You have finally found the spiritual teachers you have always searched for,
no, really.
It is okay to discover (and become) your real selves.
Branded as 'odd' and 'weird' for much of their lives (Does this sound like you perhaps?)
Helena and Brian Collins embraced these labels as badges of honor on their journey towards enlightenment decades ago, A testament to their courage in defying conventional limiting norms. Their boldness in facing and transcending societal expectations has been the crucible from which their transformative methodologies were born. Helena and Brian Collins have not just overcome the stigma of being outcast because they actually care about creating peace; they've turned it into their strength, creating a decades lasting powerful sanctuary for those journeying towards self-realization.
At Life in Synergy®, all individuals on a self discovery journey are invited to shed the shackles of past energetic ties and societal labels through Helena Collins Apex Life in Synergy® Online Enlightenment Journey or Brian Collins’ E.F.V Keys: Secrets of energy, frequency and vibration. Embark on profound paths of transformation, integrating a multi-award winning holistic approaches to wellness and spirituality that truly aligns your body, mind, and spirit.
Really? These two have this knowledge?
Yup, and they have changed countless lives with their multi award winning
methods for decades in Boston’s Back Bay….yup, really.
Helena and Brian Collins
“With our multi-award winning philosophies and online programs, our mission is to empower you to embrace your true inner self in all its glory. We believe that unlocking the inner you, the one with your unique energies and talents is not just valuable, but essential to help creating and contributing to a vibrant, ever changing collective world vibration of peace and progress.”
Helena Collins’
Apex Life in Synergy®
Apex Life in Synergy Coursework and the expansive SFM resource exercise library is included in your Apex Life in Synergy Journey. Discover and Unlock the nine layers of your Consciousness and obtain a true synergy in mind, body, and soul. This is indeed the complete self help/ wellness/fitness/spiritual program you have always searched for! Discover why Dr.’s, Computer programmers, Leaders of Finance, Corporations, Lawyers, Moms and Pops, Aunts and Uncles, CEO’s, CFO’s ( and more) have changed the course of their lives through Helena Collins methods.
You are worth it! Why wait any longer?
Brian Collins’
E.F.V Keys
•Energy •Frequency •Vibration in Synergy.
What you experience externally, always begins internally
Discover how to raise your body Energy, Frequency and Vibration levels with age old techniques. Boston's healer of the stars teaches you his global secrets that unlock your untapped energetic possibilities to discover your unmatched levels of self.