Exploring the Untapped Wonders of the Human Mind: Astral Projection, Second Sight, and Human Energy Fields

Dive into the mystic realms of astral projection, second sight, and human energy fields with Boston’s wellness wunderkind enlightenment couple, Helena and Brian Collins. Learn how these untapped powers represent the next stage in human evolution and what they could mean for our future.

The human mind is a frontier of endless possibilities, a vast landscape brimming with untapped potential.

As we journey through life, certain mystical experiences like astral projection, second sight, and the exploration of human energy fields invite us to consider a broader perspective on what it means to be human. These phenomena, often regarded as extraordinary, might actually be glimpses into the latent capabilities of our species. This isn't about being "out there"—it's about diving deeper into the inner cosmos of human potential.

Astral projection, or the ability to travel outside the physical body, is one of the most intriguing aspects of the human mind's capabilities. This practice has been referenced in various cultures and spiritual texts throughout history, suggesting a universal curiosity about the nature of existence and consciousness. Those who have experienced astral projection describe it as a profound event that expands their understanding of the universe and their place within it. Imagine being able to explore distant locations or spiritual dimensions without leaving your room. This ability, while not common, highlights the incredible potential of the human consciousness to transcend physical limits. It suggests a stage of human evolution where our awareness and cognitive abilities can extend far beyond current expectations.

Second sight, or clairvoyance, refers to the ability to perceive events or information beyond the reach of the normal senses. Often viewed with skepticism, clairvoyance is nonetheless a part of many people's experiences, offering them insights into the past, present, or future, and a deeper connection to the spiritual world. This capability might be a natural extension of our senses, an evolutionary tool still in development, which could lead to a more profound collective understanding and anticipation of future events. The concept of human energy fields, or auras, suggests that each person emits an energy field that can be perceived and interpreted by others. This idea aligns with many spiritual and holistic practices, which propose that our physical health and emotional well-being are directly connected to the state of our energy fields. Developing sensitivity to these fields could enhance empathy, healing, and the ability to connect with others on a deeply intuitive level.

Those who possess these abilities today are often seen as anomalies, but perhaps they are simply early indicators of what is possible for the future of humanity. Rather than viewing these individuals as "odd" or different, it may be more productive to see them as pioneers, trailblazers of cognitive and spiritual capabilities that many more of us might develop in the future. The evolution of these skills could signify a coming age where human consciousness expands in unimaginable ways.

Wrapping up this cosmic wonderland

The exploration of astral projection, second sight, and human energy fields invites us to open our minds to the incredible possibilities of human evolution. These are not mere curiosities or anomalies but potential stages of our development as a species. As we continue to explore these frontiers, we may discover that these extraordinary abilities are not only natural but are also accessible to many, if not all, given the right nurturing and understanding. Embracing these possibilities could lead to a future where we are more connected to each other and the universe itself, transcending the known limits and venturing into the vastness of human potential.

Helena and Brian Collins-Boston

Life in Synergy®

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Take time

Explore the profound message from a lone swan in our latest Life in Synergy log. Discover how the simple act of a swan navigating life alone can inspire us to value and express gratitude for our relationships.

Today's Reflection: A Lesson from a Swan

Today’s blog takes a more introspective turn, prompted by a poignant reminder from nature itself.

This morning, as I wandered through the natural haven we are blessed to inhabit—home to over 90 species of birds, along with frogs, muskrats, opossums, coyotes, fisher cats, and both snapping and regular turtles—I encountered a deeply moving scene. Among these creatures are swans, majestic birds known for their lifelong bonds. Tragically, this season has been cut short for one such pair; the male swan has passed away, leaving his mate alone to tend their nest. Observing her solitary vigil, waiting for a partner who will never return, was heartbreakingly profound. Before writing this blog, I delved into some research about swans and discovered that they mate for life, their dedication unwavering.

The loss of the male swan led me to a broader contemplation:

•How does the transition of energy from one form to another influence human consciousness each time it occurs?

•What lessons are we to learn when faced with such transitions?

The message that resonates through this experience is clear: Take time.

But take time for what, exactly?

It’s about truly seeing and appreciating those around us.

Whether it’s family, friends, or a significant others, now is the moment to express our love and gratitude. The abrupt departure of our swan, who left for food only to never return, was not planned—much like many events in our own lives. Yet, it underscores the unpredictability of life and the plans the universe holds. In meditating on this sad event, I've been prompted to reflect on the profound "why" behind what we observe. The answer always circles back to the same simple yet profound directive I often receive in meditations: Take time. You can dismiss this as mere musings, or you can embrace it and decide to take time for what truly matters. For me, today, that means spending precious moments with the light of my life, my Helena, with gratitude to the swan whose brief presence in our lives brought this timeless reminder: Cherish the now.

Thank you, beautiful swan, for your fleeting but significant impact in our lives, now I am going to pamper my Queen (even more).


Life in Synergy®

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Finding Harmony: The Synergy of All Things and Achieving inner Balance with Life In Synergy®

Explore how aligning with Earth's rhythms can enhance personal well-being and contribute to environmental sustainability. Discover Boston's Multi Award winning Wellness mentor with decades of experience Helena Collins and her approaches and insights at Life In Synergy, and foster a deeper connection with the energy of our planet.

In our beautifully interconnected world, the synergy of all elements—earth, water, air, fire, and spirit—works in a delicate balance, influencing our mental and physical well-being.

This profound connection suggests that any disruption in our alignment with these elements can lead to imbalances, impacting our overall health and happiness. Everything in our environment is interconnected, each component relying on the others to sustain a harmonious existence. From the trees that provide oxygen to the animals that contribute to the biodiversity of our ecosystems, there is an intrinsic link that binds us all. When we attune ourselves to this natural rhythm, we embrace a life where everything works in conjunction: a true manifestation of synergy.

However, in the hustle of modern life, it's easy to feel disconnected.

This disconnection isn't just spiritual; it manifests physically and mentally. Stress, anxiety, and physical ailments often follow when we lose our rhythm with the planet. Our bodies and minds intuitively seek alignment with the earth's frequencies, and without this alignment, we can feel off-kilter. This is where Life in Synergy® comes into play. Their multi award winning holistic approach to complete wellness emphasizes the importance of aligning with these natural forces. By participating in their online programs, individuals can learn to recalibrate their lives. The services offered aim to restore balance through physical, emotional, and spiritual renewal.

Life In Synergy offers a variety of wellness/fitness/consciousness programs designed to align your body with the earth's natural energy rhythms ( as known as Mana, Chi, Ki, Prana, or simply Vibration). These programs are not just about physical exercise; they incorporate elements of mindfulness and meditation, enhancing your connection to your environment and inner self. Understanding that food is our life force and connects us directly to the earth, Helena Collins also provides nutritional guidance to harmonize your energetic eating habits.

Join the Journey to Harmony

By integrating these practices into daily life, Life In Synergy assists in fostering a deeper connection with the universe itself. This connection is not merely about personal well-being but extends to a greater environmental consciousness. As we align ourselves more closely with the rhythms of our planet, we not only improve our own lives but contribute to the healing of the world. Actions that allow destruction and turmoil on Earth are dinosaurs of the past, reflecting the narrow minded approach of old ways and old addictions to greed, privilege and ego. At last check, the Earth was a self contained unit floating in space and not one of the residents can hide anywhere on the planet and will be ultimately be affected by the actions of a complete stranger thousands of miles away, so it is crucial for humans survival to have a better understanding of the self and how one actions ( good, bad) ripple outward to form reality itself. The actual simplicity of the origins of imbalances are simple: A person out of synergy will help in the creation of negativity, so you can see how important it is to reestablish a connection to the purity of the vibration to our unique energetic Earthly signatures.

In conclusion, achieving balance and maintaining our rhythm with the earth is crucial for our well-being. Through the holistic programs offered by Helena Collins Life In Synergy, anyone can embark on a journey to better health, deeper spiritual understanding, and a more sustainable relationship with our planet. Embrace the synergy of all things and discover how aligning with the natural world can restore balance and bring peace to your life.

Life in Synergy®

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The Spiritual Cost of Human Rights Inequalities: Breaking Free from Energetic Stagnation

Explore how transcending physical and societal barriers can lead to spiritual growth and unity. Discover the profound impact of equality across all races and genders on our collective consciousness and spiritual journeys with consciousness educators Helena and Brian Collins of Life in Synergy®

In the vast, interwoven tapestry of human existence, every thought, action, and belief pulses through the collective consciousness, leaving energetic imprints that transcend time and space.

Yet, amid this intricate dance of energies, certain patterns of thought have solidified into rigid structures, creating stagnation that affects us on both a personal and a global scale. One of the most pervasive and energetically taxing patterns is the belief in inequality—based on socioeconomic status, race, gender, and religion. This belief not only undermines human rights but also binds us to a cycle of spiritual lethargy and karmic debt.

At its core, the belief that one person is inherently superior to another based on external differences is a manifestation of fear and ignorance. Historically, these beliefs have been used to justify and maintain power structures, with those at the top benefitting from the suppression and control of others. This has created an energetic imbalance, where the oppression and suffering of some feeds the illusion of superiority and entitlement in others. The energetics of inequality are deeply entrenched in the collective human psyche, repeating through generations like a broken record. This cycle is not just a reflection of individual biases but a systemic issue, woven into the very fabric of our societies through laws, cultural norms, and institutional practices.

Every time we engage in or tolerate discrimination, we deposit more of these dense, stagnant energies into our collective field. This not only perpetuates physical and social injustices but also hampers our spiritual growth. Like clouds blocking the sun, these heavy energies obscure our true nature, which is divine, interconnected, and free from earthly hierarchies. The belief in superiority based on race, wealth, gender, or creed acts like chains that weigh down our spirits, preventing us from rising to higher states of consciousness. It fosters division rather than unity, conflict instead of compassion, and materialism over spiritual enrichment.

The Ultimate Currency: Spiritual Wealth 😇

In the grand journey of the soul, material achievements, and external validations fade away, leaving only the essence of our experiences and the purity of our consciousness. The only "bank account" that transcends physical existence is our spiritual one, filled through acts of love, kindness, understanding, and the pursuit of truth. When we depart from this physical plane, we carry nothing of our earthly accumulations. No wealth, accolades, or physical structures accompany us; only the vibrations of our deeds and thoughts resonate through eternity. If you find within yourself any residues of prejudice based on race, sex, religion, or social status, consider this an invitation to delve deeper into your spiritual practice. Reflect on these prejudices as mere illusions, shadows cast by outdated beliefs that no longer serve us. Each acknowledgment and release of these limiting beliefs is a deposit into your spiritual bank account, an investment in your eternal journey toward enlightenment.

As spiritual beings having a human experience, our challenge and opportunity is to dissolve these old patterns and replace them with vibrations of unconditional love and equality. Engage in dialogues that bridge differences, educate yourself and others about injustices, and embody the change you wish to see. Every step taken in awareness and love not only heals the individual but also reverberates throughout the cosmos, easing the energetic stagnation and brightening the collective consciousness.

So that is it in a nutshell( whatever that means) , the journey toward healing our world's energetic imbalances begins with each of us. By addressing the root spiritual causes of inequality and discrimination, we pave the way for a more harmonious and spiritually prosperous existence. Remember, the richest account you can hold is measured not in currency, but in the boundless realms of spiritual growth and enlightenment. Let us make deposits of compassion and unity into our eternal bank account, ensuring a legacy of love that echoes through eternity.

Helena and Brian Collins

Life in Synergy® Inc.

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Embracing Authenticity: The Synergistic Approach of Brian and Helena Collins

Explore how Brian and Helena Collins have revolutionized personal development with their unique approach at Life in Synergy. Learn why true change comes from embracing authenticity, not imitation, and how this has inspired many to follow their own paths to fulfillment.

Helena and Brian Collins with a Divine light beam in Colorado

In a world often clouded by the pursuit of fitting in, the philosophy of "simply being oneself" can serve as a liberating beacon.

Brian and Helena Collins, through their tireless work and the platform at Life in Synergy, have become pioneers in promoting this very philosophy. Their approach goes beyond mere “life style coaching”; it's about instilling a sense of energetic self-empowerment in individuals, encouraging them to embrace their true selves.

For decades, Brian and Helena Collins have been instrumental in transforming lives, not by handing out a one-size-fits-all solution but by guiding people to unlock their own, unique potential. They teach that the power to improve and transform one’s life resides not in emulating others but in harnessing one's innate strengths and qualities through hard work and dedication to study. To the outside observer, the countless clients transformations facilitated by Helena and Brian might seem effortless. However, this appearance of ease belies the years of experience and deep expertise they bring to their practices. Their ability to effect massive change with such grace is a testament to their decades of dedication of understanding human behavior, energy fields, spiritual positioning and the nuances of Divine change. In fact, they were actually called “The Buddhas in the room” by a very well known self-help Guru who highlighted them in 2007 and asked them to speak at a wellness conference after noticing their absolute dedication to shifting energies.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

Many who have spent time with and tried to replicate the Collins' methods have found a challenging path in doing so. It’s a common journey in the realm of personal development; the desire to copy a mentor's approach only to discover that the essence of success lies in personalization, not imitation. This realization is not a defeat but a vital step in one's journey of self-discovery. It underscores a central tenet of the Life in Synergy® philosophy: the best version of oneself emerges from authenticity, not imitation.

Brian and Helena’s journey underscores another critical insight—the value of life experience. Each individual's path is shaped by their own trials and triumphs, and while mentors can guide and inspire, true change comes from applying these lessons to one's personal context. This is the cornerstone of the Collins' approach: they facilitate, rather than dictate, using their extensive experience to guide others toward finding their own path and allow people to be themselves at all times, even if the true self they discover is well, less than ideal, but a part of the individuals journey to either be released from such negativity or embraced for yet one more lifetime.

Inspiring Individual Paths

The stories of those who have worked with the Collins are a mosaic of individual successes. From career changes inspired by newfound passions fueled by Helena and Brian’s lifework to personal revelations that have led to more fulfilling lives, the impacts are as varied as the individuals themselves. These stories collectively highlight the transformative power of being true to oneself and the ripple effects it can have across all areas of life.

Brian and Helena Collins have not only helped countless individuals by being stellar mentors; they have inspired people to embrace their personal journeys, and to foster change in others. They remind us that while the path to self-improvement might seem daunting, it is rich with personal rewards. In the end, being oneself isn’t just an act of authenticity—it’s an act of courage. Now whether the clients of these new practitioners will ever discover the absolute truth about Helena and Brian Collins being the source teachers behind the philosophies taught to and the knowledge imbued to them, is another story. The essence of the idea of the descriptive “less than ideal” as someone who simply copies without acknowledging the lineage or creator(s) will be forever bound to the projected energy of dishonesty and living off of others efforts as being acceptable.

Helena and Brian’s legacy is a testament to the power of authenticity and the profound impact it can have on our lives. In a world that often pushes us to conform, the message of Life in Synergy® is clear: there is unparalleled strength in simply being yourself and despite strong headwinds that have tried to slow their progression, Helena and Brian Collins simply continue to be the same dedicated, hopeful, silly bright eyed kids that opened a wellness business on Newbury Street in 1997 with a ridiculously high monthly rent , fueled only by the hope of creating Earth shifting ripples and their unique Synergy.

They created shitloads of positive ripples and still do so and want you to discover the power that you have locked inside….

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21st Century Sages Helena and Brian Collins: Voices Echoing in the Wilderness of Modern Distraction

Explore how 21st-century sages Helena and Brian Collins offer wisdom in a distracted world. Discover the path to spiritual awakening amidst the digital noise and find peace within.


In the fast-paced whirlwind of the 21st century, amidst the constant hum of digital notifications and the relentless pursuit of material success,

a couple of enlightened individuals— modern-day sages—are striving to impart ancient wisdom and guide humanity toward a more spiritually fulfilling existence. Yet, it often feels as though these voices of reason and depth are screaming into a void, attempting to reach a world that seems collectively to have its fingers in its ears, listening to music, with eyes firmly shut, while driving headlong into the future.

These contemporary sages walk among us, often unnoticed, their messages of peace, interconnectedness, and personal growth mingling with the cacophony of daily life yet seldom taking root. They speak of the importance of mindfulness, of living in the moment, of understanding our place in the universe and the interconnectedness of all beings. They urge us to look within, to confront our shadows, and to embark on the journey of self-improvement and spiritual awakening. Their words, steeped in centuries of metaphysical thought and spiritual practice, offer a beacon of light in what often feels like an increasingly dark world.

But why does it seem like their messages fall on deaf ears?

The answer, perhaps, lies in the very nature of our contemporary lifestyle. Our society prizes distraction over reflection, immediate gratification over long-term fulfillment, and noise over silence. We are conditioned to keep moving, to keep consuming, to keep seeking external validation, leaving little room for introspection or the cultivation of a rich inner life. In such an environment, Helena and Brian Collins call to slow down, to listen, and to connect with something greater than ourselves can seem not just counterintuitive but downright alien. Furthermore, the digital age, for all its wonders, has fragmented our attention spans and altered the way we consume information. Wisdom that requires contemplation and personal effort to unravel does not easily fit into tweet-sized nuggets or the instant gratification model of social media. The profound, transformative messages of sages like Helena and Brian Collins require time and patience to digest, a stark contrast to the fast-food information diet to which so many of us have grown accustomed.

Yet, it is precisely in these challenging conditions that Helena and Brian Collins’ messages become even more vital. The very act of striving to hear, understand, and implement their teachings is itself a form of rebellion against the shallowness of modern life. It is an affirmation that we are more than our productivity, more than our social media profiles, and more than just consumers in an endless cycle of consumption. By seeking to connect with their timeless teachings, we acknowledge our potential for growth, our yearning for meaning, and our part in the vast, intricate tapestry of existence.

The road to hearing and heeding the sages' call can be an easy one however.

It simply requires us to focus our devices on their teachings for a bit, silence the external noise, and to venture inward, where the real work of personal transformation begins. It asks us to be brave, to face our inner demons, and to commit to a path of growth that can be as demanding as it is rewarding. Yet, those who choose to embark on this journey often find themselves richly rewarded with a sense of peace, purpose, and a deep connection to the world around them.

In the end, Helena and Brian Collins the 21st-century sages of Life in Synergy® do not scream into the void without hope. For every person who chooses to listen, to open their eyes, and to engage with their teachings, the void becomes a little less empty. Each individual awakening sparks a potential chain reaction, a spreading of light that can, in time, illuminate the darkness. Our modern sages know this, and so they continue to speak, to guide, and to inspire, trusting that their words will find fertile ground in the hearts of those ready to listen.

In a world teetering on the brink of ecological, social, and spiritual crises, the voices of these sages are more important than ever. It is up to us, the listeners, to choose whether we will heed their call. Will we continue to race blindly into the future, or will we pause, reflect, and choose a path that leads not just to personal fulfillment but to the healing of our world? The answer lies within each of us, waiting to be discovered in the silence that follows the Helena and Brian Collins echo.

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