Take time

Explore the profound message from a lone swan in our latest Life in Synergy log. Discover how the simple act of a swan navigating life alone can inspire us to value and express gratitude for our relationships.

Today's Reflection: A Lesson from a Swan

Today’s blog takes a more introspective turn, prompted by a poignant reminder from nature itself.

This morning, as I wandered through the natural haven we are blessed to inhabit—home to over 90 species of birds, along with frogs, muskrats, opossums, coyotes, fisher cats, and both snapping and regular turtles—I encountered a deeply moving scene. Among these creatures are swans, majestic birds known for their lifelong bonds. Tragically, this season has been cut short for one such pair; the male swan has passed away, leaving his mate alone to tend their nest. Observing her solitary vigil, waiting for a partner who will never return, was heartbreakingly profound. Before writing this blog, I delved into some research about swans and discovered that they mate for life, their dedication unwavering.

The loss of the male swan led me to a broader contemplation:

•How does the transition of energy from one form to another influence human consciousness each time it occurs?

•What lessons are we to learn when faced with such transitions?

The message that resonates through this experience is clear: Take time.

But take time for what, exactly?

It’s about truly seeing and appreciating those around us.

Whether it’s family, friends, or a significant others, now is the moment to express our love and gratitude. The abrupt departure of our swan, who left for food only to never return, was not planned—much like many events in our own lives. Yet, it underscores the unpredictability of life and the plans the universe holds. In meditating on this sad event, I've been prompted to reflect on the profound "why" behind what we observe. The answer always circles back to the same simple yet profound directive I often receive in meditations: Take time. You can dismiss this as mere musings, or you can embrace it and decide to take time for what truly matters. For me, today, that means spending precious moments with the light of my life, my Helena, with gratitude to the swan whose brief presence in our lives brought this timeless reminder: Cherish the now.

Thank you, beautiful swan, for your fleeting but significant impact in our lives, now I am going to pamper my Queen (even more).


Life in Synergy®

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