Helena and Brian Collins Helena and Brian Collins

Evil energy is real and very sticky

When we speak of evil, we do so in the form…..

1st…take all “ bibley” ideas out of this post

When we speak of evil, we do so in the form of etheric energy manifesting as tangible events of evil on earth.

Now if you want to call it the devil, bad chi, negative karma, etc…it doesn’t matter, as you as the reader know what evil is in all forms however you see fit to describe it. But you also have to acknowledge that it does in fact exist on Earth and that in many ways it is like a virus that spreads to each new host, though, unlike a virus that invades indiscriminately, evil picks hosts that are willing to spread dysfunction through “peripheral” aspects of itself that are a beacon to the energy.

If that is somewhat confusing, let us phrase it this way…..

Evil will be pulled towards diluted versions of itself to multiply: Greed, deceit, unresolved insecurities, energies that can be exploited, as well as fears, and more. Now, this doesn’t mean that people who have any of these issues are evil, it means that evil is hungry for this type of energy to feed off. It is a slippery slope between someone being affected by evil then in turn causing problems for another person( virus) vs taking the time to dissolve the connection within So many instances over the years in our profession have we come across clients that had issues as far back as childhood that caused them to act out in later life when they became highly successful and able to cause pain and suffering for others.

Lack of control as a child? Then control others as an adult with deceit

Fear of providing for the family? Then tap the subconscious and lie to cause fear in someone else

Evil is seductive and will provide a person with a rush of stability and confidence, but just like any other drug, it will also decay the user and bring them to a state of internal rebellious denial screaming that “they” don’t have a problem and in many ways, they might even bullshit themselves to think that they are the most beautiful person on the planet. This happens when a person is encased in a vibration that is then a part of the persons being and they are so embedded in evil that they think that their actions ( despite any obvious contrary outcomes) are perfect. It is also what we called “The Elvis Syndrome” where people are around successful people but never speak out when actions go astray thus feeding the evil and allowing ego to spread unchecked.

Evil is an energy and can be addressed.

Right here, right now…care to aid the planet?


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