less than”….it was my job to then change that frequency to “greater than” and I did…frequently for countless people. Now I am not up a high horse, but it is also what it is, so when I see people acting like walking prophets but are only concerned with “profits” then I have to speak the truth. I so want to have a meeting with these people/gurus/podcasting know-it-alls and say “ Hey bucko, show me your superpowers!” and if I am asked about mine? Well, which instances?

Curing the blind?

Ending depression?

Making infertile women have children? 30 years migraine ceasing after 1 visit? ( which I have done…..and on and on)

See “about us” and read some clients’ testimonials if you think I am bullshitting.

Water time

Now, what should you do with water?

Well, 1st…observe it.

Appreciate the fluidity and motion and its ability to change its state into liquid, solid, and gas. 3 states of being as one.

Hmmmmm? Triune state as one… Somewhat “Holy” don’t you think? Now ponder that for a second if you are dwelling on an issue or “problem”. This Hydrogen and Oxygen substance changes states based on surroundings and yet humans hold onto situations and want “others” to change vs seeing the connection to the whole and taking the time to transmute inner stagnations…water seems to know itself more than most humans.

Watch it support and move items that live in it, see its willingness to become whatever vessel shape it is poured into…It doesn’t “poo poo” a situation, it simply flows and becomes the situation. As you are watching ( whether it is a stream or running faucet) enlighten yourself with the FACT that you are roughly 60% water and your consciousness either impedes the flow or allows the state of change of ANY “problem”.

You are water….so stop running from yourself, you are a natural flow.


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Helena and Brian Collins Helena and Brian Collins

Knowing thyself

Are you a person others consider “even”…..

Who are you inside?

Are you a person others consider “even”?

Yet you broadcast a reality that is built on pillars of sand?

Do you hold old energies within that replay year after year and then ask “Why does this always happen to me”?

Have you read countless self-help books? Gone to the imposing figure at a seminar that screams at you to MANIFEST WHAT YOU WANT!

Do you simply want to know more about the true you?

Well if bullshit was a commodity then boy oh boy there would be a ton of extremely rich people. At Life in Synergy, we spent our decades in service of the ascension of both body and mind consciousness at our multi-award-winning studios in Boston’s Back Bay. We aided countless clients and changed the course of their entire lives.

Was it easy?

Nope….and anyone that says looking at the self will be is yup, bullshitting you. Now, does that mean that it will be hard? Nope. For us, well we took on TONS of energies from TONS of people…some good, some not so good. But even the not-so-good deserved a chance to be free and we gave it our all to aid them. With our online programs, all you have to address is you…focus on you with our amazing programs.

Life is a huge crested wave and the shore awaits us all at the end, whether you just hopped up on the surfboard and began the journey, or you see the surf break coming, you owe it to yourself to end the ride at peace.

Discover who you can become, and come study with true mentors of consciousness,

Helena and Brian

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Helena and Brian Collins Helena and Brian Collins

Lies Lies Lies (Yeah)

If you are as old as dirt as…..

If you are as old as dirt as we are, you may remember an 80s band called “The Thompson Twins”.

One big hit they had back in the day was called “Lies”….( see video).

Lying is not Godly or God-like in any way, shape, or form. The act does embrace negative forces however and does so impeccably by making a believer believe that they are not causing disruptions in the formation of peace when they lie. Some levels of lying actually feed the addictive natural hormones within, you know such as the energies of unsolved issues with parents or a deep lack of belief in self so a fabricated personality needs to be developed vs during the needed work to walk the walk of peace within to discover the inner self.

Lies bring a world of lies…the truth?

Yup, ah, duh, it sets all free.



Enjoy the pop synth throwback…..

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Helena and Brian Collins Helena and Brian Collins

After us there will be________?


Imagine you were let’s say, Ben Franklin, Frederick Douglass, or how about one of the Wright Brothers.

Could you imagine that your thoughts and actions at the time would lead to so much change in the future?

Far too often we forget that we are shaping reality through our efforts ( both good and bad). We think a closed business deal is a totality, a “great” day is better than a “bad” day or ego-based actions are “what” the world needs ( think penis-shaped rockets or deciding whatever tech social media babble is said is bond).

We want to colonize other planets and yet still haven’t stopped killing and hating each other here on Earth?

Now excuse me for being bold, but what exactly the fuck? Do these tech bro czars realize that they want to move “Earthlings” to Mars but haven’t looked at the concept of taking care of human consciousness BEFORE we do so? You don’t need an MIT or Yale degree to see that transferring a race chock full of racism and hate to another area and thinking that the same thing happened on Earth won’t happen there as well is….

Actual madness if you think about it.

We have computers between our ears, but fail to see that our brain software needs a HUGE update…we still are extensions of a hunter-gatherer mentality that discounts others to “get ours”. How long do you think that a tribe on Mars would last if we brought all our unresolved bullshit to another planet? Imagine if there was an impending disaster that would wipe out Earth and that these ego cock rockets were the arks that would be the last hope for humanity to survive as a race.

How long before the Billionaires realized that THEY had to pick up their own garbage? Clean their own pod? and GASP Treated someone else like their equal? (Insert spooky 1950s horror theme sound here). Yup…it would be the end of humanity and the blip that was humans would indeed be over. So, how about stepping back for a moment and think…hmmmmmm? Could this guy on this website I never heard of actually be correct?

It isn’t hard to see…..we need to ascend internally before we ascend to other planets physically.

Brian and Helena


Our programs to help human consciousness are right here world.

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Helena and Brian Collins Helena and Brian Collins

Well, ain’t that a bitch! (Says residents of Atlantis)

Imagine if then we are watching history repeat itself while saying “Wow it looks like history is repeating itself!” …..

Imagine if all the old legends were true?

Imagine if then we are watching history repeat itself while saying “Wow it looks like history is repeating itself!”

A global flood that changes the topography of the entire planet? Meteors that crash down and reset the world ( Hmmm, see recent NASA probe mission)…now mind you I am not even touching on all the famine, disease, starvation, etc….all “old” energies constantly get updated in each century if left unchecked. The problems that we have now couldn’t have happened 100 years ago, 300 years ago, or 1000 years ago….they are tailored to fit this current vibration.

People make the mistake of getting confused thinking “old “ energies will never come back…you know that whole usage of the “never again” mentality that says our current world could never allow past horrors to replay again…..as they are replaying right now. Humans can’t even treat each other with kindness and yet they want the complexity of the totality of energy ( past, present, future) workings. Nope, you have to do the work to ascend, it cant and won’t just be handed out.

How about this secret then?

1st….KNOW that negative energy WILL replay unless it is addressed through action….not through bullshitting. To admit this is to begin to accept a bigger picture and begin a special connection within the self. The rest? Well, you have wonderful resources on this website to begin to become responsible for the fucked up world. We all act like tiny broadcasting units…and the more that can broadcast specific vibrations and frequencies the better.

Negativity has had its grasp on our world for a very long time, so which direction do you want it to go now?…a replay of old shit again or the purity of experience known as release?


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Helena and Brian Collins Helena and Brian Collins

Each day can crush or ascend

Did you know this woo woo stuff isnt woo wooey after all?

Did you know that all this “woo woo” stuff isn’t “woo woo-ey” at all?

I mean look at the world and step back for a moment.

What causes all this bullshit that we are experiencing on Earth?

What is the source of all the hate? war? deceit? greed, envy? Now before you think I am going to get all bible thumpy, I am not…what I am going to say is something much greater than the concept of any religion, any understanding of deities, icons, etc.

I am going to show you the 1st and most important “God” that ever existed in your life and when you read about it, you will either say “Bullshit” and click away or accept the knowledge and desire to learn more. The funny thing about either of those actions? they directly correspond to the truth I am about to say.


Your thoughts are your God.

How did that sit with you?

Well, if you are still reading then you probably want to learn more.

My thoughts are my God? What the hell does that mean?

Well, if you have thoughts of money all the time….yup, that’s the God you worship in your heart. You will do anything to acquire a deeper connection to that God despite any negative realities that come with it. You will close down factories and put people out of work, you will cheat and steal from a co-worker, lie to acquire more of it, or work yourself to death your whole life to try and survive because your reality begins and will end with coveting this earthly concept of “wealth” and security.

You will pray for more of it, feel good when you have it, and bad when you don’t have “enough” of it. Money is something that should indeed have a surgeon general warning on each bill, credit card, Venmo, etc. The warning should read something like :

“ Warning: money will never make you feel satisfied, use and acquire with great caution”.

Your thoughts ( Your God) are focused on money ( in this instance) 1st, then all else.

Hate, violence, fear, homelessness, rape, religious wars, racism, saving the planet, sexism, etc…all come 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th if at all. The assignment of money to God thought is only made as a tool to show you dominant energies within yourself, you may or may not share this trait, but that is your duty to see where your dominant “God” is.

Regardless of which energy pops up, the only way you can identify it, is by being HONEST…..and we all know over the past x amount of years, that vibe is not the dominating force for humans on this planet. Also, if you say you pray to God, the big God….well, have you asked that one for money? relationship? etc…….hmmmm>

This is your chance to really discover yourself….study with us and find your true you.


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Helena and Brian Collins Helena and Brian Collins

4 Tips to Destress

I wanted to repost my tips that I was interviewed by Boston Magazine a few years ago…..with so much stress in the world, I wanted to give a few tips to help with body energy and ascension from life-sucking levels of anxiety and doom…..


I wanted to repost my tips that I was interviewed by Boston Magazine a few years ago…..with so much stress in the world, I wanted to give a few tips to help with body energy and ascension from life-sucking levels of anxiety and doom.

Scenario One: Yet Another T Breakdown or Mass Pike Traffic Jam

Instead of stewing about how late you’ll be, use your stationary time to think of something positive, Collins says.

“If you are frustrated, then create the energy of pleasure in your head. Replay a positive scenario that you have had in the past over and over for three minutes in your mind,” he recommends. “This personal life experience mantra will help to change your overall vibe and make a crappy situation more tolerable.”

Scenario Two: Work Stress

Whether it’s a tight deadline, a demanding boss, or an always-annoying co-worker, the office is rife with stressful situations. When dealing with the irritating desk-mate, Collins suggests looking inward.

“You have to realize that you can never change the other person,” he says. “If they are annoying, could you be producing annoyance energy in any way?” Take a minute to take stock of your own internal state and the vibes you’re putting off.

Scenario Three: Dealing with Rudeness

Next time your barista snaps at you or a stranger jostles you out of the way on the T, Collins says to analyze where in your body you hold that stress—maybe you make a fist or hunch your shoulders—and let it go.

“Everyone has a specific storage bank in the body that stress makes deposits to when you encounter people that pull your ‘rude trigger,'” he says. “Next time you encounter a rude person, simply adjust this area by taking a long breath, hold it for a moment, exhale, and focus in on your storage bank and relax this affected zone.”

Scenario Four: The Seat-Kicker

It’s a rule of the universe that a child will kick the back of your seat on every long flight, ever. Collins insists the annoyance can be spun into a positive.

“What I do is envision the kicks as a release mechanism,” Collins says, adding that this mindset may take a while to adopt. “With each kick, I see my tension subsiding versus increasing. I use the child’s actions to bypass a normal emotional response.”

Enjoy the above and check out our amazing mindfulness programs available to you.,,,they contain some really really good shit.


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hope Helena and Brian Collins hope Helena and Brian Collins

So here we once again resetting and restarting.

With this awesome change comes a new blog and well, found out that the old blogs cant be imported and brought into the new site…guess what? That is cool and the actual basis of our collective ( Brian and I) understanding of the forward progression of life.

Our new website is a return to the fun of “us” and the vibrant spirit of possibility and hope.

With this awesome change comes a new blog and well, found out that the old blogs cant be imported and brought into the new site…guess what?

That is cool and the actual basis of our collective ( Brian and I) understanding of the forward progression of life. It is the small stuff that stacks up and turns an emotional speed bump into a rampart that blocks your way. Dismissing any energy that pops up as “nothing” is something that should be looked at. All energies deserved to be looked at and studied…after all that is what a spiritual person really does, it isn’t simply to obtain a better life or magical experiences, it is about living in the totality of the moment and being open to all and being willing to release all.

So if you desire a new view and are ready to break the mold, shake the tree, and to be frank, dump all the old shit away with some kick-ass info….then you have landed on the correct blog. Start with us today and begin to see the world differently tomorrow.


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