Lies Lies Lies (Yeah)

If you are as old as dirt as we are, you may remember an 80s band called “The Thompson Twins”.

One big hit they had back in the day was called “Lies”….( see video).

Lying is not Godly or God-like in any way, shape, or form. The act does embrace negative forces however and does so impeccably by making a believer believe that they are not causing disruptions in the formation of peace when they lie. Some levels of lying actually feed the addictive natural hormones within, you know such as the energies of unsolved issues with parents or a deep lack of belief in self so a fabricated personality needs to be developed vs during the needed work to walk the walk of peace within to discover the inner self.

Lies bring a world of lies…the truth?

Yup, ah, duh, it sets all free.



Enjoy the pop synth throwback…..


Knowing thyself


After us there will be________?