Learn the secrets of energetic drain evasion and protection of the self with Helena Collins

In the grand scheme of the universe, each of us is on a journey akin to that of salmon swimming upstream.

Our lives, much like those determined fish, involve a series of challenges and obstacles that we must navigate to reach our ultimate destination. But the waters we swim in are not just made of H2O; they are rivers of energy and patterns, teeming with forces that can either propel us forward or drag us down.This metaphorical river is fraught with energy bears—external pressures, societal expectations, and internal doubts—all waiting to consume our very essence. The key to surviving and prospering on our journey is not just in swimming harder but in recognizing the nature of the river itself.

Are we mere participants in this energetic flow, or do we have the power to shape the currents?

The answer lies in our perception and our willingness to embrace our inherent human strength. Unlike salmon, bound by instinct, we possess the consciousness to navigate our path with intention and wisdom. It is here that the teachings of Helena Collins and the principles behind the Program of Apex Life in Synergy® come into play. The tools in her amazing program not only offer insights into mastering our internal energies but also guide us in recognizing the external forces at play, allowing us to carve a path that aligns with our true selves and help to put us on a path towards a Life in Synergy®.

By understanding that we are not just beings caught in a river of energy but navigators capable of influencing the flow, we step into our power. It's a journey of self-discovery, where each obstacle becomes an opportunity to learn, grow, and transcend the energy bears that lurk in the waters. Embracing this perspective transforms our journey into one of purpose and empowerment, leading us to the spawning grounds of our highest selves where we can flourish and not wind up as tasty energy in someone else’s lunchbox.

Remember: The “thoughts of: will always run towards the dominant energies within, so before you play that energy out and simply say “ I have seen it all”…. click learn more below to discover the life long passion Helena Collins has for creating positive change in the world.


The Multiverse Within: Exploring the Synergy of Life


The Echoes of Our Inner Selves: Nature's Reflection of Internal Energy