Entitlement and Ego: The Self-Destructive Duo

Explore the impact of entitlement and ego on personal growth. Learn how to recognize and overcome full of self syndrome for a more fulfilling life.

Entitlement and Ego Energy 101

In our journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, we often encounter various challenges that test our resilience and character. One of the most dangerous obstacles we face is when peace and honesty meet entitlement and ego. These two forces (entitlement and ego), when left unchecked, can lead to a life dominated by the full of self syndrome—a condition where one's perception of self-worth becomes distorted, leading to harmful energies that can echo out and infect to the entire world.

What is Entitlement?

Entitlement is the belief that one deserves certain privileges or special treatment without necessarily earning them. It's a mindset that prioritizes personal desires over the needs and rights of others. This attitude can be particularly destructive in relationships ( personal and business), leading to a lack of empathy and respect for others.

The Role of Ego and the creation of reality

Ego is the part of our psyche that deals with our self-identity and self-esteem. While a healthy ego helps us navigate the world with confidence, an inflated ego can create a false sense of superiority. When combined with entitlement, it can become a toxic mix that blinds individuals to their faults and makes them justify their harmful actions.

A Personal Encounter with Full of Self Syndrome

Some time ago, I had a client/business partner who embodied the very essence of entitlement and ego. This person, whom I trusted and valued, ended up using and lying to me in ways that left deep emotional scars. They took advantage of my kindness and generosity, exploiting my goodwill for their benefit. When the consequences of their (lack of) actions caught up with them and the world in 2019, they then disappeared from my life without a trace, leaving me to pick up the pieces. Years later, out of nowhere, this person reappeared, asking for my help again as if nothing had happened. They seemed oblivious to the global pain they had caused, their sense of entitlement and ego still fully intact. This encounter was a stark reminder of the dangers of full of self syndrome.

The Impact of Full of Self Syndrome

Full of self syndrome manifests in various ways, all detrimental to personal growth and healthy relationships. Individuals afflicted by this syndrome often:

  1. Lack Accountability: They refuse to acknowledge their mistakes and blame others for their problems.

  2. Show Disregard for Others: They prioritize their needs and desires over the well-being of others.

  3. Exhibit Manipulative Behavior: They use others as tools to achieve their personal goals (desires), often through deceit and exploitation.

  4. Experience Superficial Relationships: Their relationships are built on self-interest rather than genuine 1 on 1 connection and mutual respect and care for all.

Healing and Moving Forward. 👍

Encountering someone with full of self syndrome can be a deeply painful experience, but it also offers valuable lessons in self-awareness and boundary-setting. Here are 5 steps to heal and protect yourself:

  1. Acknowledge the Pain: Allow yourself to feel and process the hurt caused by the other person's actions.

  2. Set Boundaries: Clearly define and communicate your limits to protect yourself from further harm.

  3. Practice Forgiveness: Forgiveness is not about excusing the behavior but releasing the glue like thought hold it has on your emotional well-being. If you gave it your all and were screwed over for it by someone, forgive yourself. The negative Karma that comes out of a situation like that it is NOT yours…Simply address a letter in your mind, place the energy of your frustration ( whatever the situation was) into the letter, seal it, put a mental stamp on it and place it into a cosmic return to sender mailbox and mail that sucker!

  4. Focus on Self-Growth: Use the experience as a catalyst for your personal and spiritual growth.

  5. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Seek out relationships and environments that foster mutual respect and understanding.

Wrapping it up already

Entitlement and ego, when left unchecked, can lead to a life FOREVER dominated by self-destructive behaviors and damaged relationships. Recognizing and addressing full of self syndrome within ourselves and others is crucial for fostering a life of empathy, respect, and genuine connection. By setting healthy boundaries and focusing on personal growth, we can navigate these challenges and continue our journey towards a more enlightened and fulfilling existence.

Brian Collins

Life in Synergy Inc.

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